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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/05/2024 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/9ydbt4t9rrw25z2yoilk4/2024-05-23-15.53.21.jpg?rlkey=9bxtw0fte0pno0bah3f13euxb&dl=0 Recently got some So Kate 120mm booties. I’m a bit out of practice for heels this height, but I plan to wear them out for dinner for our tenth anniversary in September, so I’m getting lots of practice.
    2 points
  3. Sorry, I tried, but the app I used to use to resize photos now wants a subscription fee.
    1 point
  4. Super nice looking booties! Just curious, what is the actual heel height in your size? Those look somewhat taller than 120 mm to me, and definitely more than I could manage.
    1 point
  5. Here is one I took today while out and about. The boots are Aldo, in a two tone brown, with a chunkier heel.
    1 point
  6. I like the pink and burgundy combo - very nice
    1 point
  7. That's a brilliant movie! The scene where Miss Vito qualifies herself as an expert is priceless
    1 point
  8. Love showing my ignorance. I had never even heard the words "voire dire" until I watched one of my favorite movies: "My cousin Vinny"! The prosecutor questioned "Miss Vito's' general automotive knowledge, so he wanted to "voire dire" her. Love that movie, and Miss Vito had some great heels and booties also!
    1 point
  9. I reported for jury duty wearing 100mm ankle boots once. Only comments was from the officer at the security checkpoint.
    1 point
  10. You're a rebel. Colors are vibrant.
    1 point
  11. Mark Clift jumped out of the shower, grabbed a towel and dryed himself off. When he was dry, he reached over and grabbed a pair of panties off of the counter, slipped them on and pulled them up around his waist. After a quick shave, he walked into the closet and began searching through his dresses that were hanging there. A regular dress or one of the new sun dresses that he bought a couple of days ago. A regular dress: Pantyhose, pumps, a light jacket suited for the end of May weather. A Sun dress: Bare legs, polished toes and sandals. A light sweater incase it got cool. He wasn’t in the mood to take the time to shave his legs and polish his toenails this morning. So he chose an attractive light blue dress, tan pantyhose and a pair of classic white pumps with four inch heels 👠. He picked up his brassiere, put his breast forms into the cups and put it on. Next, he grabbed his pantyhose and struggle into them. Mark took a clean slip out of the drawer, pulled it over his head and adjusted it around his hip. Picking up his dress, he put it on. He slipped his feet into his white high heels. Just a hint of powder on his face and a thin layer of lipstick. He looked at his reflection in the mirror. Satisfied with his appearance, he picked up his jacket and headed out the door. He was heading to the coffee shop to meet his girlfriend. Sandy Brewer was a secretary and part time fashion model. She was performing at a fashion show when he met her. She was walking down the runway when one of her heels caught in a crack. She fell down,ripping her stockings and skinning her knee. Mark, a fashion show “Facilitator,“ rushed out and helped her get up. He helped her off of the runway to the dressing room where he called the doctor to come and fix her up. As she thanked him for coming to her aid, she realized that Mark was a man. What’s going on here? He was dressed as a woman, high heels and all. You are a man, she exclaimed. Yes, I am, he answered. Let the doctor see about you and then, when he’s finished, I will explain everything to you. Mark returned to work as the doctor looked after Sandy. After the show was finished, and everyone was leaving, Mark found Sandy and invited her to lunch where he promised to explain about him wearing women’s clothes. They walked down the block to a Deli, found a booth, ordered their lunch. As they began eating, he asked her if she she still wanted to know why he was dressed as a woman. She said that she was becoming more curious by the minute. She said that he was a very attractive woman, dressed as he was. Mark explain that he had been working for this fashion company for over four years when the owner sold it to competitor and retired. When Mark’s old boss asked about keeping him on, the director of the new company told him that that they only had women doing the job that I was doing. And, since I was a man, Iwould have to find work elsewhere. The new director, a woman, said she had a very good relationships with his former boss and when the sale of the Marks company was completed, his former boss again recommended that “we keep you on to work for us.” When I explained to him that we only had women in his position, my old boss told her to “put him in a dress.” The new director told me that they were willing to keep me on if I was willing to dress as a woman. After thinking about it for a couple of days, I agreed to take the job and work as a woman. I was confident that I could get them to amend their policy once I convinced them that I was worthy of keeping me employed. They continued their conversation for almost two more hours. Mark told Sandy that he had been working with this company for almost three years. It pays really well and I can live a life style that I love. He said that over the time has been dressing in women’s clothing, he has become so comfortable with living that way, he has almost forgotten how to act as a man. Sandy was enthralled listening to him. She had never experienced anything like this. She asked questions a how he lived and about his friends and other experiences and relationships that he had. As the conversation was winding down, Sandy realized that he wasn’t a transvestite or transgender, he was all man wearing women’s clothes to keep his well paying job. As she gathered her things together to return to her secretarial position, she asked him if she could come an visit him at his place? She was very curious to see how much of a woman he had become. Mark set a time and gave her his address. They exchanged telephone numbers and promised to stay in touch. With that, She stood up and left the store. (more to come)
    1 point
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