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About this blog

A blog where I will talk about how wearing heels is a journey and not just a destination. Will share on selecting heels, wearing them and of course how to walk in them. I will also from time to time choose a pair of heels to talk about the good and bad about the design of the shoe. So with that, let's go!


Entries in this blog

Shoes of Prey Order

Well I am going to pull the trigger as they say and make my purchase of custom heels from the Shoes of Prey website! Been going back and forth on this decision for some time. First off it was putting together a design I likes with the right colors and material, then the structure of the heel, then back to colors. It has been a journey to say the least. Here is what my new heels will look like, they are called "Fardella 114" shoes, 4 1/2" heels with a t-bar strap, and with a peep toe. Here are so



Should Men Wear Heels?

Here is an great article from www.heelstoday.com about men wearing heels. SHOULD MEN WEAR HIGH HEELS? September 20, 2019 • High heels for men • High heels size 13 and up Men In Heels The concept of having men wear heels sounds very strange for a lot of people. And that’s because we are expecting the obvious. Women are known to be the ones to wear heels, so when a man does that it’s very strange and quite a bit uncomfortable. Which is exactly why it’s important t



Training to Wear Your Heels Comfortably

Greetings from the land of cold weather! That's right, that is me out at our local park thinking that I was going to get some quality walking time in my heels, you know to get my strut on. Thank goodness I did not go with my original heels that I planned to wear which were my 4.5" sandal heels or my feet would have certainly felt no pain as they would have been frozen by the twenty some degree winds! As is was, even with my booties on with thicker socks I was still too cold in the wind to w



My Perfect Heel Height

Okay, I do not know about the rest of you but I am always interested in learning more about heels, how to obtain the best fit, comfort, construction of the shoe, etc. Well today I was looking for an illustration to use that would illustrate how your shoe size determines your success in wearing high heels. I had seen an illustration somewhere but do not remember where. So while doing a google search for it, I ran across this article, "How to Measure Your Ideal Heel Height" which I found on the Al



Am I Gay Cause I Wear Heels?

Today I want to address the question I get asked a lot about wearing heels as a man. That question is,  "Are you gay?" Now I know I am going to be stepping on some toes out there when I answer the question.  But I am not gay,  not in the slightest. I do not wear my heels for any sexual reason.  I wear my heels because I like wearing them.   Along with not being gay,  I also do not crossdress. I am way to butt ugly to ever think I could pull off looking like a woman. For those of you that do



Awesome Shoe Day!

I love days when I can find something special in terms of my heels! And today was one great day when I stumbled upon a local shoe store called, Shoe Show. Now I had been to their website a number of times and found one, that they had size 12 heels and, two, the have some sweet heels to choose from. But I had been by their store before and since it was a small store I did not think they would have anything there in my size and style. Boy was I wrong! Today when I drove by I thought that I wo



Heel Ramblings

Well here we are so very close to spring and I cannot wait! I have bought new sandals just for spring and I cannot wait to get to walk with them on down the road! I will post a few of my new sandals that I have bought recently. I do not know if it is just me getting older or what, but I have been getting a lot more bolder in wearing my heels and such out in public. Used to be I would wear my booties or heels with my jeans worn over them like many of us do here. Then when I hired a stylist t



Office Styling

Here we are at the end of another work week and as they say TGIF! But hey I can take a moment before I run out the door to the weekend to share a few pics of me styling with two of my favorite heels! Both are so comfortable and sexy that I am bustin' out with joy! So here are a few shots of them. It's great to be able to wear heels every day, work or out and about. I do not know how I would feel if I were to be told I could not wear them. I mean they are a part of my style. Plus they



It's Snowing Again!

This is not a great time to wear heels outside! But being the heel nut that I am, I do go out in heels even in the snow. Now I not stupid I don't try wearing stilletos in the snow. I only use my ankle or calf length boots in the snowy season and they all have blockier heels for stability. Now that brings me to what I want to talk about this time. A couple good places to score some good heels. So here we go! Shoes of Prey Shoes of Prey is a site that allows you to design your shoes onli



JustFab Shoes - They Are Here!

