KH! Thank you for what I feel is a true heartfelt post.
One of the more positive features of this website is that each individual member has their own individual personality formed by their inner most socially unorthodox behavioral characteristics that, if generally known to others, might alter their acceptance and position in today’s society. The fact that they can openly discuss their unique characteristics with others without fear of disdainful criticism, sharing experiences as well as often receiving advice about their own personality characteristics that are not usually talked about in open discussions, makes it unique.
For those of us that possess “antisocial” desires and behave beyond what is considered as normal social behavior, whether it is living a alternative lifestyle or crossdressing experiences, etc., it is a place where we can express ourselves, relieve psychological tension all with complete anonymity, without fear of being revealed.
What is absolutely astounding is that all of this discussion takes place for the most part with a minimum of conflict, disagreement or argument. While some of the members are not fans of the leadership and others would like to see some of the rules relaxed or broadened, the fact is that there has to be an organized system of maintaining order. While members might not like or always agree with those in charge they can, as you so artfully put it “I can dislike you but be grateful for your efforts for which I truly am.”
All this being said is just my way of asking you to just acknowledge the point, take it for what it’s worth and remain amongst us as a truly revered member. You really do belong here.
I thank you for your contributions.