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You look intense. (You're allowed to smile when in front of the camera.)

You need a (good) haircut.

You would benefit from some colour. (As before, some eye-shadow and lipstick?)


You have a wonderful shape. (Slim)

You are tall.

I'd say you would look good in ANY clothes you chose to wear.

If you lived in London, I suspect you'd be a VERY popular fellow/girl. :cool1:

Overall I'd say you have a fantastic appearance. I also think you need some guidance (read: help/practice) on your facial look. I also think you'd benefit from more consistent photography. Your image is good, but it shows all the signs of having the potential to be great!

I don't know if I'm explaining myself very well? You have a good look and interesting photographs, but with only a little more work you have the potential to achieve a great look producing stunning photographs.

Good luck with the journey. ;)

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I love the stilettos. I like the image: male wearing female thingies.;) It is how far I would go. If I was to photograph myself: I too would not smile to any camera. Greetings Hans

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I like the new picture with you in stilletos and the leather skirt. That's a great one. I have to give you props because being in a very conservative country and doing what you do is amazing. Keep up the good work!! The pictures are great and I have to admit that a little smile will help with the pictures. If the area in which you live doesn't make you happy then you should try to move somewhere else that will make it more acceptable. Like someone said, "England". If you don't want to move, then I say enjoy what you do and smile and have fun. Amazing looks and picture though. Keep your head up. ;)

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Fellow. I'm 100% guy ;) . Thanks for criticism.

Too bad that i don't live in normal country. For now i can't arrive to other country. Maybe in future.

Hey rmacie

Before you think anybody is "Criticizing" you, I'd like to add, that from a lot of your pictures, you do appear VERY feminine in my opinion.

Then of course, take a look at the pictures of you in the street...

Slim feminine figure, long hair in a pony tail, skirt, heels etc etc...

Yet you are complaining that people "think" your a girl?

You cant change who other people think you are if your going to present yourself in a stereotypical female style...

So, if you dont want to hear any members thoughts or feedback about you, then dont show us anything to give you feedback on.

We dont "Criticize" each other, were just honest with with you.

Heels for Men // Legwear Fashion // HHPlace Guidelines

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Hey rmacie

Before you think anybody is "Criticizing" you (...)

So, if you dont want to hear any members thoughts or feedback about you, then dont show us anything to give you feedback on.

We dont "Criticize" each other, were just honest with with you.


English is not his native language (nor is it mine), so perhaps he meant to use the (neutral) word "feedback" but mistakenly wrote "criticism" (which can also be a positive thing, as in "constructive criticism")? At least: that is how I understood his reaction, and him using a smiley seems to confirm that interpretation.

But also it is possible that your interpretation is correct (the above are only assumptions on my part), and neither can be sure until he would give an explanation. Until then, it might be wiser to write a more neutrally voiced reaction than you just did (IMHO).

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I agree with Tom. It's dangerous, in my opinion, to take literally what someone who doesn't speak English very well, says. (something always gets tangled up in the translation)

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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If you read over a lot of his post's, he makes many references to people calling him a girl, or mistaking him for a woman. I think his English is actually VERY good.... But yeah, your right, maybe I shouldnt take his exact phrasing for how it comes across, based on the different cultures huh...

Heels for Men // Legwear Fashion // HHPlace Guidelines

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On one hand I agree with Richie that in the way rm presents himself in public he expects people to accept him as he is, (in fem as a man) without a little ridicule and then complains about it. On the other hand, I admire and respect his boldness to go out in public and trying to help us all to one day be accepted as we are.

real men wear heels

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Hey rmacie

Before you think anybody is "Criticizing" you, I'd like to add, that from a lot of your pictures, you do appear VERY feminine in my opinion.

Then of course, take a look at the pictures of you in the street...

Slim feminine figure, long hair in a pony tail, skirt, heels etc etc...

Yet you are complaining that people "think" your a girl?

You cant change who other people think you are if your going to present yourself in a stereotypical female style...

