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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/20/2020 in all areas

  1. Some weeks ago our local newspaper found out, that the designer of CROSS SWORD (https://cross-sword.com/) is located in Mainz (Rhineland-Palatine/ Frankfurt-Area) and issued a home story, including a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smFpiuCGJ3c. Some days later, another jounalist from the dpa (German Press Agency) contacted me via the forum ("Men-on-high-heels.de"), to arrange an interview. I agreed and had a nice discussion, they took some pics... and last Monday they issued the article. More than 30 newspapers and radio stations took over the issued article, including the pics. For an example: https://www.focus.de/kultur/mode/mode-maenner-auf-high-heels-brauchen-mut_id_11281697.html More links you will find here: https://www.men-on-high-heels.de/t4391f18-Maenner-auf-High-Heels-brauchen-Mut.html Meanwhile I had another two telephone interviews (RTL Letzeburg and SWR3).
    1 point
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