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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/07/2024 in all areas

  1. While walking in some rather picturesque countryside yesterday, looking at a view not too far off the road, I encountered a young lady wearing blue knee boots with about 2.5" heels - they were emphatically not hiking boots, and quite smart looking. Very citified. What was striking was that she would have been about 6'4" without the heels - must have been nearly 6'6" with them. She was with another young lady, also in tall stylish boots, who was only a couple of inches shorter. It was a surprise to see in the countryside like that. As for me I was in hiking boots.
    2 points
  2. 2 points
  3. Mark Clift’s cellphone rang.he looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Sandy Brewer, his girlfriend. He was planning on getting together with her later this evening and was about to call her and now he wouldn’t have to. He answered, but before he could ask her about tonight, she interrupted him saying that she wanted him to meet her at one of the better department stores in their community because they were having a surprise dress sale, as well some shoes and other stuff, and she thought that both of us might be able to find some real bargains. She sounded so excited and enthusiastic that I couldn’t say no. So I told her that I would meet her there and suggested that she go ahead and see if she could find some things that she might like. So, I jumped into my car and started towards the store. Sandy and me, were becoming quite close friends. We first met where I work. She is a secretary at a local bank and a part time model. One morning she was modeling a new dress by a local designer, showing at a late morning fashion show, and fell and skinned her knee while walking down the runway. I was working the show as the runway facilitator and quickly came to her aid. We went to lunch after the doctor treated her knee and the show ended. She was very curious about my appearance. I am a man who is required to wear women’s clothing while working. (It’s a long story) but the job pays very well and I don’t have any problems working wearing dresses and high heels. In fact, I’ve come to enjoy it. And when completely dressed,including makeup and jewelry, I can easily pass as a good looking woman (or so I’ve been told.) While driving to the store I kept thinking that I really didn’t need any more summer clothes because I had just bought some. But it never hurts to look. Besides I might find some shoes that I might like on sale. I am always on the lookout for heels that I can wear to work every day. It’s becoming more difficult to find good quality high heels these days. Women aren’t wearing them very much anymore. I am always on the lookout for another pair. Every since I began wearing women’s clothes and heels to work, I have grown to love them. In fact, I even wear them when dressed as a man. I often get some crazy comments when wearing them but I don’t let them bother me any longer. It’s the possibility of physical danger from unbalanced kooks that is of more concern these days. My girlfriend kind of likes me in dresses. She understands that I’m required to wear dresses at work to keep my job and has become so used to seeing me in dresses and heels that she probably wouldn’t recognize me if I was dressed any other way. Besides it gives us a lot in common. Being able to talk about women’s clothing fashions is another subject in which we both are interested — besides baseball and hockey. I arrived at the store and found Sandy inside sorting through what looked to be several hundred different dresses. I asked if she had found any that she liked? She replied that she had found three but found more that she thought that I would like because “they’re more my taste “. I explained that I really don’t need any more dresses right now but I am always looking for shoes. So, she took me by the hand and led me into the shoe department. We spent the next couple of hours trying on shoes. I did manage to find five pairs of with heels higher than five inches, to which Sandy could not understand how I could wear heels that high without damaging my feet. While she loves shoes as much as I do, she goes for really feminine styles with straps and bows, really cute, girle pairs, with lower heels. (Now that I think about it I don’t believe that I’ve ever seen her wear heels higher than 2 or 2 1/2 inches, except on the runway, since we’ve been dating.) We took the shoes that I had just purchased and went back to the dress department to get the dresses that Sandy wanted and then since it was late, drove back to my place where we ate some very good spaghetti that I cooked yesterday. Then I put her back into my car and drove back to the department store to get her car, and followed her to her apartment making sure she got home safely. Our relationship, Sandy and mine, is quickly becoming more than just girlfriend/boyfriend. There definitely is a strong attraction between us. But, this seems to me like a “slow dance” to soft romantic music where we are content to just hold each other and let the energy flow between us. It’s just too early to tell. I really think I am fortunate to have found some very nice heels tonight. And, there is one pair that I can hardly wait to wear to work tomorrow. More to come
    1 point
  4. Nothing as dramatic as your siting but I've occasionally seen women wearing surprisingly high heels while walking dogs. Along local footpaths (decently surfaced) as well as in the street.
    1 point
  5. I'm wondering if you saw a couple passable cross dressers or transgendered ladies. There are many very good looking people of such circumstances these days. Good to see in any situation.
    1 point
  6. Those boots are gorgeous!!! I wish I was able to purchase them in my size.
    1 point
  7. This is JS Dany in the sand color I’ve wanted for a while. DSW still has this at $110 but typing Dany in the Dillard search box shows these and the black at just $35 as they’re on clearance. Got the 11 and they arrived in just 52 hours. Fit like a glove. This Dany has a 6.25/16cm heel whereas the Devalyn has a 5.5”/14 cm heel.
    1 point
  8. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/9ydbt4t9rrw25z2yoilk4/2024-05-23-15.53.21.jpg?rlkey=9bxtw0fte0pno0bah3f13euxb&dl=0 Recently got some So Kate 120mm booties. I’m a bit out of practice for heels this height, but I plan to wear them out for dinner for our tenth anniversary in September, so I’m getting lots of practice.
    1 point
  9. I just saw this scene in 'The Waterboy" where Henry Winkler is depictied as the coach to the football team that the Waterboys starring on .. broken telephone cord, and high heels . Had not seen (or remembered) this scene before.
    1 point
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