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Posts posted by Heelster

  1. 21 minutes ago, Shyheels said:

    If people - especially salesmen -  cannot, or will not, explain something in plain English without a lot of made up jargon and ludicrous gobbledygook verbs which have been snatched out of thin air, I know I am being bamboozled. 

    Unfortunately, that kinda was plain English - - a bit on the tech side, but plain enough for some of us that are familiar with the open source software concepts and protocols.

    My issue with some of these concept is that they seem to create a fiscal value out of thin air.

    My best example would be Pokemon Go - it creates value within itself, but is useless beyond itself.

    • Like 1
  2. On 14/10/2017 at 12:13 AM, Pumped said:

    I have found that most local stores are pretty limited, mostly hikers and dress shoes. Take a look on DSW.com on the men's side and you will find plenty Chelsea bots with as high or higher heels as the OP's boot. I believe he is getting a bit of grief because of the title of the post suggests that the boots have high heels. Around here we see rancher and farmer type guys wearing western boots that are much higher.

    I don't know where your finding your western boots, but the ones I see are pretty damned flat. Just landed a deal on some new Ariat women's boots for $44 but the men's boots  - - - you couldn't straddle an electric cord.

    Image result for women's ariat boots heritage J toe


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  3. 6 hours ago, w6ish said:

    ah ha ha!  you guys are fun stuff to read!

    i started in white 6 inch spike heels.  have never worn anything lower than that!  wore them with my specialty outfits.  met a lot of nice folks.  just go!  do it now because one day soon you're going to grow old, be flabby, grey haired, out of shape and a miserable old what have you...  

    ick.  that is not for high heels.

    Hey - - - I resemble that - - -almost - - !!

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    • Haha 2
  4. I find I can easily get away with women's medium to low rise jeans in flare and boot cut with no issues as long as I don't have shiny bling on them - - nobody notices. I can pull off a calf high boot with a 1-1/2" (3.81cm) block heel with no problems (under flares) and nobody thinks twice. Even out here in the sticks!!

    Locally - - I'm disinclined to push it.

  5. On 17/09/2017 at 11:34 AM, kneehighs said:

     If someone in NYC wants to send money back home to Somalia, it's often not possible.  With crypto and just a cell phone, the transfer of money is now possible.  

    This alone may hurt Bitcoin and any other currency of this type. There is a deep concern by some world powers regarding sending or transferring monies or "value" to some country's.

    Example - Drug cartels, and of of now, anything to North Korea. 

  6. On 12/09/2017 at 9:04 PM, Shyheels said:

    They would appear to live up to your user name - subtle. I cannot imagine any problem wearing them at all, even in the most conservative crowd. I doubt very much anyone would notice.

    Agreed - - even I could get away with no issues in my neck of the woods.

    Hell - - I'd wear them out!!


  7. 1 hour ago, SF said:

    Can you elaborate on the left wing progressives as well ????

    Don't have many in the area, and what few there are pretty much keep their mouths shut. What few democrats are in office are not progressive. Locals refer to the progressives as nut jobs and snow flakes.

    I'm a social liberal and fiscal conservative. Registered Libertarian (only 11 in the county)

    Basically - I don't care what you want to do as long as I don't have to pay for it.


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  8. 21 hours ago, Shyheels said:

    I am not so sure that the modern versions of what you describe as "Neanderthal" are blessed with the larger brain cavity of the true Neanderthals who lived during the last ice age.

    Nope - but they seem to need less space for what brain they have allowing the rest to be filled with air. Being your in England, you may not be paying much attention to the goings on here in the colonies. Out in the sticks, the mentality of some of it's residents seem to be moving backwards toward stone age thinking.

    Do I need to elaborate much more than this??

  9. 10 minutes ago, meganiwish said:

    There's a lot to be said for the brown envelope on Friday with cash in it.  Why did workers allow their bosses to pay them monthly?  Now that it's all electronic, why don't you get paid daily?  Ask your boss tomorrow.

