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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/17/2024 in all areas

  1. I don't think there is a bright line regarding classy vs. trashy. There are so many factors that go into that equation, and a lot of it has nothing to do with the clothes, but the carriage and the demeanor of the wearer. I agree with you that you certainly can't quantify it scientifically. One inch difference on heel height by itself is not going to do it. Not being able to walk easily in your heels, on the other hand, no matter their height, counts for way more "trashy" points.
    2 points
  2. For the t-strap lover in us all...
    1 point
  3. you mention t straps.you have my attention..lol
    1 point
  4. For me, I think it is a matter of my more conservative fashion tastes. I tend to lean towards smaller heel heights, solid colors, simple cuts and lines for the office while steering clear of what is trendy. I think we could all agree that there is clothing that is unsuitable for work such as a cocktail dress, jeans with more holes than actual fabric, workout gear, just to name identify a few of the far too many examples of such. Likewise, I think that, when it comes to heels, there is a height where the line between professional and "to be used elsewhere" is reached, but where that may be is certainly subject for debate. For me, personally speaking, that is ~3" to 3.5" exposed, ~4" covered by pants, total height even if there should be a platform involved. I also think one has to look at the color/style/print/material of the shoe to determine if it is office worthy. I love animal print heels, for example, but to keep them appropriate for an office environment, 3" max height is my limit. Any height above that starts to push them into "club wear." This, in turn, give rise to the question of "Classy or trashy?" I do not know if there is a bright and agreeable line that separates the two but there is one that does exist.
    1 point
  5. There is always a place for used heels.
    1 point
  6. Well, needless to say, my vast collection of boots and sneaks is a sore point in our relationship. Getting ready to retire and want to move, downsize, cut costs. I guess it is only right that I go through my collection and donate/discard pairs I am not longer interested in or that are worn out. Will try one container at a time, next week...
    1 point
  7. I have most definitely bought heels that I will never wear out. I think I am just as much a collector as I am a wearer.
    1 point
  8. Same here but with your outfits, CAT, I am sure you are depriving the other members of great style tips! I can only do so much by myself!😍
    1 point
  9. There are so maany banks and credit unions around here. There is one block nearby with 5 insitutions. But I live in one of the most expensive places in the world. Now back on topic. I was at a meeting today. The woman sitting across the room had a pair of T-straps on with 4 inch heels. When the meeting ended, she took off her heels and put on a pair of socks before standing up. Then walked in her socks back to her office.
    0 points
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