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Posts posted by Heelster

  1. 2 hours ago, alphax said:

    People losing real local jobs is never good, but just about every pair I bought from Payless turned into goo before its time.  Cheap polyurethane.

    Some stores did carry large womens sizes, particularly those in areas with a large black population.  It was particularly noticeable between stores in San Francisco and Oakland.

    Our local pretty much stopped at size 10, and anything at Payless was less expensive at Walmart.


  2. Oh  Hell - - These girls got nothing new going on.

    Ruby Starr and the Grey Ghost Band. Circa 1977 Detroit.

    Oh - and the editorial sucks - she sold a lot of albums in her day.


  3. As much as I hate to see businesses like Payless struggle, if they closed the nearest one to me, it would be no big issue. Selection was limited beyond the typical flats, and the sales people were rather pissy when I walked down the aisle. You could tell they didn't approve of men wearing heels. It's the only store I have experienced this, and frankly - - good riddance.


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  4. Macy's just closed the store nearest me. Never found much of interest in the store, and even with the huge discounts, they just didn't have much that I thought was interesting. This Macy's never had the shoe department that you would find in a much larger city.



  5. 11 minutes ago, meganiwish said:

    Oh yes. stereotyping shamelessly, and hitting the nail on the head, I suspect.

    When men bewail being limited in style choices, and colours I think of George Melly.  If you're made to wear a suit, WEAR a suit.  Man up, chaps.

    Guess I'm lucky then. I have no reason to wear one these days. Nobody is willing to pay me enough salary to warrant wearing one.

  6. On 29/03/2017 at 11:53 AM, spikesmike said:

    Bernheels reminded me that iloveboots traveled to Mexico quite often. The belief is that iloveboots owned property there and when iloveboots

    retired, he never returned and doesn't participate in HHPlace any longer.

    Any idea where in Mexico??

  7. 10 hours ago, Thighbootguy said:

    These are not really my style, but they do make a bold statement and if that is your message then "Well said".

    Will you take them out for a stroll in public?

    If I were wearing those, I'd be concerned about doing damage to myself, furniture, or small furry animals I walked near. :penitent:


    I can see some stray dogs that would get the message - - stay back.

  8. On 25/03/2017 at 6:43 PM, Thighbootguy said:

    I had a gig this morning and taking @JeffB, "Man in black" comment to heart. I headed out with a black turtleneck, the new white jeans, and black OTK faux suede boots with 4" block heels. 

    GEDC1502.jpg.62d9380ef23d249c07ce8cf25eefdccb.jpgHeading to the gig

    The folks at this venue expect me to be wearing boots so it was no big deal, except for the "HI"s and "Hello"s, when I walked in.wearing boots with my flatbed two wheeler loaded with my amp and "music stuff".  I invited a banjo player (not a typo, I really did invite a banjo player) to sit in, and we had a good time with me playing rhythm guitar for his bluegrass stuff and he playing along with my non-bluegrass stuff.  We did agree that the difference between the bluegrass tunes was mostly their name.:penitent:

    GEDC1504.jpg.bec82e9a0cafca2021eef33f8828e002.jpgMastertone and a Martin

    The venue is a Pancake Breakfast at a church (hey, it's a gig) and the organist commented that she liked my boots and the minister echoed that they were very "balladeer" looking.  We played for about three hours then they fed us pancakes.

    On the way home I stopped at a "fashion" store in a black neighborhood and as I was entering the store a young black lady, who had just come out, commented, "I really like your boots".  I thanked her and headed into the store.

    Anyway, I had a fun outing and had some good pancakes.


    Hmmmmm - - - for me it looks like your channeling your hippie era - - - - - It fits the outfit, but I'm not sure it's you.

    Then again, coming from a guy who's hair looks like Einstein half the time, and does Santa at Christmas - - - What do I know.


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  9. 1 hour ago, w6ish said:

    had the afternoon off and thought i would go down memory lane here on hhplace.  i found this gem:

    "i fell off my white double buckle beauties on a main street, in front of hundreds of people... my wife and girlfriend were there and helped me off the pavement. i stepped in a small pothole with my right platform and down i went. that is what you get for not watching where you are going. it was the most embarrassing high heel experience i have had!"

    from way back in 2004.  i remember it well!  down i went and the gals said i went down like a gazelle.  (that wasn't the end of my wipe outs but it was definitely one of the top 5 in my high heeling experiences!)

    what struck me more though was this response:

    "Wow! Some people are really lucky. Not only do they get to wear their heels out in public in front of hundreds of people, they have both their girlfriend and wife help him up when he falls off of his high heels....WoW!!!!  (My wife would push me off of my heels and shoot both me and my girlfriend while she was helping me to my feet. :rofl: )"

    ha ha!!!  that's fun stuff!  well some of us don't live by those rules!  as my lovely wife would say:  anyone who wears 6 inch heels is definitely going a bit further.


    said "double buckle beauties", from all those years ago!

    sweet hhplace!  such memories! 

    I know the feeling, but I didn't have anyone to help me up. Been a few weeks since my epic fail, and I still have the road rash knee from it. The one heel didn't survive it. Actually, I do believe the heel failure was the cause of my spill. I hope never to have that experience again.

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  10. I do like the red/black transition pair - - but I'm not likely to wear those casually around the house.

    I've been sticking to high wedges and block style heels around here. Easier on the hardwood floors, and work better in the garage and occasionally, the gravel driveway. When it gets too hot in the summer, denim mini's and strappy sandals are the go to items.

    Wife still thinks I'm off my rocker, but since she is short, I get the task of reaching the top shelf items since I have my elevators on. 


  11. 1 hour ago, Steve63130 said:

    Actually, getting down is easy. It's coming back up that's a challenge! Gravity is not always my friend!


    Murphy's laws on bars - - -You can't fall off the floor.

    I've done enough damage to my back and other major joints that frankly, something is gonna hurt regardless. I've done something to one of my Achilles tendons recently, and walking barefoot is a pain. Lucky I have heels because then I can walk comfortably

  12. Megan - - yes, I'll agree that if your a CEO of a multi-billion company, or a political figure such as President, then it is appropriate to wear the uniform of this distinction regardless of comfort.

    When I go into a steel mill, I have to wear items that by no means are comfortable, but they are required for my physical protection - - - comes with the job.

    When I worked in a 60+ person cubicle farm with no windows to the outside, it seems pretty ridiculous to wear dress pants, button down shirt and a tie just to push paperwork.

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  13. 59 minutes ago, Steve63130 said:

    Everybody thinks he lives in a very conservative community. ------------


    You know your in a conservative community when a Country Music Star comes out of the closet, and the locals have a CD shooting party.

  14. 3 hours ago, at9 said:

    Short length of chain run under the sole and round the ankle. Plus a small padlock. Cheap, simple, effective.

    Dog choker chains work real well for this. TSA Luggage locks are good for this too.


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  15. No need to push the envelope any farther than your comfortable with. I usually do any heels in public with jeans, and maybe some trouser socks depending on weather and style. I'll do a skirt and stocking for occasions such as Rocky Horror, and if  ever get out to a group gathering possibly. (I wouldn't want CAT to have all the fun if I ever get into his neck of the woods.)


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