    Easy - First off, a large majority of businesses use a payroll service such as ADP. They do all the tax and benefit management. They deal with your insurance providers, do the W2's (an annual tax form indicating what was taken out and distributed to the federal government along with state and local. Savings , and other benefits) They do the transfers on specified dates as stipulated by the employer.

    As for the weekly or monthly issue - U.S. employers discovered early that if you paid a person on Tuesday, they may be too drunk to show on Wednesday. That's an early reason why they waited until Friday. It was more likely the guy would show up for work all week. By going to biweekly, it saved on payroll checks and processing. It also had the unknown affect of making employee's more likely to budget. Employees had less foreclosures and liens.

    With services like ADP, there are no paper statements unless you, the employee go and print one.

    As for myself, I was grandfathered in and allowed to receive mine in the mail. Most people don't like to wait the extra two or three days, but I prefer not to allow anyone access to my accounts. I don't do money transfers or direct deposits. I have never been hacked, lost my identity to theft, or bounced a check for 40 years. 

    After being in IT / network management for years, and dealing with hacked Microsoft PC's I no longer use Microsoft for anything other than work.

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  10. 13 hours ago, Shyheels said:

    A bit harsh on the Neanderthals, me thinks. There is no particular reason for believing that the real Neanderthals were thuggish boors; indeed recent research has suggested their brain cavities were rather larger than ours!  

    From a paleontologist viewpoint, Your probably correct, From a more recent viewpoint, that larger brain cavity is just that - space for air.

    Recent current events and the praise that have accompanied them have me wondering how so many people even accomplished the act of voting.

    I will leave it at that.

    • Like 1
  11. 8 hours ago, kneehighs said:

    Modernization leads to improvements in efficiency and improvements in the quality of life.    Crypto has a purpose: it's less vulnerable to hacking, more secure, more transparent, faster, enables global value trades for anyone with a smart phone (including the world's poor without a bank account), and the accounting ledgers can not be changed.  Plus it's built on blockchain. 


    You've made a couple interesting comments here, and one of the reasons the folks here in the U.S. are not likely to make some of these technology jumps.

    It's virtually impossible to do much financially in the country without a bank account. Getting your paycheck deposited or cashed as some still do requires a bank account at a dedicated bank. Your not likely to own a smart phone without one. You really need a permanent address to do anything. You can't get government assistance without a permanent address.. I cannot get my pay deposited into a cryptocurrency exchange. (I still get my paycheck in the mail)

    As for smart phones, they only really work well in major metropolitan areas. If you take your AT&T phone out into the middle of the country, you'll be lucky to use it as a dumb phone. Europe, Asia, and even Africa have better and faster wireless internet service than we do here in the states.

    I live less than 50 miles from a half dozen major cities, and my Internet is high priced, with poor performance. I could just see the possibilities of being in the middle of a cryptocurrency transaction and my internet cuts out - - - Oh boy.

    We are so far behind the times here in this country, and we have people who are more concerned with bathroom issues - - says a lot for our country.

  12. 23 hours ago, Steve63130 said:

    The store was in the Easton Shopping Center in Columbus, a big city, not here in little Granville. That was the same place you and I went you visited here and we went to Bakers and Nine West. I have no idea who the guy might be. Spikesmike is the only guy I know on this board from Columbus, but I've seen his collection and it's very neat and orderly, so I doubt if he had a closet designed by The Container Store. If it's somebody on this forum, maybe he'll come forward and identify himself.


    I'm not that organized - - rules me out.


  13. 9 hours ago, kneehighs said:

     Any transaction ever recorded on a blockchain gets recorded in a way that no one can go back in time and change the data in the transaction--ever.  The transaction is immutable.  Contracts for example are stored in embedded digital code where they are protected from deletion, tampering, and revision.  

    So we are talking a highly functional cloud based transactual database with multi level encryption. OK - that is going to possibly help the financial industry, or at minimum, the financials aspects of business transactions.

    As for protecting it from revisions, tampering, or deletion - - - Never tell a hacker, or the government that.


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