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Posts posted by Yamyam

  1. I doubt if there are many guys on these high heel forums who would say no to a quick fling behind the gasworks with the one and only Kat Slater!

    I'd say 'no', but then I'm seeing someone much lovelier!

    Well done, Heelsfan, seriously comprehensive research and a pleasure to read!

  2. Cockles and Mussels? How is that prepared? I admit, even if I can guess at what's in it, I've never heard of it.

    I've no idea either. I'm not all that keen on sea-food, so I've never tried it. I'm sure Jamie Oliver willl know - he's a fake Cockney after all :wink:

  3. >> I did however tell her that the next time she mopped a floor I wanted to watch. <<

    Taken out of context that line could have some people hoping up and down,

    Jo, I'm sure you meant 'hopping', but your version read so much better! I'm :rofl: out here :wink:

  4. Like Julietta (and I do, ever such a lot :wink: ) I don't buy a paper. With me, tho', it's because I don't have time. I like to know what's going on in the world, but I don't class Sven's lifts or Val Kilmer's toenails as world news. I don't like the way the news is almost always bad, so I tend to concentrate on the good things in life. I have enough bad news just getting thru the week, so I don't need to go look for any more. Here's some good news: I had a phone call today to say I've won second prize in a raffle at my local supermarket. They were promoting Vanilla Coke, which I quite like anyway, and I was there buying some shoes, so I was happy. And I won something, so a bit of a result all round. Not sure what the prize is, yet, but I'm sure the kids will like it, so more good news there!

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