Hey gang, got my new shoes in that I ordered from JustFab! They came in last week but I have not had a lot of time to do a blog on them. Anyway, here are some photos of the new shoes I received: First heel is a classic pump with a ribbon tie ate the ankle. Heel height is 4.25". I think they look super cute and sexy. Cannot wait till the air is warmer outside so I can walk out in public in them! The second heel is a lace bootie with lace up front and a zipper in back. Heel hei



New Boots for Winter

Went  out and bought a couple new pairs of ankle boots for winter. Both of them have 3.5" block heels which will help with walking in the snow. The brown pair are from Payless Shoes and the black pair are from Wal-Mart. Did not spend a lot on them as they will be my winter boots and I know that they will get beat up a little with the weather around here. I think I paid around $ 60.00 for both of them. And they both fit my feet well and are well built. Have treated both shoes with leather and hea



Ahhhh, Spring Muses

Finally it is here! Spring has sprung and I am loving strutting my heeled sandals! Feels so good feeling the warm spring air blowing across my toes after such a long, cold weather. Well I have been a bit absent on here as I started a new job and was so busy learning all the duties and such. But now I have a little breather and thought that I would bring you up on what I have been up to. And believe me it had a lot to do with shoes. I am going to have to sit myself down and snap some photos



How We Wear Our Heels

Well it has been quite some time since I created a new blog entry, got busy with other things in my life that kept me away from writing. Hopefully now things are more sane and I will be more consistent in my writings. With that said, let me get on with this entry! Perusing the forums I see that there is a wide range on how we wear our heels. Some wear them indoors, some out in public and some vary between those. So that set me to thinking about how I wear my heels. For me, I wear my he



Road Trip to Shop!

Do you ever just on a whim decide that it is time for a road trip? Well I do! And this road trip took me over to Ft. Wayne, Indiana to seek out a certain shoe store. That’s right, time to do some shopping again! If you have read my blog for any length of time you probable read the entry entitled, “Awesome Shoe Day.” Well if you haven’t, let me bring you up to speed. In that entry, I was talking about my visit to a local Shoe Show store near me and how I was happy to find had heels in my siz



I Space Out Sometimes!

Oh the perils of wearing heels in public so much that I forget that sometimes I should think before wearing them in certain places. Well if you are like me and wear heels most of the time, you can sometimes space out that wearing the heels in certain places can get you gawked at and can hear the comments about you being "something less than a man for wearing heels." But that is the story here. I was doing some contract work in a town that has a high percentage of Amish, Mennonite and farmer



Oh Happy Day...Scored Some Fab Heels!

Today is a great day! Traveled to a near by town today that I had not been to for quite some time. So being the shoe nut that I am I had to check out the local shoe stores. Did not really expect to find anything as finding a pair of heels in my size in a store is like unearthing a nugget of gold. Well today was my gold or should I say, my silver finding day! First store I went to, Shoe Sensation, when I asked the sales associate if they had women's shoes in size 12, she actually said YES! S



Ramblings on a Rainy Wet Day

Well here I am again, putting together another blog entry on this very wet day! Been a while since my last entry as I was a bit tied up doing other things. Hope that all are doing great strutting their heels and making heads turn as you pass by. Well first off, I did do a little shopping for shoes this last week. You know how that goes...gotta shop! Anyway, I bought three pairs of heels which I will add to this post at the end. One pair of heels I bought from Payless Shoes in Mishawaka. Got



Heel Comfort - Can it be Had?

Let’s see, are heels comfortable? Yes and no, but let me explain that. It all depends on the fit of the heels, your body and how you walk in them. First let’s look at the fit. You need to have shoes that feet your feet. If you have a small foot you will have issues trying to walk in very high heels such as 4″ plus heels. Now I wear size 12 heels so I have it easier when wearing those very high heels. Then you have to make sure that the shoe fits your foot well. Looking at the illustrat




Wow! Here I am writing my first blog! What to expect in this blog There are a few things I want to say first about this blog, sort of like giving you a heads up about what you will see in this blog: Talks about what I have gone through in my journey of wearing heels, observations, insights and hopefully some good tips on wearing heels. Stories of my wearing heels in public and what I have learned through them. Advice on selecting good heels and possibly reviews on h



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