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Have any of you guys told your buddies you wear heels?


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Wasn't sure where to start this thread, but this seems the right place. I have been wearing heels for a while and have never had a bud I could tell that I wear heels. i have a great wife that really puts up with my heels and hose, but doesn't really understand why. It is tough to go through life with a secret that really turns you on that you cannot share with your best bud. Have any other of you guys that wear heel ever told your best male frien? Bernheels

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Wasn'y sure where to start this thread, but this seems the right place. I have been wearing heels for a while and have never had a bud I could tell that I wear heels. i have a great wife that really puts up with my heels and hose, but doesn't really understand why.

It is tough to go through life with a secret that really turns you on that you cannot share with your best bud.

Have any other of you guys that wear heel ever told your best male frien?


Hiya Bernheels

All my friends know as they have seen me, often when I turned up at their place wearing them and comments have never been negative.

My best mates girlfriend thought it was "Mental" in a good way...

Although I have to say, I would NEVER approach it from the "It turns me on" angle as I think this might freak out any best mate and may also question your motives for telling him, almost as if your making a come on.

I have never really taken that angle on it, but even if I did, I would never bring that into discussion.

I would say my own wearing has either been ignored / taken in stride or encouraged but I have never ever had to "Tell anybody" because its just something you do as part of day to day life..

Personally speaking, I think the more you make an "issue" out of something, the more it is seen as something to be worried about from those around you, almost as if your trying to come out of the closet and feel ashamed about it, whereas if you just turned up in some heels one day and carry on like nothing has changed then you will pretty much be taken at face value and either your buddies will say something that you can all laugh off and move on, or they will just ignore it, if they even notice.

Bottom line I think is to just get on with it and not to put yourself in one of those vulnerable positions of having to sit anybody down and "Come out" about it.

Heels for Men // Legwear Fashion // HHPlace Guidelines

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Thanks Richie:

I appreciate your comments. What type of heels do you wear with your buds?


Hey Bernheels

Well, I used to wear ankle boots with proper thick 4inch heels from barratts tall and small range, thick heels, small quarter inch platform, didnt look very girly at all really and co-ordinated them nicely... brown boots with brown jeans, and even wore blood red boots with black jeans once and a cool looking blood red shirt and black jacket which looked pretty decent but now I stick to the more comfortable rubber wedge heel boots and they are generally softer and more stable (Easier to drive in too)

I think as long as you co-ordinate what your wearing and dont look like a total dork then you should be fine.

Heels for Men // Legwear Fashion // HHPlace Guidelines

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Well Bernheels, I have been lifting weights for about 10 years with another guy name John.(my training partner and best friend). Well he convinced me one day that I should learn a little about computors as it is the 20th century. Well I started going over his house after work and he tought me well. The first night I felt a need to talk to him about my passion for heels and that I really didn't understand it or why. We can talk about anything and I knew I could trust him to understand. I was a little nervous but he was very understanding and the next night I went for my second lesson, he had recearched it for me and found http://www.passionsforfootwear.com/advice2.htm, left me alone with the computor and went downstairs to work on his basement. That night changed my whole life at the age of 51. Talk about a best bud. It don't get no better than that.

real men wear heels

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Hiya Bernheels

All my friends know as they have seen me, often when I turned up at their place wearing them...

Personally speaking, I think the more you make an "issue" out of something, the more it is seen as something to be worried about from those around you, almost as if your trying to come out of the closet and feel ashamed about it, whereas if you just turned up in some heels one day and carry on like nothing has changed then you will pretty much be taken at face value and either your buddies will say something that you can all laugh off and move on, or they will just ignore it, if they even notice.

Bottom line I think is to just get on with it and not to put yourself in one of those vulnerable positions of having to sit anybody down and "Come out" about it.

BANG! on target.:rocker::irked: Like most everything else in life, it's really no more of a deal than someone wants to make of it. One of my buddies showed-up the other night (quite unexpectedly) and I had just got in and still had on my boots with chunky 3" heels. So no big deal; I'm running around the house finding-up whatever it was he wanted and even stepped out to his car to see him off. If he noticed any thing at all he certainly didn't say anything. But even if he had said anything, I would've simply said I thought the style matched my outfit.

