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Being short on ideas I picked this one because I have done this a few times my self and I am sure a few others has as well. Before I had my own high heels, my ex wife had a pair of black 5" T strap pumps. A couple of times I had put them one and walked around in them drunk. Need less to say I could not walk in them, I ended up wobbling around. Luckily I did not twist or brake any thing. Any body else have this kind of experience?

Hello, :wave: my name is Hoverfly. I’m a high heel addict…. Weeeeeeeeeee!  👠1998 to 2022!


Ohhhhh.....Tell us some more :wink:

  texasbumpkin said:


Hello, :wave: my name is Hoverfly. I’m a high heel addict…. Weeeeeeeeeee!  👠1998 to 2022!


Nope. I can walk in heels drunk as well as normal shoes, as it's something I'm used to doing. But there comes a point where I suppose I would keel over whatever I was wearing but I've never reached that as I don't drink to excess.


One time I tried walking in my thigh boots (6 in heels, no platforms) with a couple of shots of Jack Daniels in me. Luckily there was a couch nearby for me to collapse into.



I've wobbled back from pubs in heels several times. The worst occasion I've had was missing my seat in a taxi and ending up rolling about on the floor... Never broken anything either!

Obsessed is such a strong word. I prefer to think of myself as "differently enthusiastic"


Yes, I did that well over a year ago, in a sports bar, during an after work function. Five inch stilettos, wood floor, and cheap drink specials for happy hor. I was still training up at that point, I may have been a month at only five inch heels then. It was an interesting walk to the bathroom, and an even more interesting game of mini golf. I've never had a problem with just a few drinks, of course, and I have been in heels and having a drink or two quite a few times. But this night was, well, it went a bit further than it should have. No, I did not end up sick, just smiling.


been there, got the t-shirt! :D lucikly, I didn't suffer too much. I'm told the worst of it was dancing and spinning round on my heels, but didn't fall! I dunno about that part! :wink: Picked a fight on the way home and won, although a bruise on my face told me that someone had managed to get one in! If I can walk in them sober, I can walk in them drunk!! :o


Ahh - what a GREAT subject. Also been there done that. More recently than anyone can imagine.... 2 nights ago I ended up in a local bar drinking rum and Cokes (for no reason other than celebrating the fact that summer was nearly here). Unfortunately after one or two drinks too many, I stood up, realising how wasted I really was. I attempted to walk home (which was fortuantely not too far away, although felt a lifetime away). Stupidly I was in my 5 inch white stilletoes which not only got scuffed to shreds but even worse, I broke the heel - getting it caught in between pavement (sidewalk) slabs of concrete. :-( I am so upset! Moral of the story: Don't do it!


In reponce to Hoverfly, I was in the Old Port, in Portland Maine, and for those of you that have never been there, the streets near the bars are cobble stone. And all I have to say is: Alcohol + cobble stone + heels = sprained ankle


How could you do that? You have only 3 inch wedges!!! :wink:

  texasbumpkin said:

In reponce to Hoverfly, I was in the Old Port, in Portland Maine, and for those of you that have never been there, the streets near the bars are cobble stone. And all I have to say is:

Alcohol + cobble stone + heels = sprained ankle

Hello, :wave: my name is Hoverfly. I’m a high heel addict…. Weeeeeeeeeee!  👠1998 to 2022!


He told me too, but I had to e-mail him a drink first :wink:

Obsessed is such a strong word. I prefer to think of myself as "differently enthusiastic"


Tiddled...yup for sure and I manage heels with out a problem. I enjoy a few drinks and party up at times, but getting drunk...the pissed rotten,fall down, puke all over your shirt drunk does nothing for me at all. I don't get that way, haven't for 20 yrs and I don't plan on doing it any time soon.


:D Don't look at me......I said nothing, nothing at all!!! :wink:

  JimC said:

Hoverfly told me..

Hello, :wave: my name is Hoverfly. I’m a high heel addict…. Weeeeeeeeeee!  👠1998 to 2022!


Oops :wink: Looks like we may have caused Hoverfly to get a bit of a handbagging :D

Obsessed is such a strong word. I prefer to think of myself as "differently enthusiastic"


Texasbumpkin Headbanging is a thing us (Heavy Metal (personally I'm an Iron Maiden fan - shameless plug :o ) fans do, hover fly could have also been banging his haed agaist a wall :D . btw I have NOT walked drunk in my 6" inch heel 2" inch platform stiletto heeled black patent sandals yet (don't want a broken ankle! :wink: later, TXT-1


Yamyam wrote:


caused Hoverfly to get a bit of a handbagging

Hmmmmm! The word I read is "handbagging" not "headbanging". Perhaps he meant "headbanging." Was it a typeo?

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.


Handbagging is a throwback to the days we had a female Prime-Minister, aka Margaret Thatcher. To get to that job you need to be a bit of a control freak. Thatcher immortalised this, but our latest PM, Blair, has perfected the art into a cynical science. His once arch-henchman, Peter Mandelson, in my opinion, has more than a touch of the Goebbels about him. Back to the plot..... when one of the cabinet strayed from the Margaret Thatcher line, he would be rebuked. It was alleged that this would take the form of a clout around the head from the large handbag which Thatcher habitually carried.


Handbagging, I believe, is when one gets swiped at a number of times with one or more handbags. The term is normally used in a humourous context. Of course I could be wrong...


Hmmm! Wasn't Maggie called "old Iron pants (drawers)?) I would thing they would call it "drawerbanging" :rofl: Thanks XP

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

  Bubba136 said:

Hmmm! Wasn't Maggie called "old Iron pants (drawers)?)

we used to joke that Maggie (The Iron Lady) had her knickers made by British Steel ! :wink:

  stilettos said:

Handbagging, I believe, is when one gets swiped at a number of times with one or more handbags. The term is normally used in a humourous context. Of course I could be wrong...

This is precisely how I intended it! As I'm from the UK, the old Maggie Thatcher 'handbagging' thing has become a figure of speech. Now, at least where I grew up, the word means any kind of gentle and humourous rebuke from a lady to a man.

In fact I'd forgotten the whole "Iron Lady" Thatcher thing, although as I type, I'm reminded of an occasion where she cancelled part of a foreign tour. The Guardian newspaper (fondly known as the "Grauniad" because of its typos) reported this under a headline along the lines of "Thatcher suffers metal fatigue" rather than 'mental fatigue' :wink:

Obsessed is such a strong word. I prefer to think of myself as "differently enthusiastic"

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