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A negative comment from youtube

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He was saying that the guy who was running in high heel boots was a gay. So I posted a comment against him and here is what he answered: [Prejudices and ignorant guy', go ahead i don't bother. at first i won't wear heels because i aint gay what makes us bring to my second point why i can't walk on those. He remains gay.] I would not wear heels because I hate gays and I am not capable to wear them! Nice reason huh? He did never try heels with his size, I swear!

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Charlie, when you deal idiots like that, what do you expect!!??:smile: they dont even KNOW what "gay" means, not the least of the fact that one thing- (gay) does NOT have ANYTHING to do with the other- (wearing heels), & this jerk is telling the whole world this about himself in making the video! LOL

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  • 5 months later...

Yeah, you need to be prepared for very negative reactions if you post boot/heel videos on youtube....Don't post if you will be bothered by these fools...Like others have said, these negative comments just come from confused guys who are frustrated about their own sexual orientation or fetish interests....These guys are usually shut down quickly when you ask the simple question:

Why are you even looking at videos that bother you so much??

Edited by pebblesf
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The (appalling lack of) quality of many of the comments on YouTube will lead one to fear for the future of our species. These cretins seem to have no qualms about letting their ignorance hang out for all the world to see. Expecting any kind of thought, consideration or even decency from such people is futile, that is why so many videos have comments disabled.

Have a happy time!

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IMHO, those who comment need to ask themselves, "would I say this to the person if he or she was standing right in front of me" before they comment..

Never frown because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.

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I can't be sure on this but I think it was Daley Thompson, who after winning a gold at the olympics, was asked if he was gay. He replied, "back in England, gay means that you're happy!"

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I have also made a good comment on you tube about a guy wearing heels, and stated I also have a simular pair of boots that I wear now and again with no real problems, and the comment after mine was I must be gay. Could not be bothered to go back with a reply, and why watch a video like that if you are not interested in the subject. I rest my case.

life is not a rehearsal

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  • 2 weeks later...

When dealing with youtube comments, and internet comments in general it's always best to keep Dirty Harry in mind. Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one. The anonimity of the internet allows people to bring out the worst in them, so take comfort from the good ones, good advice from the contructive ones and cheerfully ignore the rest.

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