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Do Firefox and Francis hang out here anymore?


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Firefox is still around but finds most of the posts boring now. When you wear heels more or less 24/7 like he does, all the "bought my first heels" or "went out in heels for the first time" posts are boring. It would be like you reading a forum where some guy went out in male jeans for the fist time.

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.

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Oh well.. I remember way back when I first found those guys online. It was such a relief to find people much like me who just like wearing higher heeled shoes/boots as a guy and learning that I wasn't some kind of weirdo. They also gave me the confidence to go further with it than I ever would have otherwise. I can see why they'd be a tad bored with all this by now though as I've been away for awhile too. It just becomes normal after awhile and you don't think of it as much as in the beginning. I do enjoy the posts by those who go out in stilletos and skirts though because it's about fashion freedom and everyone should be able to choose what they want to wear without others controlling them. One post that Quartz made back on the old board years ago still sticks in my mind to this day.. He was at a fashion show and when asked by one of the people who put it on to sum up male fashion with one word he replied "tyranny". :) He could also make a post about an outing in his Prada heels the most interesting story in the world. Charlie

Everything I say is a lie!.......I'm lying

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I've preached this on the Legwear as Unisex Fashion board at http://forums.delphiforums.com/legwearuf and I'll preach it here as well. Sure, it's natural for experienced wearers to find a lot of the newbies' posts boring and reptitious, and to stop posting or even stop coming here. Unfortunately that isn't helpful to our cause of making leading edge fashion freedom more mainstream.

Experienced guys are absolutely needed here to help encourage the newbies. The posts in this thread illustrate how influential the experienced guys are. So my plea to Quartz, Firefox, Francis, Xa and others who used to post prolifically on Jenny's site and don't post much here: get involved again. Post positive and constructive comments on newbie's accomplishments. Give them encouragement and inspiration. Help them over the hurdles. You were in their shoes (almost literally!) once and maybe you achieved your goals by yourself with no one to help you, but you did it, and you realized it was fun and the world didn't fall apart. Please pass along your precious experience to the rest of us. Please post more often, tell your "family" here what has worked for you, how you felt, what you're doing now, and get actively involved with this forum again. You'll be amazed at the warm welcome you get, and we'll be grateful for your experienced contributions! It's not sainthood, but it's pretty close!


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I haven't seen Firefox in a long time, but I ratchet-jaw with Francis on occasion on IM and Facebook, so that may be a way of reaching them as well. Isn't there an HHPlace group on Facebook too?

SQ.....still busting societal molds with a smile...and a 50-ton sledge!

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ShockQueen is one of the 'originals' as well, I didn't mention you because I've seen some of your posts of late. Good to see you're still around. I remember the days when you lived in Denver. Charlie

Everything I say is a lie!.......I'm lying

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ShockQueen is one of the 'originals' as well, I didn't mention you because I've seen some of your posts of late. Good to see you're still around. I remember the days when you lived in Denver.


I joined in 2002 also, and met up with several of the guys back then, even went over to Hilucs place in Belgium too, many years ago....

We met quite a few of the members over their too, including Jeff, the previous admin, great bunch-a-guys to hang out with

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I remember Hiluc as well and I believe he had sexual reassignment surgery and has dropped out of the scene as wearing heels is no big deal anymore being he's now a she. She still could post on the girls forum though? Charlie

Everything I say is a lie!.......I'm lying

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Hi all, Well my first heel meet was also 2002, we went to Cambridge, and I must admit had a very good day. Feeling very nervious about meeting strange guys who also liked heels. At this time it was all dial up internet, and I thought I was a nutter, but I thought sod it I will go. At the meet I meet Mr Firefox, Xa and Calvin and a couple of other people names I'am sorry I can't remember, but a really good day was had by all. When I went home I remember saying to my daughter, today is the best day of my life so far, I have worn heels in public and I felt great. (must admit her birth was greater). Well to date I have been to the 2007 world heel meet where I meet loads of people (best one yet) and I went to the 2009 world heel meet in London. I can only say without meeting these people I would slog on by my self being myself and wearing my heels and feeling guilty, but now I don't feel guilty anymore, these guys have given me life, and I wear my heels with no problems. the only problem is in your own head, it took me forty years to find this out. Go out enjoy.

life is not a rehearsal

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Hi, I've been around for quite a few years now, since the early days of the old forum actually. Don't pop up so much these days, I also tend to find the posts kinda repetitive. I miss the input of guys like Firefox, Xaphod and a few others but I canunderstand that their interest has moved to other things. Now i'm surprised to read that Highluc had gender reassignment surgery. Are you sure, the bloke wasn't that young, he was actually retired from the Military If I remember.

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True. He was retired from the Belgian air force. I remember going to his old website and reading the announcement that he had there about having this done. He had facial reconstruction surgery to feminize his facial features as well. When I got to the pictures of the process being done, she looked great! I'd have never recognized him from the new her. She said she wouldn't be around anymore because wearing heels now wasn't a big deal anymore. I hope she's found true happiness for the rest of her days. Charlie

Everything I say is a lie!.......I'm lying

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