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Different places, different reactions.


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After reading some of the recent threads and postings of all of the guys who have shared stories of their outings in high heels, I was inspired to venture out in some public places that I'd never been before while wearing high heels. I wore a black suit, white shirt with black and red striped tie, black stockings and my ellie black patent leather pumps with 5" stiletto heels. I decided to go through my usual routine, but in different places. I went to buy a newspaper and I went to a small convenience store and there were six people there getting papers, coffee, etc., and most in a hurry to get to where they were headed. I walked in, picked up a newspaper, and went to pay for it. My stiletto heels made a distinctive sound on the tile floor of the store. Everyone stopped and looked at me as I paid for my paper and left the store. You could hear a pin drop as I left to go to my car. No comments were heard, and everyone was still watching me as I drove away. I went to a little coffee shop for my coffee and there were no customers in the store except me. Again, my high heels made a distinctive sound as I walked across the floor to get my coffee and the jovial female clerk greeted me and then just watched me. As I came to the counter to pay for my coffee, she asked me, "...why are you wearing high heels? Is this a publicity stunt or is there a camera crew close by?" I laughed and said no stunt, just out-and-about in my high heels. I asked her what she thought of me wearing high heels. She basicly said anyone could wear whatever they wanted, she said the shoes were pretty but she herself didn't wear high heels, she was impressed that I walked so well in them, and she asked me what I would do if anyone confronted me and gave me a hassle for wearing them. I told her that most people don't even say anything to me and they just stare at me and my high heels. I told her that I was almost confronted one time by a group of teenage boys, but I avoided the situation and walked away. As I left the store she said " have a nice day and don't fall off your shoes." I went to an antique store next that I had never been in before. Again the sound of my stilettos drew attention to me. The few people in the store looked, and then looked away and went about their business. I bought a lamp in the store, left, and there were no stares and nothing was said. Thighbootsguy inspired me to go to our city's art museum in high heels. I once again drew attention to myself as my high heels made that distinctive sound on the pavement. When I entered I walked as slowly and quietly as I could as I looked at the exhibits. But I soon realized I had become the main exhibit. I noticed people looking at me and when I looked at them, they looked away and whispered. I cut my visit short and left as quickly and quietly as I could. I decided to go to the park and read my newspaper. There was a man there with his son or grandson, there was another man walking his dogs, and there was a man hitting golf balls. I always cross my legs as I'm sitting and reading so that my high heels were in plain sight. No one paid any attention to me as I read my newspaper. I went for a short walk on the river path along the river and passed several people: joggers, bicyclists, other people speed walking for exercise, and no one paid too much attention to me. I returned home to fix lunch and submit this thread. And my feet and legs didn't hurt at all. All in all, it was a pleasent morning and in the near furture I plan to go other places I have not been while wearing high heels and, if nothing else, just to view the variety of reactions from the onlookers.

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Talking of different places, I booked up a few days in Slovenia to have a good look around. Does anyone have any experience of heeling in this part of the world just in case I decide to take some with me.

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Roniheels -

Sounds like you had a good outing. I’m sorry the museum visit didn’t go better. In all my trips in thigh boots with 5” stilettos, I don’t remember being one of the attractions. Sure people noticed but then they turned their attention to the art. I don’t think I ever notice a whispered discussion. If it hadn’t been working that way I wouldn’t keep going back.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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Well Roniheels, you certainly tried some different terrain and settings all in one happy heeling trip. You have inspired me to do the same and this time I'm going to wear stilettos just to see the many different reactions, if any. Thanks for sharing. Might even do a little quick vid.

real men wear heels

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roniheels: Wow! Sounds like you had one heck of an amazing outing. Color me impressed. While it's one thing to wear heels to familiar haunts where you feel most comfortable, it's the outings to new surroundings that helps to build up one's confidence, giving you the feeling that you can go just about anywhere you want in heels. As for the reactions you got in that musuem, well, I say, screw 'em! Let 'em look! Let 'em whisper! You have just as much right to have been in there for as long as you wanted to be! Never let others control how long you choose to be in one place or another. Be bold, be confident, be yourself! That way, you'll never go wrong.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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It seems you have had some pretty exciting experiences recently, way to go! I should be proud of your confidence and style. My thought on the art museum is that you have transcended the museum and became art yourself. Remember, every great artist was not accepted in their time but we seem to line up around the corner to look at their work today. In many ways I think heels (on men or women) are a beautiful statement of style and soul, which in my mind is the essence of art. In essence, when any of us venture out we are showing part of who we are, or individuality. Any expression of individuality is usually taken as a negative by the masses, but what makes you wonderful in this situation is that you can say "to Hell with them, this is my statement..." I had a similar experience last week. I had decided to go out and fill up my car at a local store and slipped on a pair of Rampage thong sandals with only about a 2 inch heel. No big deal I thought. hey simply look like a pair of flip-flops at first glance after all. When I got to the store and paid, I had the usual banter with the clerk since I go in a lot. As I was walking away she got a look at the heel and stopped talking in mid sentence. She didn't say another word. Well, the next morning I went in (in man's shoes this time) and she was working again, along with two or three other clerks. As I stood in line, she made a point of going to each clerk in the store and whispering in their ears, to which they would all start staring at me. Not embarrassed in the least, I was sure to greet each person as I left. In the end, I just felt bad for all of the petty behavior that people exhibit. For all I cared she could have yelled, "That guy likes women's shoes!" It was one of the stranger moments I have had while wearing heels and I actually felt better about myself afterward! Like you I will keep trying new places and if I happen to think black pumps look great with my outfit, that's what I'll wear. Thanks for the great post/thread.

Style is built from the ground up!