So, if you dont want to hear any members thoughts or feedback about you, then dont show us anything to give you feedback on.

We dont "Criticize" each other, were just honest with with you.

I can't be fater. I'm slim and it is something natural for me. Many men wear long hair (in pony tail or not). So i have to wear trousers and flat shoes? ;).

But i don't have breast and i have man's face and Adam's apple. I'm moving and talking like a man. It should enought.

Yes, i thought about constructive criticism. Thanks Tom-NL.

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I can't be fater. I'm slim and it is something natural for me. Many men wear long hair (in pony tail or not). So i have to wear trousers and flat shoes? ;).

But i don't have breast and i have man's face and Adam's apple. I'm moving and talking like a man. It should enought.

Yes, i thought about constructive criticism. Thanks Tom-NL.

I think you might be missing the point...

On there own, each point is fine (Or might be, such as skirts/heels)

But... When you put everything together, it creates a feminine figure.

Being slim on its own doesnt make you feminine, nor does having a pony tail or long hair, but if you have long hair, slim feminine figure, AND are going out in skirts and heels, this is where your now presenting as feminine, to those who dont see you from the front at least.

Also, in all of your pictures, you really do not look happy or comfortable/relaxed, so this may also leave you open to people's nasty comments, in exactly the same way bullies pick on the nervous kids....

Kneehighs once again would be a great example, he is a really slim guy and wheres what some would consider to be feminine garments, but I think his extreme confidence, and actual happiness radiate's through, giving him a very different appearance.

Just a thought....

Heels for Men // Legwear Fashion // HHPlace Guidelines

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We are showing our social brainwashing again. It seems we can't get passed the societal standards of femininity and masculinity. We all are going to have to re-evaluate our thinking. Once heeling becomes more accepted, there will still be those who want to appear as female impersonators and will want to be referred to as female, while in costume. There will also be males who like ruffled shirts and skirts along with high heels, that will still want to be thought of as men. It is going to be an adjustment for everyone. Please be patient and considerate. Remember we are all human beings trying to work out our niche in the world. I applaud those who are actively heeling, whether in private or in public. As long as they are genuinely being who they are, what right have we to criticize. Furthermore, it should be a compliment to be referred to as a girl if a man is so dressed, unless he is thinks the female labeling is a put down. If so, why would he want to even consider feminine attire to adorn his persona at all? Women, while in masculine attire have been considered as some of the guys. We all belong to the family of mankind. So in those famous words: "Can't we all just get along?"

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We are showing our social brainwashing again. It seems we can't get passed the societal standards of femininity and masculinity. We all are going to have to re-evaluate our thinking.

I dont think "We" are showing any "social brainwashing" at all...

"We" are trying to help point out some of the things that explain the reasons other people are use to label or stereotype the guy, and/or how his attire can easily be mistaken.

"We" know he's a guy, but from some of his pictures he has shown us, its not always obvious or easy to tell.

Were only trying to help point these things out as he has stated he doesnt like being mistaken for a woman.

If he didnt care or was happy with it then we wouldnt bother...

Heels for Men // Legwear Fashion // HHPlace Guidelines

If something doesn't look right, please report the content ASAP!

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Constructive (positive) criticism was what it was meant to be. I'm quite a straightforward chap. Ask for an opinion, and I'll oblige. :wave: But even so, I like to think I look for the good, rather than the bad. [Glass half full attitude?]

Following on from what I think I get from Ritchie; "half measures" are likely confusing anyone who sees you walking along a street. You can't dress and groom yourself as a girl, then expect to be seen as 100% man. We have ALL been trained to associate certain types of appearance, with gender.

Can I just say here, I don't want to expand this <and go off-thread> into a debate about flag-waving stereo-types.

