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Hello from Me

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Hi Guys, I'm new to the site so I thought I'd take the time to introduce myself, I'm Matt and from the Midlands. I love heels and have done for years although I have never told anyone about my love for them (even though I think it is really obvious!). I lived away from home for a year and managed to buy my first pair of heels, some black strapy sandals, but I got rid of them before I moved back because I didn't think I'd be able to keep them secret. I would really love a new pair though and I've encountered all the regular problems people have mentioned here. Anyways, thats a little about me, I hope I can get some new heels very soon! Matt

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Welcome to hhplace, Matt :P If you've spent any time browsing through the threads here, I'm sure you've discovered that most of the members have gone through the very issues that you are experiencing. While several different solutions have been used to overcome them, the main solution used by quite a few members is to wait until they move into their own apartment and then resume wearing their heels in the privacy of their own home. That solution takes a little patience. So, while you might not be able to wear them at this time, it is well worth the wait until your circumstances change and you can buy your own heels, again. :)

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Hi Matt, Welcome to the best board on the net. Your story is so familiar, and it is repeated many times by other posters. What is your goal? What shoes do you like? What would you NOT consider wearing? Etc Etc. Depending upon these answers, you will be able to judge for yourself how long the uphill struggle in your own mind will be to feel comfortable about heel wearing. Should you be interested in all forms of high heels, then this will allow you to consider the multitude of, quite frankly, utilitarian heeled shoes that women wear daily. Block and Cuban heels rule on these types of shoes. These are quite frankly very easy to get away with in general wear. As a young man - I wish for myself - then you would do well to read through the adventures of Kneehighs Thread. His thread is a wonderful diary showing his progress in heel wearing and latterly just how potent a tool they can be to have a real good social life. Study all the poiniters in his thread and you won't go far wrong. With luck you will find the right lady to partner you who loves your unique style. You are lucky in that with the internet you have the resource of such groups as HHP to discuss. This was not the case 25 years ago and I know that had it been available, then it would have made a huge difference to us older types who really cannot get away with it like you can. Still I am enjoying what I do now. Don't think you are alone - far from it as HHP demonstrates. Wearing heels is fun, but you should always consider the whole look, not just the fact of wearing heels. It is a fashion thing primarily and if you have that mindset, then you'll be just fine. This is something that will be with you for the rest of your life. Embrase the fact, don't fight it, and for goodness sake don't throw your shoes away because you think its wrong. Repressing your wish to wear high heels of whatever type is a recipie for turning heel wearing into a potentially dangerous (for you) fetish. It would probably be a good idea - if it is possible for you - to go tp the next heel meeting in Bristol as you will meet like minded people and get a better idea of just how to incorporate heels into your wardrobe. Don't be bashful around here, we love heels of all types, and dearly want others to enjoy what we all do - wearing high heels. Simon.

Are you confusing me with someone who gives a damn?

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Thanks for all the replies, it is great to know that there are so many people out there who love wearing heels as much as I do. It is interesting when you say what is my goal becasuse I don't really have one. Do you guys here have one? I have just spent the past few years (bar the one when I had my own heels) borrowing heels that were just about big enough for me to fit into from family members and then putting them back without anyone noticing. I love driving in heels and would love to have a pair just under my seat for driving but like I said I don't want people that I know to know. In what ways do you think it could be dangerous for me? I loved the sandals I had but I prefer pumps, the next pair I buy will definitely be black, around 4 inches and maybe a small platform. I'd say though, mainly heels that I find girls attractive in. Is that a common feeling? I am interested to go to this heel meet in Bristol but what is it and what happens? Fill me in and I will definitely consider attending. Thanks again for your replies! Matt

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Hi Matt,

Well, when I say dangerous, and as you have elaborated a little, your actions of borrowing others footwear will get you noticed as your using their shoes will change the feel of them to the owner. You are demonstrating that in your mind you feel you are doing something wrong. You must stop using other footwear and get your own, even if it is only one pair as it is a much safer way.

I would also say that your actions mean that heels and I rather suspect this means stiletto heels are "fetish" in nature to you rather than "fashion". This will lead to you supressing your desire to wear heels, and you may well not get a partner who is open minded enough to accept your love of heels coupled with wearing them. Far better to redirect your interest in heels to those you can wear when you want without feeling like you are an outcast of society. Anyway you will spend so much on shoes you throw away, its almost criminal.

Get yourself a pair of 3" cowboy boots from this Fleabay reseller. sendra45 (respected member and moderator) recommends him. Wear the boots with your jeans and normal guy wear. Two benefits in doing this 1) You get to wear heels a lot at a height that will not restrict your walking. 2) You'll look good and feel good about yourself. I bet you will get nothing but good comments about your boots. Why cowboy boots, well precisely because they are exactly what they say they are cowBOY boots. People will accept you wearing heels without a thought.

Now go and read Kneehighs thread as I suggested before and see just how he incorporated heels into his routine. Its a lot to read and digest, but if you want to wear heels, his way is just how to do it.

Above all enjoy wearing your heels, no matter what the shape.


Are you confusing me with someone who gives a damn?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, thanks for your opinions. I do need to get myself a pair though, would love to have my own. And yes, I've thought that people would be able to feel a difference in them but they are not used anymore. Does anybody have any ideas/suggestions on how you have been able to keep heels without people you live with/know finding out about them? Matt

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I have heels in a set of draws, covered by jeans, t-shirt etc. Also at the back of a wardrobe with other things infront. Keep a box from a pair of trainers and put them in there. Then put the box somewhere where it wont be easily found.

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