Now nonchalance probably won't work too well if your friends find you wearing 6" red or pink maribous. In that case, you really do need to have an explanation prepared.:biggrin:

Keep on stepping,

Guy N. Heels

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Yeah I've told all my best friends. I told a friend called Heelfan and my other mate Firefox and for some reason they both took it totally in their stride. I thought I might get some stick from another buddy called Xaphod but he was surprisingly cool about it too! LOL Seriously though, I don't tell anyone else because they never ask why I'm wearing heels.

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Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.

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No. We are seeking it to be normal for men to choose to wear heels. Why make something of it? Guys I know do not typically discuss shoes that each other are wearing. I do get it pointed out a lot that I often have bare feet this time of year (winter) so maybe heels would be discussed. This is really off topic but I include it here as an example to say that people do notice what a guy is wearing (or not) even if they say nothing. I am so comfortable in bare feet, even in the cold, I matter of factly say it is what is comfortable for me. (period). Of course my neighbors always say they know when it is really cold because I have shoes on when I walk the dog. So it is an illustration of heeling. I do not go around telling people I am barefoot. Funny thing the other day a neighbor pointed out I was barefoot and my wife standing next to me was barefooted too, but that was not noted at all. Bet that has happened to guys in heels out with their wives/girl friends. And being barefoot is still unisex!

classic style high heel boots

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i told my buddies about my obsession, they where more negative than positive, some of them just thought that I'm a gay, but girls sometime where really positive and even where interested in man in heels;) one girl just wanted to get me think about making me forget heels:D 1st time she won i really forgot about them half year, and then i saw them in shop and again wanted to wear heels;) but it wasn't hard to tell at least for me, maybe it wasn't the right variant how to tell, but... i think its really impossible to forget about heels forever... it just cant happen.

every human has they own choices...

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As you will see from the "Real Life Meetings" forum, many of us members go a great deal further than telling the odd buddy, and get together in London or New York or Paris and many other cities for whole-scale Heel-Meets that have sometimes exceeded fifteen or twenty of us openly street-heeling for a whole day. Kneehighs is currently organising a World Heel-Meet in London this Spring that looks like exceeding thirty attendees. Why not join us for a great day? Cheers, Heelfan

Onwards and upwards!

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Sure, people notice. I had on my wedge loafers one time and I still never figured out how my buddy saw them when I got out of my car. This is one of those guys that is so not aware of his surroundings. Anyways, he saw them and shouts out, "Are you wearing high heels?". I replied with a simple "no" and that was it. No one else said a word. A couple other times buddies have seen me in them. I'm sure they looked, but no one said anything. I still prefer to wear certain items (shoes, etc.) with certain people. When situations occur when I see people I don't plan on seeing, no one really notices or cares. If your nonchalant about it, it's not a big deal. As soon as you make a big deal about it, the other person will make a big deal about it.

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Guest ilovepumps!

Apart from everyone here, not another soul knows I wear heels. I dont think there is a need for any of my friends or family to know, as this is something for me to enjoy. We all have our own little secrets :wink:

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I have told one Real Time couple I know that I love heels. "She" knows and has also helped me pick out some for myself from time to time. "He" is ok with it and basically says, "Whatever floats your boat". Both are very open minded and I have worn heels over a few times. They are a great support for me as much as this forum.

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That is really great that you have such a supportive couple. They sound like great paople. I am wearing a nice burgandy sweater dress and 5inch black suede pumps. My wife and I are hanging out and watching a couple of movies. She is the best. I appreciate all the supportive comments. Bernheels

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I've had a few friends who knew of my interests. Two guys and two girls in total. The coincidence was that both girls had the same size feet I have, and could not walk in anything higher then a 2" heel without stumbling alot. Unfortunatly I've lost contact with one, others either moved or passed on.

(formerly known as "JimC")

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A girlfriend I dated over the summer (totally supportive, but I ended things with her for other reasons); my best friend who was in my wedding 16 years ago (he dressed in drag for a bust back when he was a cop before he began teaching grade school - says he "loved it"); my parents, aunt and uncle whom I trust, and a good friends of mine. I've also let marriage counselors know, and a few neighbors who've I've gotten to know as friends first know, too.

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all my best friends now about my passion for heels even my girl friend and they have no problem with it the most of the girl who now's want to try my heels on. Last time we went to them i was wearing kneehigh stilleto boots and they say whoooow nice boots and the girl want to try them on.

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