If you were to smile more, go some way to 'polishing' off your appearence to look more womanly, you'd be seen as a girl and get none of the unwanted attention. Even here in the UK, men dressing as a women but looking manly, would get the wearers unwanted attention. Beards and skirts don't work unless you're Scottish and live in Scotland. :cool1:

What's being discussed, is your overall style, not just whether you choose to wear clothes usually associated with womans dress. Putting this into some sort of pertinent context, a man wearing a stunning pair of heels, doesn't automatically make him attractive. (To anybody). His overall look is what is going to count.

My wife misses me wearing a suit. She is also not that keen to see me out in heels. I'm reasonably confident, I would look attractive to her if I wore heels, as long as I was wearing a suit too. It would be the overall look, [suit-clean shaven with cologne-good haircut] not just one aspect that would be doing it for her.

[On a style note, I quite fancy the idea of wearing a quality suite with 'boot cut' trousers over ankle boots. Will have to look into that ....... ]

Your 'look' needs finishing off. Can't put it any simpler than that.

There is a contradition in your style, and that is what I think gets you noticed, and sometimes gets you the unwanted attention. Clearly you are a pioneer. And even the most famous ones don't get it right first time. ;)

P.S. [included on "edit" as posts overlapped.]

Were only trying to help point these things out as he has stated he doesnt like being mistaken for a woman.

A general remark not specifically aimed as a response to the quoted comment ....

With his figure, grooming style, and clothing taste, it would be impossible for this 'mistake' to be made by anyone/anywhere. As desirable as a full 'freestyle' look might be, it's a concept held by (statistically) very few people in a small number of countries. Us wanting it to be accepted by the mainstream, is an almost unattainable scenario; not in my lifetime anyway.

I personally think the full 'femme' impression needs concluding. He's a long neck so would tolerate some dangly ear rings. Pale skin with eyeliner and some lipstick is an understated but powerfully erotic look.



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Actually, in my opinion, this whole conversation isn't anylonger helpful. His words, also in my opinion, really don't need additional analysis. Why don't we just conclude the whole issue with the thought that if rmaciej1983 just smiled a little more, people wouldn't take as much notice and, he could get about his business with a little less attraction. From the number of pictures of him that have been posted, and all while he's appearing to be walking somewhere, I don't believe he really is new to wearing feminine clothing and heels while going about his normal daily routine. These incidents of mistreatment are'nt recent occurrances. He probably has a few years experience dresing this way and is not very pleased that his situation isn't much better today that it was when he started wearing heels in public. Thefore, let's all show that we sympathize with him completely and admit we've all experienced similar treatment, at one time or another, while out and about wearing heel, I'm sure rmaciej193 will realize that we've done all we can from our various perches on the planet. As for me personally, I can only say how nice he looks and that he shouldn't get discouraged. just keep on being the person he wants to be and eventually people will recognize that hs'e just another individual trying to get along int this world.

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Holy $hit! You look F-ing Fantastic. I wish I had your body style. If I looked like you I'd feel very comfortable in heels, hose, and skirts. My shoulders are very broad so I don't look near as good as you. One hint, DO shave your legs. Your legs would even better. Thanks for the post!

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Just because rmaciej193 doesn't smile in his photos, doesn't mean he isn't comfortable in public.

You don't see models smiling on the catwalk. Open a fashion magazine and most of the ads have photos of models with intense/serious expressions on their face.

Seems to me that rmaciej193 was going for that model look (which he has). When I pose for a photo, I also try to get that model look. I do smile in some photos but those are more "family album" look photos.

As for his feminine look, I like it and he looks great. Many women would kill for that figure. I've said this in the past and I'll say it again...There are girly girls and tomboy girls, no reason it can't be the case with men as well.

If any of you guys is hoping to fully be accepted as guys in heels/skirts in the near future, take a number and be prepared to wait quite a while. In the meantime, wear what you want and be happy, with the middle finger pointed high at any of those who don't like what you're wearing. The best you can aspire for the majority of the public is indifference/people keeping their opinions to themselves.

Oh, and shaving legs is an absolute must when wearing hose and skirts, unless you wear tights with the skirt. Can't wait for my new purchase, my first man skirt, aka a black watch tartan kilt.


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