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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/20/2024 in all areas

  1. I had intended to let my shoe collection remain at its present size for a while, but I ran across these Steve Madden Klory pumps in a color I don't have, which I'll call coffee colored. Coffee if you have added a little bit of cream, that is. Some might call them brown patent. The seller shot me an offer of 20 bucks, and I could not resist. I wore them yesterday for the first time, and they fit just like my other Klory pumps. Not something I would want to wear all day, every day, but good enough for cheap shoes. I have three flavors of Steve Madden pumps (four, if you count D'Orsay style), and the Klory model is my favorite for style. It features a 4 5/8" heel, making it just short of Louboutin So Kate territory, but only we would notice. The heel is 5/16" thick, and solidly built. I do not regret this purchase.
    2 points
  2. Last night, while watching the Atlanta Braves Baseball Team being soundly trounced by San Diego, I was half heartedly messing around with my IPad and opened the mail box feature of Hhplace. I discovered that it was over filled with unread messages of which I was completely unaware. Some dating as far back as 15 years. I began going through them and found them really interesting and informative. They were from friends and some members that I didn’t know, commenting on situations and subjects asking questions and seeking all kinds of advice. I also uncovered some relating to incidents long forgotten. Especially those sent by Kneehighs and Gina, Queen of heels. For the life of me, I cannot imagine how or why I forgot all about this feature. I certainly wasn’t consciously ignoring it. But, its existence just fell through the crack. And I can only apologize for not responding to the individuals that took time to try to communicate with me. I spent a couple of hours sorting things out, reducing the contents to 15 percent. So, as things stand, I sincerely apologize for not responding. And, I don’t believe that I will wait as long to check it again.
    1 point
  3. Well, maybe us men can take back our heels, seeing how women stole this fashion from us so many years ago!
    1 point
  4. Chorlini is right. Women these days are more interested in maintaining their feminity in a more comfortable style while still identifying their “difference“ wearing highly decorated accessories. Hence the popularity around here of Crocks” in different colors and outrageously adorned buckles and bows. Additionally, there seems to be increasing interest in feminizing men, dressing them up and opposite role playing. Just take a look at some of the more popular social websites. While I can’t tell the extent this trend is practiced, I can recognize the decline in “open” disapproval of crossdressing men appearing in public. Perhaps this trend can be attributed to the increased publicity given to LGBT activities by the press because lately, outside of a few short inquisitive glances, there seems to be hardly any interest in my wearing girls shoes 👞 anywhere. (For example, l wore my tan booties with 1 1/2 inch heels to Church this morning and nobody showed any notice.) Perhaps this “live and let live” attitude will prevail or even increase over the next few years. I can’t say that it is a bad thing as long as society doesn’t impose conditions upon me that require my acceptance of their sexual identity situation. My preference is to remain entirely neutral because I have my own wants/desires.
    1 point
  5. My entry for May (at Pridefest in my part of the world).
    1 point
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