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Posts posted by Yamyam

  1. They are more you than me Yam. I love the red Oxfords more and after seeing those nothing will do, well apart from you that is :lol:

    Ah, but I love seeing you in sexy shoes as much as I love wearing them myself. And they are your size, so it's aresult for both of us. And you're my dream come true too!

    PS sick bowls supplied free on the NHS :lol:

    And we'll be needing loads, I think :lol:

  2. I seem to keep agreeing with Julietta. Still, that's a good sign! Laurie, I also enjoyed your writings. You certainly inspired me to aim for higher things in my own writing, and I'd be delighted to read more of what you had to say. I'm discovering that it's very hard to keep writing and keep it interesting and relevant, so the more I work at it, the more I appreciate your hard work. Here's hoping that you're soon back on the case.

  3. You know... fishnets are always a nice compliment, when they are stockings. Care must be taken in the work place, but they do look nice, and are not always as hot. When my four inch oxfords were still wearable, I loved matching them with fishnets and pants. Since the lace area was open, you couls see the fishnets. It was like offering a glimpse at what was underneath...

    And when you retain water, they leave a nice pattern on the legs. I am not sure if men have to deal with that so much...

    I think I'll try that one of these days. Well ,all except the water retaining thing :lol: To be honest, I tend to suffer from beer retaining, these days :lol:

  4. Another reason, as you say YY, for being honest when circumstances demand it and I think they generally do in real life relationships.

    Well, I think honesty is always important! But a relationship with a life partner needs to be founded on honesty, amongst other things.

    I didn't know you had TV tendencies. It seems many heel wearing guys do, and I feel different and maybe abnormal in that respect, as I don't personally subscribe to that side.

    I can't believe the great Firefox feels abnormal :lol: !

    I had them a while ago. It was part of struggling with identity issues, which I've now worked thru, and I'm cool with who I am. To be honest, I was always a really crap TV, as I'd always go out shopping for skirts and come back with shoes and boots! These days, I'm out there living it large in my heels, but that's it. I have some knee-highs and thin socks for wearing heels, but that's about it. I experiment sometimes, but if I never wore a skirt again it'd be no loss. In fact, a big turning point for me was talking things over with a friend of mine, and I realised that I'd be happiest if I could wear heels regularly, but not anything else. And now I do!

    I'm sure Laurie and Julie are both right in their views how various women think, but in general how women think is not a problem because they have a sensible attitude in these matters regardless of their views. I'm in a reasonably unique position of having worn heels in public as a guy for a long time. 90% of the favourable reaction is from women, and 90% of any unfavourable reaction is from men. That is an honest reflection of the figures. Draw your own conclusions.

    Well, Laurie and Julietta are women, so I guess they'd have a head start on how women think :lol: In my opinion, women are more sensible because they don't have 'macho' getting in the way of sense. I've never had a really unfavourable reaction, and I don't really expect one, but I still feel more comfortable buying shoes from female assistants.

  5. Julietta,

    I'm sure you must be able to squeeeeeeze into a pair of size 6uk :lol: Just look at it as another step in the restriction zone :lol::lol:

    Sorry, but I don't think she will fit into a 6UK. She insists that she's a definite 7UK. And this lady's not for turning. But the shoes are stunning!

    I'm sure YY will treat you to a pair of shoes!!!!!!! after all it's only a pair of shoes :cry: (Sorry YY).


    Why sorry, Ruud? You know I would (again!) All we need to do is work out where I can get a pair like that from.

    Oh, and Xa, the kids haven't seen me in heels. That's partly because I'm still working out how to tell them, but mainly because we live life to the full as a family at weekends, and we really don't do many heel-friendly things! Julietta doesn't wear heels at weekends much either, as we're often out walking in the woods and things like that. We took my little one shoe-shopping on Saturday, and he never batted an eyelid at what was going on. We shall see what happens.

    One of these days!

  6. 55 I'm into anything new that promotes health I'm sad to say and have books and books on the subject. But I'm part time as I go nuts at the weekend, icecream is a big weakness for me, and I went shopping yesterday so my freezer has an exciting weekend for me this week :lol:

    Two tubs of ice-cream for three pounds... we had a very ice-creamy weekend. I didn't try the raspberry flavour - I went to open a bottle of wine, and when I got back I was told that it had been delicious :lol: . The toffee was very nice, tho'. I did wonder if I'd get any, as I had to go out and buy mushrooms...

  7. Well, as you can see Julietta looked much better in the pole dancer shoes than I did :lol:

    She didn't take that much persuading to get the Marks and Spencer shoes, and she looks lovely in those. She claims that they're for work, but I'm yet to be persuaded on that one :lol:

    As for the ones from the market... well, they're lovely on her. That was quite an odd experience, actually. I was standing there, buying these stunning, deliciously feminine shoes, as one does. I asked for Julietta's size, and the gentlemen there dug them out. He showed them to me, and I said that they'd be fine, asked if I could bring them back if they didn't fit, as they were for my girlfriend. He never blinked, just sorted them out. It wasn't until I was leaving the shoe stall that I realised that I'd been telling the truth about them being for someone else, for the first time in about fifteen years :lol: . I wonder if he believed me.

    Oh, and the Bronx sandals were an absolute bargain! Julietta looks (even more) lovely in them, they are wonderful. They really suit her style of dressing, as you can see from the 'floaty skirt' photo.

    As for me, well, I have some new shoes too, but no time to take photos right now. Soon, I promise!

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