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Posts posted by Yamyam

  1. vicki, as long as you're willing to wear seamed stockings, im happy to admire you in them

    Julietta, as long as you're willing to wear seamed stockings, I'm happy to admire you in them :wink:

  2. t's usually Dr Shoe, Xaphod or me who discuss the finer points of the cobbler's art when we meet.

    I tried really hard not to say this, but in the end I had to give in:

    "A major attraction at the next heel meet will be us standing around talking cobblers!"

    Sorry, everyone :wink:

    (For those who don't speak Commonweath English, 'talking cobblers' is roughly equivalent to 'talking rubbish').

  3. PS Julietta MUST be wonderful if she's even more lust-making than the legendary Kat Slater!

    Oh she is :wink::D:o:D:)

    (oops, can't get the smile off my face, and I don't even get to see her for another eight hours or so :lol: )

  4. So now you want a pair of 6 inch heeled thigh high rubber boots.

    Poor Yam, the guy gives you one pair of shoes and there's no stopping you after that is there? :wink:

    And she'd look lovely in them too! I'd have gone for the first pair, either black or red for her, but it's her choice, really.

    Wish you luck Yam in finding the second job.

    Well, as regular readers will know, I have a 'shoe room' in my house. I think I'll need a bigger house at this rate :D

  5. Lace top hold-ups (mainly), stockings (haven't worn them very much since discovering hold-ups), vintage nylons, bare legs, trainer socks, mens thin ankle socks, Knee high nylons, tights (very rarely as I hate them)... basically it all depends on what I'm wearing on my feet and how I feel at the time :D

    Now there's someone with an adventurous socks life :wink:

    (I think I'm going to be slapped later... tee hee...)

    Obsox: I've found some thin 'ladies' trouser socks. They're thinner than normal blokewear, and they're nice under boots. If I could find some nice shoes, I'd try these socks with those.

  6. I haven't worn my heels out yet. Everytime I get to my door I chicken out(even though it's 3am and nobody's awake to see me).

    That sounds familiar... I've not actually worn heels immediately outside my house for a long time. I used thank heaven for winter 5am starts, where I could zip out of the house and into the car in the dark.

    How about driving somewhere else, and starting there first? Sometimes it's easier to get started when you're somewhere that no-one knows you.

  7. In time, it will be so common place for him, that he won't brag as much every chance he gets, but will instead keep us entertained with the little details about how happy he is. :wink:

    Er... well, I was planning to celebrate how lucky I am until the end of time, actually. I am happier than I've ever been, and Julietta is too!

    As for little details... Julietta loved the roses I took her yesterday! We are still happy together, and long may it continue! We're also enjoying our love of shoes, and we might get around to taking some more photos, and (of course) sharing them with everyone here!

  8. I once did as Laurie suggests. I stopped having sugar in coffee, and just cut back a bit. I went down to about ten stone, which is a bit too light for my build. I'm now about 12st, which is a bit more than I think I should be, but I've been told that it suits me. I'm fortunate in that the kids keep me active, so with a lot of walking and running, plus hopefully swimming, cycling and so on, I should stay about where I am. I think it's a real shame when something like weight &c stops you doing what you want to do. I re-read the comments above, and I'm rather embarrassed about what I said. Obviously I meant what I said to be funny, but now I think I owe wethheels an apology. So I'd like to say sorry. Oh, and wethheels, I know nothing about losing weight other than what I've written above, but if I can help in any way, feel free to PM me or mail me.

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