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  1. Past hour
  2. And I thought that I was through buying clothes. I already have a closet full, but , yesterday In bought a pair navy blue of men’s shorts and a white cotton golf shirt with navy blue flex that will match perfectly with my white and navy blue 5” ankle strap sandals. And I thought that I was too old to think about coordinating my outfits.
  3. I guess the old saying “you take your choice and pay the price” is applicable here. Everyone’s situation is different. KH, your father had his choice and, for some reason, he chose to endure an unfavorable situation. You make decisions based upon “your” evaluation of many different aspects that are factual today. And fitting your decision into the situation that exists today might be the best choice. However, given the confusing circumstances that are occurring in today’s world, the decision you choose today might not be the one you would choose tomorrow. You might be one of those fleeing Egypt heading for the promised land or a simple man seeking a place with highly favorable tax policies, in the secular world, decisions changing conditions are made by men who make them in a heart beat without notice.
  4. Today
  5. You are quite right, I would never wear heels that low! Although I absolutely would wear that wristwatch.
  6. Neighbor to the east, you know what the weather has been like lately, and it doesn't show any sign of letting up. You won't catch me wearing enclosed shoes (outside of the workplace and when safety requires it) until September. As I said before, I have never used nail polish or varnish of any sort, ever. I also do my own pedicures ever since my favorite nail tech left the biz. No one else is touching my feet. One trick I have discovered is to rub just a tiny amount of petroleum jelly on your toenails before heading out. It gives them a little bit of shine without the hassle of painting them. Also, have you tried a buffing block? That will give your nails shine that will last quite a long time, especially on your toenails.
  7. I used to be self conscious about a lot of things. Going to the toilet is not one of them. Though I do suffer from "shy bladder," which makes things difficult sometimes.
  8. I seriously doubt you would ever find a wireman wearing plimsolls. Wholly unsuitable for the job. 😜
  9. One could say the same about the leadership in the US towards killing innocent people. I'm aware of Russia's politics. As long as a person stays out of politics, all is good. Hard to believe for people who haven't spent substantial time in the country. Cool! I didn't know you had raised kids in AU and England. Curious how your boating life is coming along!
  10. I guess they’re out there. Funnily enough he was the only one I saw wearing heels - the wiremen seemed to be universally in white or cream plimsolls. Odd for Leeds
  11. The other day in central London (Jermyn Street, the traditional home of high class men's tailoring) I saw an older man (he might have been younger than me!) probably in his 60s or maybe even 70s, smartly dressed with a pair of short western style booties. Maybe 3" heel.
  12. Passing through Leeds train station this morning and spotted a guy in heels! Genuine heels too. Black patent ankle boots with chunky 4” heels. They formed part of an odd ensemble that included a long faux fur coat (taupe-coloured) and loose fitting striped trousers (black and gold) Odd though it was nobody paid him the least notice
  13. Just came in, JS Xona. They fit but are snug, so I will wear them around the house to break them in before spending a day in them. I'll post a picture with these and shorts in a week or so. Looking at another JS wedge sandal now.
  14. Russia may have a high standard of living but they also have an iron-fisted leader who takes imprisoning and murdering opponents as a matter of course. While this may not matter much to people who are not politically active and merely trying to get by in their lives - the peasants had no issues with Vlad the Impaler as a leader - but it certainly needs to go into the equation about whether or not a country is a nice place to live. Aside from the fact that their leader has great enthusiasm for invading his neighbours and does not trouble himself overly much about the human cost on either side - something to consider if you are of draft age or have sons who are. I do not miss my US passport in the least. I've nothing against America or Americans, but after 43 years away it's a foreign country to me and I've no desire to live there, or even visit. I've raised children in both Australia and England. They are happy and well adjusted and at the start of what appears to be successful lives.
  15. Yesterday
  16. I agree. It would not work for me either, but I have no trouble seeing that it works for him and he carries it well because it is a natural expression of self. Mine is considerably less flamboyant - and less flamboyant or dressy than @mlroseplant too. I’m boots and jeans casual. I do take more care with dressing when I am wearing heels because they feel more dressy and more if a personal expression, but my natural style is low key and with chunky heels and tall boots over jeans.
  17. It's not a style that would work for you because lace shirts, wide legged/high waisted pants aren't your "thing". Nor is his hairstyle and jewelry. It's perfect because it works for him.
