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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/13/2024 in all areas

  1. My green stilettos to match my green cloths at work.
    2 points
  2. Love, Love, Love JS brand! I usually have had good luck with such.
    2 points
  3. About 5-6 years ago I was vindicated of a fraudulent 'MeToo' harassment charge. The accuser resigned shortly afterwards. I was thanked by many men and women throughout the organization for standing up to her 'bully' style of threatening to using the 'MeToo movement' to get her way. A couple even cried while thanking me.
    1 point
  4. Or some form of sexual harassment? I'd be surprised if in Western run companies, the #MeToo movement is over yet.
    1 point
  5. they look amazing, would love to try them out Killer outfit for sure, I'm so envious
    1 point
  6. I grabbed another pair of heels from Mercari. Officially, I'm an 11W. Most times, I size up to a 12 and get heel grips. It usually works. These, I'm not sure if I'll need a heel grip. Haven't had a chance to do more than try them on and walk around the bedroom yet so time will tell.
    1 point
  7. I went to the bank to draw out cash in anticipation of my new motorbike purchase, documented elsewhere, and one of the tellers was wearing purple suede stiletto boots. I'm guessing 3 3/4" heel, maybe 4" if she has a bigger shoe size, so pretty decent. Had I been wearing heels myself (I came directly from my construction job), I would have asked/commented, but I didn't, instead. It's been a long time since I've seen anybody wearing real heels around here. I mean, besides me. I have half a mind to find some excuse to go to the bank for the next few Fridays just to see if that was a one-off.
    1 point
  8. I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that my shoe collection is down to at most 105, possibly 104. I had two shoe failures over the weekend. First, a strap broke on my BCBGeneration Quintin wedge sandals. I might be able to fix it, I might not. This is not a super big deal because I only use them as house slippers, and there are usually more available on Poshmark or some such outlet. The second failure, and this resulted in outright disposal, is my Sam & Libby Slashlin derbies. I had mentioned in an earlier post that about 15% of my collection hadn't been worn in over a year, so I decided to dig into some of the 15% and see if there was a reason why. 20 minutes before I was supposed to be at church, I pulled on these lace up shoes and they were very, very stiff, to the point where a substantial part of the fake patent leather started to peel off when flexed enough to get the shoes on. I'm editing out a large portion of the story, but I eventually decided to wear them anyway, one last time as a farewell. They weren't bad, and actually I caught myself on camera walking and carrying myself like I think I want to, the modest 3 7/8" steepness of the shoes probably aiding in that. I got home just fine and snapped these pictures (more about that in a moment), but didn't change clothes right away. I had some errands to run, and I didn't want to change clothes just yet. I have always thought that the shanks were a bit weak in these shoes, and afternoon proved that to be true. At some point, the right heel completely buckled under, even though it is still firmly attached. Peeling finish or not, that made my decision for me. I am not that upset. There's a reason I haven't worn these much--they kinda ugly! In other news, I got a new (to me) motorbike over the weekend. I have toyed with the idea of getting a maxi-scooter for years, and now I have finally pulled the trigger. It's a Yamaha Majesty 400, and so far I love it. My reasons for wanting such a machine are several: 1) Built-in storage capacity, making it much easier to commute to work and get groceries where I would normally have to use the car. 2) It's got a fairing, allowing me to ride in more comfort in more weather conditions. 3) It's a scooter. I can ride in heels again. I will miss shifting my own gears, but whatever. The only thing that remains to be seen is the fuel economy. By all accounts, it's supposed to get up there around 60 mpg, but that remains to be seen.
    1 point
  9. I can't seem to part with these nearly worn to death heels. I have them at work this week, so comfortable. Signature brand, long since out of production. Soles are almost worn through and no idea how many heel tips have been installed.
    1 point
  10. I’ve bought a couple if things from Asos - not shoes or boots - and thought they were just ok. Not great but cheap.
    1 point
  11. Indeed, it is not easy just being ourselves! I have to wonder if Frick and Frack view as their "Boy Toy" to dress as they please. Not to get on my soapbox, but I agree with other comments about given their large size (and unhealthy condition) they may feel jealous about how I dress. I generally do not think it is appropriate for anyone to comment about what a person should/should not do unless that person can do it themselves.
