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Bought new Basque blue stiletto pumps

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On Thursday evening after I got back from site Alise and I went late night shopping to Galleria at Morely and I saw these awesome blue heels. They were Basque and I have never bought a pair of these before. I have seen Basque ankle boots and flats (1” heels) before but these were the first sexy stiletto type heels I had seen of this brand in the shops. I loved the colour mostly and they did not scrunch my toes up as much at the red peep toes do. Also they are not platforms and they were marked down from $245 to $185. How could I resist :) I think they go okay with jeans and they should look good with a skirt now that the weather is starting to get warmer. Christine.



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And beautiful they are too, Christine. The almond toe looks good. I like them. And as you say, with a discount, irrestistable! Enjoy them!

"A man cannot make a pair of shoes rightly unless he do it in a devout manner" - Thomas Carlyle

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Yes Christine they are a great choice!

You are looking very nice in them!

I'm amazed from the pictures how they are made in the right moment and a good angle of view and what a nice foot they make, special on the second picture!

Thank you!

Have a nice day,... an admirer of beautiful ladies and girls, their shoes and the content of them...

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I think i check those pumps out in Myer recently. Great to see we can still get a great heel without a platform.

I think you could wear them anywhere _ how about a nice street cafe on a Sat morning _ i'm sure you will get planty of admiring looks.


Yes … part of what I liked about them was that they are not platforms … and the awesome colour. You probably did see them at Myers because I got them at Myers at Galleria.

A street café is a really awesome idea and it is ages since Alise and I have been over to Leederville for a coffee on a Saturday morning but I might get to show them off for the first time before that because I brought them down to site with me and a few of us are sort of thinking of going over to Bunbury tomorrow night for dinner. If we do go I am pretty sure I will wear them even though I don’t know what place we are going to go to yet.


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Nice shoes, Christine. The color is quite striking, and I personally appreciate the fact that they have just a bit of a platform. Still a classic cut to the shoe despite being a platform sole. Nice choice!

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On Thursday evening after I got back from site Alise and I went late night shopping to Galleria at Morely and I saw these awesome blue heels. They were Basque and I have never bought a pair of these before. I have seen Basque ankle boots and flats (1” heels) before but these were the first sexy stiletto type heels I had seen of this brand in the shops.

I loved the colour mostly and they did not scrunch my toes up as much at the red peep toes do. Also they are not platforms and they were marked down from $245 to $185. How could I resist :smile:

I think they go okay with jeans and they should look good with a skirt now that the weather is starting to get warmer.


Those are some nice looking shoes. They look very comfy also.
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  • 5 months later...

Does anyone know what's happened to Christine? She suddenly stopped posting in October, with no warning, and logged in last in November. I hope she's OK.

'Come, and trip it as ye go

On the light fantastic toe.'

John Milton

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