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Man + heel interest = sexual deviancy


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Wow, that's scary. Why does he spend hours gazing at shoe shop windows? You would think he'd just get an internet connection and go here:


Gotta love the Sun: 'Fetish wierdo.' And on the sex offender's list. Bet he's a popular guy in his neighbourhood right now. But then, if you will attack an innocent girl on the street, then you deserve whatever you get I suppose.

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He looks like a fairly normal dude to me. (Except for his hair -- is he wearing worms on his head?) And, it appears that his left ear is a little larger than the right one. Other than that.........I wonder if he is a member here? :smile:

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Wouldn't it be ironic if it turned out that heel-wearing by guys **prevents** them from becoming sexual deviants by releasing tensions and satisfying desires? Things in this world often work out that way.

Have a happy time!

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And to think in the U.S. people complain about the media. I must say, it has nothing on the Brits. Come on, is "sicko" or "perv" even words? In any case the best part of the story is the sidebar saying that he was added to the sex offender list and the picture next to it is of a pair of very sexy female feet. Anyway, unless he measured her feet, he likely didn't attack her to wear them.

Style is built from the ground up!

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But the problem is that the public probably make no distinction between a guy like that (who molests a woman to steal her shoes) and guys like us who just like to wear the shoes (which we've acquired legally) and are law-abiding citizens who just like to stand tall. It makes it harder for us to be accepted when the media publish stories like that. GWL

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Yeah it's not the heels, it's his actions. Dumb a$$ :thumbsup:

agree, spot on!!

not difficult to buy shoes, if one worried about what people will say, just say its for the wife!! easy

no need to resort to such actions!!

problem there is not the high heels

however he now brings the HH community into disripute, and the paper with their coments does not help

macking it easier to critisise us normal men in heels!!:smile::penitent:

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  • 4 weeks later...

its a crying shame people like this give the rest of us grief. We like to wear them and are happy to pay for them and enjoy them. He should do the same and shut up.

agree, spot on!!

not difficult to buy shoes, if one worried about what people will say, just say its for the wife!! easy

no need to resort to such actions!!

problem there is not the high heels

however he now brings the HH community into disripute, and the paper with their coments does not help

macking it easier to critisise us normal men in heels!!:smile::penitent:

You are both so correct. What worries me about this guy is that it is not just the obsesion with the high heels, it is the violent act that went along with it. I believe this guyhas more deep rooted problems than anyone of us would even try to figure out. Hopefully this kind of act by someone won't happen where I live. I might be tentetive about wearing high heels in public if it did, or a least until the dust settled, so to speak.

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