    1 point
  12. No, but I do have to be very careful about what I say because it could be viewed as being discriminatory.
    1 point
  13. Even though I am a newcomer to this forum, I hope to be a serious contender. To start, a post Valentine's day dinner outfit for a fancy dinner with an old friend (Red) and a Friday "work at home outfit" (Black/white). And this Saturday is Drag Night in town!
    1 point
  14. OMG LOLOLOLOLOLO So, I can post pics but just not in this competition thread,,,,,, I will have to really outdo even myself on 12/31/24!!!!!! I missed out last time due to a lack of where I posted the pics, I would like a second chance to post in the correct thread, please! I have a ton of new heels to show and working on some great trips!
    1 point
  15. Been a bit since I have posted here. Still no changes, pretty much daily work and heeling for me. Today I thought I'd share these images. These are my ridiculously low cut Hey Si Mey pumps. Actually very comfortable shoes.
    1 point
  16. Now, back on topic. Seeing a man wearing a pair of high heel shoes evokes impressions of a man dressing as a woman which could be considered as being mildly sexually deviant in today’s society. Since high heels have been associated exclusively with the female gender over the past couple of centuries, any male sporting a fashionable pair of elegant Black Patient leather pumps with five inch heels on his feet would be an unusual sight and could become subject of intense conversation when he’s wearing them in public. While the practice has become increasingly accepted these days, it still largely remains controversial. It seems that in the past decade people have become more likely to discuss the pro’s and cons of crossdressing (which some psychologists believe wearing only heels to be) than to openly condemn the practice. Those men that have been wearing their “girls shoes” openly in public for years can attest to this measurable change in attitude, having personally experienced the “slings and arrow” rebukes, insults and criticisms intensely directed in their direction in the past. The degree that any male desire to wear female attire, whether it’s 100.% passing as a female or occasionally mixing items of women’s clothing, such as shirts, blouses, jackets or shoes, is immaterial. For the most part, the person dawning the clothes is usually doing so to satisfy their own desires and not to try to deceive or fool others into believing they are something they aren’t. The accepted norms for female fashion is much more complicated and complex than male dressing as those of us that have female partners are aware. The choice of clothing to match the event, color and proper accessories accenting “the look”, among other attributes, is intensely important. The main accessory that can “make or break” the overall appearance of the “look” is the shoes. The choices for men are is severely limited - work, play or dress up. Women’s choices, on the other hand, are as numerous as the different species of flowers. Fashionable dressed women work over time selecting “just the right pair” to succeed in accomplishing their dream appearance. The aspect that is most common to both genders, when it comes to wearing high heels, is walking while wearing them. Whether you’re a man or a woman you have identical problems. You have to learn how to walk properly while wearing them. Some men/women are natural wearers. They pop on a pair and trot on off about their business unaware they are even wearing high heels. Others encounter physical difficulties they cannot overcome. It’s those in between that need training and proper instruction. For those “first time” wearers, it is only to human nature to try them on the first time they get their hands on a pair. Once they have satisfied their curiosity and decide to continue wearing them, it would be a good time to talk with an experienced wearer, comparing and discussing sizing and professional instruction, should they feel it would be helpful. Keep in mind that acquiring professional instruction early on would be very beneficial before developing harmful practices and hard to break habits that could lead to physical discomfort. Thoroughly reviewing websites on the internet and using email evaluate course content could be very helpful. Most importantly, be aware that wearing an absolutely beautiful pair of high heels is an enormously satisfying and thoroughly pleasurable sensation that there is. Once you’ve began, you’ll never quit.
    1 point
  17. These appear to be a recent ASOS introduction; sizes UK 6 - 12 and £56.00. The height of the rounded heel looks to be close to 4". Sleek looking - although the chain detail may not appeal, but is much more discreet than that on previous offerings. Now, this is a boot that I would wear!
    1 point
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