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I want to thank each and every one of you who responded to my thread. It was a fun and exciting day going into places I'd never been while wearing high heels, especially at the "Expressions" coffee shop (a smaller version of Starbucks). And as I said I'm already thinking of other places to go while wearing high heels because I want to go there and because, secretly good or bad, I want to see people's reactions. I've received much feedback both on these posts and private messages to me concerning my trip to the city's art museum. I want to let everyone know...I am going back there and I will be wearing stiletto heels again. I have preached to street heelers and those want to heel in public to not be afraid and enjoy the moment. But I have to admit that when I saw, heard, and felt reactions, I became flustered and intimidated. And that is not me, especially in high heels! At an art museum, not to stereotype, but there is a clientel that usually is open minded to what they will see in the museum. I was truly surprised at the reactions I received. But, that only inspires me to go back and go through every single exhibit, and dare someone to say something to me. When I do this again, I will let you all know what transpires. Thank you again for your thoughts and comments.

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Heels or no heels, If I'm treated like an out cast and made fun of in any way, I DO NOT return. Thats just me.

Actually, I haven't been back. It was the place I bought ALL of my gasoline as well, so rude employees = loss of business. Come on, I have been out of High School for almost 25 years, need need for that crap!

Style is built from the ground up!

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As I was walking away she got a look at the heel and stopped talking in mid sentence. She didn't say another word. Well, the next morning I went in (in man's shoes this time) and she was working again, along with two or three other clerks. As I stood in line, she made a point of going to each clerk in the store and whispering in their ears, to which they would all start staring at me. Not embarrassed in the least, I was sure to greet each person as I left.

In the end, I just felt bad for all of the petty behavior that people exhibit. For all I cared she could have yelled, "That guy likes women's shoes!" It was one of the stranger moments I have had while wearing heels and I actually felt better about myself afterward!

HH aside, (this type of response could have been the result of using poor quality 'fake' tan, wearing a toupe or anything else that qualifies as noticeable,) I always wonder just how small someones world (life experince) must be to get such a reaction.

I stare at people all the time. If asked, I'm happy to explain it's because I'm interested. I don't ever remember laughing at anyone, at all. I certainly don't make unkind remarks either loudly enough to be heard, or quietly to a companion.... But then I quite like eccentric behaviour .... :o

And provided they don't encroach on my life (loud music for example) I respect other folks lifestyle choices .... :roll:

Heels or no heels, If I'm treated like an out cast and made fun of in any way, I DO NOT return. Thats just me.

Top advice to ANY consumer. Shop where you get good service, avoid the outlets where you don't.


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Walk in heels through a museum should be interesting. Every noise in a museum seems amplified, I'm here thinking about the clicket clackt in a large room.

Flavio - Brazilian heel lover, now in France.

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Greetings everybody, I have only recently found this wonderful website. I joined and love it. I hope it hangs around for some time. On to the subject. I found one of the best places ever to wear and enjoy heels is at a Casino. Tons of people and the noise level keeps curious ears from searching out the click-te-de-clack. The place is designed for us, I'm telling you. Have you ever wondered or even noticed the carpets are always a bold outlandish pattern? It's there to force ones eyes up. Awesome huh? Anyway, I spend countless hours wearing everything from boots to 5" stileto pumps (with slacks of course) at the Casinos across the US (I travel quite a bit) and the rush is a great feeling. A bonus is being able to lock ones foot on the rail of a chair with your heel. Very Comfortable position. I do have to say though, You'll miss the excitment of every step being an anoucement that you're wearing heels as you would on a marble floor but don't worry, you still need to get in and out. Best of luck to all and again, I'm very excited about the site.

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Welcome to the forum!

Gambling is not one of the diversions I enjoy but it’s always good to hear about another place to go heeling (and no I don’t consider wearing thigh boots in public as gambling). Would someone that is not gambling but wearing heels be out of place?

You mentioned you wear boots with slacks, is that over or under slacks?

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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I would venture to say that the majority of people in a casino are not gambling but mearly taking in the sights or moving from one spot to another. Think of it as a mall. Lots of room to walk around but as soon as you stop, there goes your money. haha. As for my boots, I have several pair which are always worn under my slacks or jeans.

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Welcome, HimInHeels! Thank you for your post. A casino is a place that I have not yet worn high heels, but I wonder that if everyone's mind is on whatever form of gambling they are pursuing, I wonder how much one would be noticed in high heels or if anyone would even care. I will add a casino to my list of places to wear my stiletto high heels. Thanks for your input and welcome again.

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Thank you Roni. Yeah, I travel all over the country with my job and I get a bit of excitement built up in me when I know I'm going to be near a Casino. There are always hundreds of people too busy taking in what ever they are doing to be shoe shopping on other people's feet. Me on the other hand am looking, looking, looking. I've seen heels, full crossdressers (most bad but some darn good ones too) and just about any thing else you can think of mingling around. So, save up. Enjoy the evening. Let me know how it goes.

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I would agree that casinos would be a good place to go and be mostly ignored, even in heels as everyone's focused on gambling and watching others gamble, either at the tables or the slot machines. And given how some places can be pretty crowded at times, there's no reason you can't go ignored, except for the security personnel watching the floor via cameras. Heh!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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I would agree that casinos would be a good place to go and be mostly ignored, even in heels as everyone's focused on gambling and watching others gamble, either at the tables or the slot machines. And given how some places can be pretty crowded at times, there's no reason you can't go ignored, except for the security personnel watching the floor via cameras. Heh!

I also agree casinos are a great place for heeling. On one of my casino heeling outings I managed to actually win. The lady next to me was more interested in my jackpot than my heels which were in plain view.


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