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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/20/2023 in all areas

  1. I totally agree. Everyone should be free to be themselves but don’t expect the entire world to be focussed on your latest form of self-expression. A lot of people seem to be very precious about themselves these days, quick - even eager - to take offence and claim for themselves some new form of victimhood. The guy taking off his clothes is just weird and any good he might have accomplished in normalising a guy in heels just vanishes. He becomes just another weirdo and only reinforces the stereotype that a guy in heels is weird
    1 point
  2. I like the general positive spin on men in heels. And I agree that it could use a good edit. There is one thing I have encounter that is not mention. While a woman might be open-minded, even accepting of men in heels, it changes when it's their man.
    1 point
  3. Well, I am glad I watched this video in its entirety. I feel Mark's explanations were valid, and he seemed honestly upset that he may have offended one group or another. Mark is a great example of just what most of us are striving for, just to be a man in heels and some other traditionally feminine gear. Personally, I feel that some of these groups are a bit too sensitive and have unfair expectations about how they should be addressed and treated by society. Please don't misunderstand, I want everyone to be "their happiest self" for sure, in whatever form/identity that may be. But, expecting the rest of the world to understand just what identity they are striving for along with addressing them in a very specific way, is unrealistic and perhaps just a bit self centered. OK, I expect to get some criticism saying things like this, especially being a gay guy... PS: I too, would love to hear Mark's explanation about shedding his clothing.... Not afraid to admit I'm envious though, but he has obviously worked hard to have those nice toned legs, and should absolutely show them off.
    1 point
  4. Ideal for wearing whilst flying, instead of compression stockings - at least until evacuation becomes necessary!
    1 point
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