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well i can change a fuse, light bulb, car tyre (even when pissed and in the dark), so my m / f quoitient is even (like my style preference)... actually its easier to change a light bulb wearing heels... maybe thats how to get the hoodies with staffs to wear heels....

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Even beeing in polish the video is great! Thanks for posting! If some good polish soul could transcript it and translate to english would be very nice, specially to see what those girls were saying about him. And, as someone recognized here, he's a techie guy as most of us in this very forum, he's a computer geek I think based on the video?

Flavio - Brazilian heel lover, now in France.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Reminds me of Dale Miller, who began showing up for work in skirts and pumps. I guess he did it for about a year. He has his own website and still wears skirts and heels during his leisure time. I wear high heel clogs a lot, but have done the skirt thing only 5 times. It was a full-length jeans skirt, which I still like to wear privately.

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P.S. : I'm looking forward to an October meet in Ohio. I'll wear my most outrageous attire. Looking forward to meeting others who consider attire to be a matter of choice that is not related to gender, or sexual orientation. Since this blog came to my attention, it has reassured me that I am o.k., and has given me the impotice to drop several unwanted pounds (weight, not money). Speaking of pounds ( this time it is money) a British punk/gothic clothing dealer is offering incredible low-heel crotch boots. Is it possible to wear them under your trousers without a noticible bulge where they end at your waist, until you deceide to wear them outside? Attn: Crotchboots! Also, could the October meet coincide with Halloween, and the Rocky Horror Show, giving us a little cover?

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P.S. : I'm looking forward to an October meet in Ohio. I'll wear my most outrageous attire. Looking forward to meeting others who consider attire to be a matter of choice that is not related to gender, or sexual orientation.

Since this blog came to my attention, it has reassured me that I am o.k., and has given me the impotice to drop several unwanted pounds (weight, not money). Speaking of pounds ( this time it is money) a British punk/gothic clothing dealer is offering incredible low-heel crotch boots. Is it possible to wear them under your trousers without a noticible bulge where they end at your waist, until you deceide to wear them outside? Attn: Crotchboots! Also, could the October meet coincide with Halloween, and the Rocky Horror Show, giving us a little cover?

To much planning there. I would just like to keep it simple at first to see how it goes. Just a few men and women who enjoy heels or who ever wants to come, and a day or two of shopping (in heels of course) and good food.

real men wear heels

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Hey guys! I hope your heel meet goes well in the fall! Who knows, the price of gas may come down enough that I can consider a jaunt or visit with you, but we'll see. If cost of gas isn't relieved soon, this economic recession the government leaders deny were in will cause most of us to find other accommodations to merely survive. "Soufleed ant" may become a main course meal.


Thanks for bringing to our attention again about the fact that male heelers can be and are anywhere and everywhere. Their status maybe from any walk of life, just like female heelers. They had a desire to wear heels and they like it enough to continue, also not unlike female heelers. The only real difference is in the ideas or attitudes of society that males aren't suppose to have those kind of feelings. This kind of thinking is really not thinking at all. It's just accepting the norm or what has been the standards of society in your life time. It doesn't take into account or reflect the actual desires and feelings of every one, especially the male persona in this topic of heeling. What one chooses to adorn their feet with or for that matter their personage, should be their responsibility and agency, not from any one else. The fashion industry, as it is now, is one of the results of the taking away one's right to choose their own style or look. If you don't care for what another person dresses with, you have a number of options, however, those options don't include those that take away one's agency to choose. I would hope that you would still consider them an equal and be tolerant enough to be their friend.

Perhaps the stigma of males wearing heels can be removed through familiarity and knowing it is part of the human condition. When women have liberated their status, many men had the attitude they were some how unfit for proper living. Until they were able to prove to each other the liberation had little to no bearing on their abilities to live properly, many lives were destroyed or they were thought of as less of a person. Now some men are doing the same kind of liberation and society is so monkeyed up, men are having to prove their abilities and fitness to be accepted. You can look at it as pay back, but who have been the real losers in these sort of differences? (EVERYONE!)

Again, I may be posting to the choir here, but there are those that browse this site and they are who I am really talking to. However, it still applies to us also.

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Well, the ol' computer needed repair. I took her into Best Buy, wearing my 4.5" open-back clogs. My first steps were a tad uneasy, but I soon got the hang of it. When it is ready, I will wear something comparable. This website is wonderful. My next purchase will be from Lovely Pumps. Yes, I have several computers. The unit in question had seldom been on line, and consequently, had not received significant updates. Looking forward to Ohio in October. Jeans skirt and high heel clogs will be there (with me in them.)

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Thanks for the post! I have been told many times while wearing heels from some pretty burly guys that "It takes some big b**ls to wear those!" What can be more masculine than that. Let's all keep wearing what we want to wear without fear or concern.

Style is built from the ground up!

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The term I like to use is "brass" which is what that part of you needs to be made of. When I go for a physical tomorrow, I plan to wear something a bit over the top (shoe-wise). Perhaps my backless Mary Janes.

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My trip for a physical was interesting. Did not wear Mary Janes, but rather conventional clogs, BUT I WORE A SKIRT! No one seemed to notice. I received a message in my mailbox and tried to reply but may have messed up in my attempt to reply, so if you wrote to me but did not get a reply, please write again.

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........actually its easier to change a light bulb wearing heels... maybe thats how to get the hoodies with staffs to wear heels....

It's even better to change a lightbulb wearing tall platforms .... just think of the insulation .... must be good for at least 20 Kilovolts !

Xa (ex professional high-voltage engineer)

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When out and about, I usually carry my (legal) taser. Haven't needed it, but you can never predict when some self-righteous redneck will want to pick on you. Of course when I wear my spikes I can further defend myself. So far, my only incident has been from a sidewalk vendor with bad dentures sneering at my Bastad clogs. He was selling flowers and would call out "Rothes, come by thome rothes (roses)".:roll:

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