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The Sun - Man in Heels Shocker!!!


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Oh dear. Another "weirdo" gets busted. :o


I wonder if he ever frequents HHP?

If he'd made himself known, we could have no doubt offered some sage advice about avoiding risky workplace heeling.

Some supportive comments made by Sun readers though!

Always High-Heel Responsibly

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Why did he quit his job!! For once have some balls man!! Suck it up and deal with it. :o Off course he was watching fetish videos at work....nuckle head.

Hello, :wave: my name is Hoverfly. I’m a high heel addict…. Weeeeeeeeeee!  👠1998 to 2022!

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Well, this is clearly stupid of him. If he takes out ceiling tiles and enjoys destroying them by walking over them in stilettos, then I understand that they fire him. You don't destroy company property: someone can get fired just for that - he could have used a hammer, trashed them with flat shoes, or whatever. Doesn't matter if he destroyed them while wearing stilettos. That's just why this story makes it into the Sun. However, this doesn't justify an arrest for me.

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Could it be that the guy probably quit his job because he was to embarassed to face his co-workers after his escapades became known to the entire community? He would have, in my opinion, been far better off just to openly wear his high heels to work. Laws against discrimination would have come into play, if he had.

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Typical Sun sensationalism. I wouldn't be surprised if the entire story was made up. he must have noticed that the tiles were damaged the first time when he put them back up. If he carried on with that behaviour after that then more fool him. No I'm afraid the story just doesn't ring true for me...

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.

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And once again a major media outlet takes the opportunity to paint heel-wearing men as weirdos, crackpots, off-their-rockers, etc.

Have a happy time!

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And once again a major media outlet takes the opportunity to paint heel-wearing men as weirdos, crackpots, off-their-rockers, etc.

Some truly are off their rockers. They haven't integrated the heel wearing into their lives and have negative self-images. This leads to what can be called aberrant behaviors. Unfortunately not all heel wearers are as "enlightened" as WE are here.

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Apparently, Johnny Vaughan of [London] Capital Radio read out the article on air this morning, before continuing the programme on how people should or shouldn't behave at work.

His co-presenter, is Denise van "Slapper" [English slang for someone of dubious integrity with regard to their sexual loyalty.] One of the programmes included in her Resume, includes her presenting a show wearing a rubber dress and very high heels ~ no problem there. One of the "games" in the show, had a wife selecting her husband from 4 or 5 men in a row behind partitions ~ again, no problem. The selection process was by each of the men in turn, showing the theatre audience and TV audience their reproductive organs. The wife chose which 'appendage' she was familiar with, in the hope her husband was attached. Ms van Dubious expected the world to take her as a serious actress afterward. [Yeah right!] And may explain why she finds herself as a co-presenter on an early morning local radio station.

Anyway.... Since she is known for her interested in all things heels, she is probably the person who selected the article for airing. Fortunately the accent of the radio spot wasn't the man wearing heels, but why he was encouraged to resign.

Denise the nice girl.


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He was probably encouraged to resign because he was stupid (enough to get caught, anyway), damaged corporate property, and would no longer have respect among his peers or superiors. Stories like this don't help the rest of us, unfortunately, because it reinforces the public's perception that men wearing heels just do it for fetish reasons. Now if he were walking on the ceiling tiles "in situ" (in place on the ceiling)...THAT would be a worthwhile story! LOL GWL

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Laws against discrimination would have come into play, if he had.

I am not too sure if he would have been allowed to walk on the aeroplane wings in heels, he would have caused more damage than he could have repaired.

there are some jobs that wearing high heels is not a good idea, steplejacks, policemen, pig farmers, okay, so not that many, but you see what I mean.

poor chap, I hope his wife new about his thing for heels, that might be on the rocks as well now.

I agree, we could have steered him away from this kind of behavour.

The angels have the phonebox.

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I'm in the belief that he should have stayed the course, but then again I haven't had to deal with such backlash at a workplace (or anyplace). My personal sex life seems so boring now.. :o Seriously, another knock.

Walking in ultra-highs because it's exciting...and it is!!

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This man has more deep rooted problems than meets the eye. It irritates me that the way the media portrayed this was that the high heels were the base of his problem. I'm no phychologist, but it looked like this guy was linking his "porno" with some kind of high heels crushing. Just the way the story was laid out, once again it pointes a sticky finger toward men wearing high heels.

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