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  1. These by Asos, went for a size bigger and they're fine on x
    2 points
  2. So I came across this on Instagram and went straight to watching the video…a little bit. I haven’t watched it fully but thought of you all when I saw snippets of it. I’ve been following Mark Bryan for YEARS, when he was just recording his struts at a train stop on IG. It’s crazy to see how far he’s gotten at this point. I believe he was also a part of the forum at a point?
    1 point
  3. The concept of this blog seems very simple, but how to begin? At least I managed to come up with a wacky title. I have been meaning to feature the following shoes for a long time because they are among the first heels I ever purchased with a serious intent to wear them in public. They have also turned out to be, thus far, my most durable pair of heels. Though I have mentioned them many times in passing over the years, let me formally introduce you to my Nine West “Sizzle” oxfords in plain black leather. I purchased them on January 4, 2013. Going back through my records, I evidently paid $99 for them from Amazon. This was probably pretty close to full price, which is something I never do anymore. However, in retrospect, I can’t say that I didn’t get my money’s worth. My motivation for buying these particular shoes has been lost to the sands of time, but I can tell you that this was my second pair of this model. The first pair I had was black patent, rather than just plain black, and was U.S. Women’s size 9. I always thought that they were a bit too tight, and so I got rid of them and got the instant shoes in a size 9 1/2. I did that often in those days, that is, bought stuff in 9 1/2 or even 10. I am not sure why, but I would never make that mistake today. I am pretty clearly and solidly a size 9. As a result, I have to wear thick socks with these oxfords. This is simultaneously a plus and a minus. I hate how the shoes are really too big, but on the other hand, the cushioning provided by thick socks may be the secret to why they are an any occasion, all-the-time shoe--in the winter, anyway. Just so you know, just so you do not doubt my proclivities, I never wear these, ever, from about mid-May to mid-October. What would a Melrose expository post be without statistics? Here are the numbers: 4 3/4” heel, 3/4” platform, for an effective steepness of right at 4 inches. Diameter of the heels is about 3/4”. I have had them reheeled three times, and am very, very close to needing No. 4. I have walked 191 documented miles in these, plus any number of undocumented/incidental miles. I feel like they are going to fail sometime on the next reheel, and I will be sad when they do. I think I have worn these in every situation that I normally encounter in life, and some that I don’t normally encounter. I have worn these with men’s suits to church, and I have worn them with jeans for my neighborhood constitutionals. I know I have worn them on at least one occasion to work the “big” farmer’s market, which involves standing for five hours. I have worn them on a walk that exceeded 5 miles, 6.1 to be exact. I have only ever done this with 3 pairs of shoes over the past 11 years. After all this use, they still shine up pretty well!
    1 point
  4. I have a love/hate relationship with wedges. I treat them as second class citizens in my collection, but at the same time I feel more comfortable wearing them, especially with shorts. I know it is very silly, but somehow I feel less self-conscious when wearing wedges with shorts as compared to shoes with separate heels. I have no idea why this would be, as I'm sure the subtlety is lost on anybody outside of the shoe/fashion world. As we've mentioned before, wedges can be more practical when walking on surfaces that are not hard and flat. That's the love part. The hate part is, I just don't generally like the way they look, especially as you increase in heel and/or platform height. They get enormous looking. Maybe that will make them popular this year, as enormous shoes seem to be very much in fashion right now. This effect can be somewhat ameliorated if the wedge is somewhat sculpted and narrows somewhat as it nears the ground. Along with this enormity, I have never found a pair of wedges above mid-heel height that don't feel somewhat clumpy to walk in. Wedges comprise about 10% of my shoe collection, and they are all sandals, save two pairs of clogs. They also tend to be significantly lower, on average, when compared to my separately heeled shoes.
    1 point
  5. I get that. My problem is I'm addicted to high heels like many are to drugs. Can't get enough and variety is king in my play book.
    1 point
  6. Totally agree! I too like a variety of styles but am also very fussy. I dislike far more varieties of heels/boots than I like. I am increasingly glad that I spent more on my boots, and bought fewer of them. Those I have fit beautifully, wear well and will last for years. A couple of pair are already nearly ten years old and have many years left in them
    1 point
  7. Well, I will not blame it on the boots... I was so upset when a heel gave out on my favorite pair of Sam Edelman black knee high stiletto boots. I feel these are quality boots, the issue is that perhaps I need to lose a few pounds or stop abusing them on rough city streets. My suspicions were confirmed when one of the heels broke on my favorite Nine west stiletto ankle boots as well. I was crushed when the cobbler said they could not be repaired. I guess the lesson I have learned is that when I find a pair I really like, buy two pairs! I love many different styles of boots, but am extremely fussy at the same time..... Just because boots are expensive, does not guarantee quality, or a good fit, or comfort for actual walking any distances. On the other hand, it is so frustrating to see a great pair of boots (visually anyway) only to discover they are cheaply manufactured...
    1 point
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