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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/26/2024 in all areas

  1. Hello everybody, Would you consider to buy those shoes?
    2 points
  2. I was wondering if you notice how many men in high heels are part of the openning ceremonies. From 3 men running through alibrary, to men on a fashion runway on a bridge.
    1 point
  3. I’ve been thinking of getting one. It would be handy as I wear boots all the time and my favourite pair are really thought to get off - to the extent that I find myself reluctant to wear them. When they are in, they fit beautifully and are very comfortable - I’ve done 25,000 steps in a day in them with no troubles whatsoever. Getting them off at the end of the day is another matter
    1 point
  4. Oh yes there’s plenty of irritating people in supermarkets - the screaming child, the clusters of people chatting and blocking the aisle, the interminable queues etc. But I like to cook and picking out things to make for the next weeks dinners is always nice - I like to cook in heels, but given the fact that my walk home is usually along muddy towpaths, I rarely shop in heels!
    1 point
  5. Oh, I do not mind the actual shopping aspect, it's everyone else in the store that I mind. I do not understand why grocery shopping has to be a "family" experience that might involve multiple generations. Likewise, there is no need to leave your shopping cart in the middle of the aisle while one takes 30 minutes to decide on product "A" or "B," when, in fact, the differences may boil down to the color of the packaging. Nor is there a need to argue with the cashier over a difference of price of an item that is just a few cents/shillings. The best part of grocery shopping is when I can do so in heels.
    1 point
  6. My New Freelance stiletos Their high quality make them confortable and easy to walk with
    1 point
  7. Hello everybody, may I bring my litle contribution here? It's my outfit yesterday. Heels are from Freelance, top and short from NafNaf (all are french brands) Another look I wear this week, with Carrol pants and pink sandals.
    1 point
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