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Slowly starting to tell people.....


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I have slowly started to tell people about my like oh heels....... It intresting. My freinds dont seem to be botherd. My best mate does think its funny but he dont really care. Oly things that been said is not to wear them around him incase people think we are gay lol Girlfreind Iv been aproaching this with great care....she knows I have 2 pairs of heels (I origanly said i brought them for a charity walk) but she does sort of know I like wearing them. She said she thinks its a bit odd but that it. She does'nt seemto be intrested in talking about it so I'm not gunna push it. I think It more about how it will affect her image rather then not likeing it in general. She also only 18 so I can understand her being concernd about image so wont push things for her sake. My mum was negative at first. Infact made me purge my first lot of heels. But she slowly come round to it. She knows Iv brought more and did say she kinda liked my boots.

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The first person I told was my cousin, she was moving in at my place for a while and because the house layout was a bit odd she would have had to go through my bedroom to get to the bathroom. Apart from that I figured that sooner or later she'd either catch me in them or find a pair that weren't hers. She was surprised, but it didn't bother her and as we wear the same size we often used to borrow each other's heels. Most of my friends know and, like my cousin, they were surprised but not bothered and I've been on a few nights out with them when I've been wearing heels.

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Well Intresting enough two of my male mates admited to wearin heels, one out in public a few years ago cause he wanted to see what it was like. Plus my freinds have said they will give it ago with me wearing my boots around them........

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Don't forget that actions speak louder than words. The action of unapologetically wearing your heels without even telling people you are wearing heels is the absolute best way to "just do it."

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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Well I dont wanna risk loseing freinds and family. And I dont wanna do things that will make them uncomfortable.

Which is exactly what will hapen if you turn it into something thats an issue, or "something you need to tell them"

If somebody says "hey, your wearing heels" you just say

1) "and?" and move on..

2) "I know, arnt they cool"

3) "Sleepiing with my feet in grow bags wasnt working"

4) "I know, the air up here is much better"

No 3 went down well with my own mum, she laughed and that was it, next subject...

None of this "I need to tell you something" and turning it into something to be ashamed of...

Heels for Men // Legwear Fashion // HHPlace Guidelines

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I think Tech is right "in principle" only. Many of us may not be equipped to handle a lot of teasing that might follow. Even though that is a form of playful acceptance, it needs a certain frame of mind to let that go over you in a graceful manner. Hence an attitude of "I rather keep it to myself", even if you don't feel ashamed about it. But I agree fully that once you "come out" with it, the best way is neither to be defensive nor being aggressive about it. It just is. Period. Y.

Raise your voice. Put on some heels.

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My team know and I get a bit of ribbing even a caricature sketches of us puts me in heels and skirt, not to mention some cleavage lines, which is the only thing I objected to. Passing my mobile No. to our second team leader, he asked if it was to set up a clandestine meeting in my heels, he was a little taken aback when I asked for his fiancée to come instead! I've spent a christmas eve morning in heels whilst it was quiet, I got a few looks and questions. They now know it's just me. Al

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Well Intresting enough two of my male mates admited to wearin heels, one out in public a few years ago cause he wanted to see what it was like.

Plus my freinds have said they will give it ago with me wearing my boots around them........

I wonder how many other men there are who wear high heels privately and would probably love to tell someone or some people about their enjoyment of wearing high heels. That is what I love about this website. Look at all of the people, women and especially men, arounf the world, who enjoy sharing their experiences, private or publicly, of wearing high heels. In my own instance, it has encouraged me to go even more places and do things wearing high heels in public. The more we share, the more we encourage and motivate.

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