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Short Shorts


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Just for fun, and because I happened to have an old pair of holey jeans lying around, I decided to make a pair of short shorts, just to see what they would look like. I cannot stand, and refuse to wear these things they call "shorts" for men, which fall somewhere between the knee and the ankle and are just. . . huge. What I wound up with today was about a 3" inseam. Not ridiculously short, but had I gone any shorter, the front pockets would have stuck out the bottom. Not a good look, even if you might occasionally see it on certain celebrities.

I have come to three conclusions:

1) Even with what I think of as a fairly close-fitting men's jean (such as a Levi's 501 or 505), there is simply too much material there to look very nice. I look a bit redneck-ish. Time to go to the women's or girls' section, as several have suggested.

2) Heels seem to look shorter and stumpier in pictures than they do in real life. I'm always surprised when I order shoes online at how much taller the heel is than what I had imagined. To pair with my new makeshift shorts, I first tried on my 4" clogs with a tapered heel, which I thought would appear quite tall with shorts, especially given the open back. I took several pictures of myself in the mirror with the camera phone. They really don't look all that tall. Next, I tried my brand-new, and as-of-yet unworn 5" stiletto booties. Now that's more like it! I am quite sure that both pairs, especially the stilettos, would appear to be totally outrageous to the average person in Iowa. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't actually try the look in public at this time. Possibly in bare feet. That might be cute.

3) If I am going to try this look next summer, and I'm not saying that I am, I think I'm just going to have to bite the bullet and shave my legs. It just don't look right with leafy legs. Oh, and although I've lost enough weight recently to receive unsolicited comments, I've probably got, realistically 10 pounds to go before I'm wearing shorts shorts. Period. And probably some stomach crunches too.

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Possible quick fix for the pocket issue - fold them up and stitch them just above the fold. Cut off the excess. - - - OR - - - Check out the womens denim shorts at the thrift shop. See if the fit you and shop from there. I have picked up a couple pairs of denim shorts from the other aisle and found I like the fit. In public?? - - not yet myself.

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3) If I am going to try this look next summer, and I'm not saying that I am, I think I'm just going to have to bite the bullet and shave my legs. It just don't look right with leafy legs.

Another option is opaque hosiery to cover up unsightly hair.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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Heels look lower because of a foreshortening effect. Taken from above they will look lower, viewed from side-on they'll look taller.

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.

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Heels look lower because of a foreshortening effect. Taken from above they will look lower, viewed from side-on they'll look taller.

Reviewing my photos, that makes total sense. The dangle of the angle, and all that. High school geometry.

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Another option is opaque hosiery to cover up unsightly hair.

You know, that could just be a good idea. I am not about shaving my legs however I can't stand being stuck in pants with my heels.

Life is short...  Wear the bleeping shoes!

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Look for some real short shorts with a 1" inseam. You can wear them with leggings (or not). Watch out for panty hose with these shorts. If the hose have a reinforced panty that extends down the leg the panty will be visible. One other caution is that the gals cut of these shorts tend to be tight with very little room for the male plumbing. They look great with thigh boots (but you knew I was going to say that). TBG

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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mlroseplant- I played football in junior high and high school and substituted swimming, since our school was blessed with an Olympic-size pool, for weightlifting as a conditioning program and so I kept my legs smooth. I stopped it for a some years during military service and starting a family but started shaving my legs and arms again in 2000. I have several pairs of very short cutoffs, veritable Daisy Duke short-shorts, that I wear in the warmer months around the yard or Up North at our land. I wear them in front of our now-grown kids and the wife with no drama as they have become a normal part of the background. Yes, there have been times I have put on some nice wedge heels with those shorts while at our land to cut the grass with the riding mower or prune the young trees I've planted. The point is I love the ventilation and my legs are not masculine-looking anyway. It's all about what you like and feel comfortable wearing as it always is. HappyinHeels

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Oh, good grief, this whole thing is just kind of a fantasy anyway. Number one, my wife would kill me if I went out dressed in short shorts and 5" heels. Seems to me there's a thread elsewhere about counting your blessings and not pushing your spouse. Pushing, phhththphtht, this would be like shoving her down a flight of stairs. I'm not gonna do it. Since I had a pair of throwaway jeans anyhow, I thought, "Why not?" Second, let's be realistic. When I think about the "look," I'm picturing something like what you see in the attached thumbnail. Reality check! I don't look like that! So, this is a fun thread with some fun thoughts, but, heh, ain't never gonna happen, even if I do get my washboard stomach back by this summer. BTW, the girl pictured is my cousin (by marriage). She lives in Hanoi, Vietnam, and I'm sure she won't mind me posting this on here. As you can see, she doesn't mind showing off a bit. I even made a whole music video about her once, plucking images off of Facebook, which she loved.


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mlroseplant, OK, stick to your plan and shave your legs next summer and wear your shorts however you like them. I think you'll love the difference which isn't so much a fantasy and that's the point here. Each person know their comfort zone and limitations and you're no different. What you absolutely do want to do is enjoy your time on Earth as much as possible! Best wished for your weight loss plan. HappyinHeels

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