  18. Hasty? I've been thinking of doing this since 2020. My father has paid over $600K USD in taxes to the US government and hasn't stepped foot in the US in over 20 years. That's a real crap deal if you ask me. All for what? Pride to be an American. I could give up my US citizenship right this very minute and save on capital gains forever since my second passport doesn't tax me on capital gains or income made outside of the homeland country. Secondly, my second passport doesn't carry the political stigma the US passport does. Third, my second passport grants me visa free access to Russia. Honestly, the quality of life in Moscow is 9/10. Far higher than anywhere in the US at far less cost. No homeless people littering the streets. No illegal immigrants clogging up the streets selling stolen goods. Clean and efficient public transport. Cheap food. Far lower cost of living. The world is dividing into in the West (US/EU/Australia) versus EuraAsia (Russia/China). This is the generational call for the next 20-40 years. I appreciate your concern that the US could become 4 different countries, but that's just a possibility on paper. The east versus west divide is already happening and that's the world I'm planning for. 100% agree. There are many alternatives. The US is still a land of opportunity, but it's over rated, imho. Raise a family around Transgender Story hour, homeless people everywhere, and illegal immigrants crashing property prices? Can do way better in Moscow even.
  19. Man oh man - very, very late comer here to comment on a "resolved" issue, so my points may be utterly moot. My transition from wearing almost entirely covered heels to openly wearing them public was a challenge. Taking inspiration from others in this group, I eventually realized that "if they can do it, so can I," and I did. And since that time, I have not looked back or ever regretted my decision to wear heels out if public. This is not to say that it has always been a smooth road as it hasn't. There have been times of doubt and lacking confidence in new and uncertain circumstances. I have come to learn that the best way to approach this is as other have wrote - having confidence. These are some points I have learned: 1. Select footwear for comfort and occasion. Speaking only for myself, I wear very low heels to work and never, never, never "club heels" to the office. OTK boots will be paired with an appropriate length and styled skirt. 2. Pay attention to grooming. When I am out in heels, I am always well groomed - clean shaven, hair combed, fingernails "cleaned-up," etc. Keep your feet in good shape! Some heels are only designed to be worn for very brief periods of time. Thus, I always have a pair of flats or "street style" trainers nearby should my feet start to scream, "Get us out of here!" When I wear capris, the lower part of my legs are shaved. 3. If this anyone's "Thing," wear clothing and accessories that makes you comfortable as comfort exudes confidence. There are days/times/places where wearing a pair of heels just does not "feel right" for whatever reason. When those occur, as much as I may want to wear heels, I don't. Likewise, some days it might be all feminine clothing but other days it will be a mixture. 4. Be yourself! When you should find a style you like, go with it. I have found both heels and clothing that I love and have started to put my own style together. It took some work to get there such as quite a bit of weight loss, but I am there and I love how it looks. 5. Work towards an event for which you want to wear heels. My wedding anniversary is the most important day of the year, and my wife and I always celebrate it in high style. This year I have a leather skirt for the day (at the very end of October) and although it fits fairly well, I have to lose a few more pounds to make it fit "just right." I have idea of the boots I want to wear with the skirt thus, this gives an incentive to make sure I get there. So there you have it!
  20. I wear open toe sandals all the time. And almost always the toes are painted. I get my toes (and fingers) done every 3 - 4 weeks. I know how to do it myself, but I don't have all the tools. My thumb is artifically supported, so it is very hard to work on my toes. Besides, I also enjoy the foot and leg massage.
  21. First of "Howeveah" took me a moment to figure it out....(reminiscent of Mr. Ronald James Dio - sooooo showing my age!). I had always believed that open shoes, regardless of heel height and style, SHOULD (not could or can) not be worn with either tights (nylons, hose, etc) or unpainted toenails. Likewise, I automatically assumed that toenails should be painted with open toe shoes, especially with pumps worn for a "dressy" occasion or event. Well, yesterday, I noted that my immediate supervisor was wearing a pair of Toms - "Monica" slingback wedges and her toenails was not polished/painted. Thus, this gave me the inspiration I needed to try it for myself. As, I will pick-up some open toe sandals and see how it looks!
  22. WOW! Those heels are fantastic!!!!! Love them!!! (Can you say Envious?) OK - I'm sorry to get up on my soapbox here, but I kind of have to do so... I fail to comprehend this whole 'washroom use must align with birth sex' baloney! In the end, who, other than clueless morons give a flying F*#% about it? I have so many places where the line for women to use the "women's" restroom has been proverbial mile long and if men are not using the stalls in "their" washroom, then let the women do it! What is the big deal about it? As to the point at hand - I personally love the sound and feel of my heels clicking across any solid surface - there is just an indescribable allure to it. If that happens to be in a public men's restroom, then so be it.
  23. Don’t be too hasty. The way the world is spinning who knows where you will wind up. It’s entirely possible that the USA part of North America will wind up becoming four separate countries. One Liberal. One Conservative. One Hispanic and one Black. And, they all will be fighting each other. Each one struggling to dominate the others. Then, what difference will it make which passport you have?
  24. Forgive me for saying, but I'm still mystified by this perfection.
  25. But I guess it all depends on where you eat your oat meal and drink your beer. My as long as it’s hot and cold.
  26. Last week
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