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Posts posted by Yamyam

  1. Hey, OzGuy1! What you're into is what you're into. I like wedges, both on me and on others, but some people here hate them. It doesn't bother me, as I'm quite happy to be persuaded of the merits of other styles. I just have my own personal thing. If you like those styles, then great! Enjoy your thing. I personally quite like them too, but that needn't be important to you. One of the fantastic things about this board is that we all have our own ideas, our own personal styles, and our own way of enjoying heels. But we all agree on why we're all here, and how we feel about our favourite footwear. Long may it continue!

  2. That made me laugh because somebody asked me exactly the same question not long ago.

    Glad it's not just me then :lol:

    To be honest, that's probably the most awkward question I've been asked. Most of the people I know aren't that curious, or at least haven't bothered asking me about it!

  3. For me, the biggest thing about this forum is that this is where I found Julietta. I've probably dropped an occasional hint elsewhere about how I feel about her, so I'll spare you the repetition :lol: *. But other than that, I've found a great sense of acceptance here, a real sense of empowerment, and lots of fun. For myself, I'd spent a heck of a lot of time struggling to come to terms with me, who I am, and what I want. As I wrote somewhere else, I'd just about managed to get around to going public, and I think I'd have managed it sooner or later without the board. But this place has made it easier for me. Plus, I think that I've helped some other people come to terms with it all, by being here, by what I've said over the last 1800 posts or so. I really hope so, and I hope that someone or some people out there think that I've helped them. A big thing for me is that I've used what I have to help others out. I don't want to show off, but if there's someone out there feeling better because they've gained from my input, then it's all been worth while. Without this place, I'd have managed my struggle, but it'd be less if I hadn't helped anyone else with theirs, from what I've found out from my life so far. So, there you have it - it's not what I took out of here, it's what I put back in. I hope this makes sense! [ * : OK, perhaps I will just go on a bit about Julietta - she is very special, truly wonderful, and there's never a day when I don't count myself the luckiest guy alive!]

  4. I like the style, and I like the big ankle strap. As Ruud said, nice with padlocks too, for the extra bondage look. I'd buy them, but I'm not sure how much wear I'd get out of them. (Actually, they'd probably be 'borrowed', especially if I bought them in one particular colour :lol:

  5. Likewise, plain black ankle boots go well with trousers. Some of them come with blocky heels or with wedge heels, and they're also quite subtle. I have a great pair of Chelsea boots with a 2.5" block heel, and I've worn them under jeans without anyone batting an eyelid. A good way to start on the all-day wear thing.

  6. I quite like those, actually. I think I'd wear them for some of those occasions when I'm out doing slightly more blokey things. Or, I'd wear them in the winter, when men have an excuse to turn up to the office in big boots and change them :lol:

  7. Ah-ha! Got it - 132, frustrated with some of my misses, oh well. I did find the following quote at the bottom explaining IQ interesting:

    "Most psychologists consider those failing in the range of 95-105 as having a normal or average I.Q. "

    So failing is considered normal?

    I suspect it's a typo and they meant 'falling'!

  8. There are more decent people about than idiots, but why do the idiots make life difficult for us majority?

    On topic, it is nice when you are complimented on your look. Ironicaly, I've found that older people (particularly women) seem more open minded to those guy's who dress differently than the younger people. Perhaps as time passes people are becoming more regresive :lol:

    I think that's it's something to do with age. People sometimes seem to get more open-minded as they get older, perhaps as they acquire more experience of life, or perhaps for some other reason. So I'm not surprised that older people seem more relaxed about this kind of stuff. On the other hand, I've met some young people who were quite cool with me and my heels. Overall, I know that nearly everyone is fine, but there's always that tiny minority that ruins it. Difficult though it is, I try not to let them put me off.

  9. Didn't you run out of petrol, then? :lol:



    Fortunately not - the next petrol station was only a couple of miles further on. Plus I had about a quarter of a tank anyway, I think. It was that I'd decided to do it then, on the spur of the moment, then lost the courage when I couldn't do it!

    I've managed it since, tho', once or twice :lol:

  10. YY, you make it sound as easy as it is. :lol:

    Why thank you!

    I did have a couple of near misses before I got to that point, tho'. I'd got my courage all the way up to filling the car up with petrol in a pair of 3" boots, but the petrol station was shut when i got there. At the next petrol station, I chickened out. I didn't actually do it for weeks after that!

  11. I just clicked on the answers.html link and the answer page came up okay. Maybe it's just an intermittent problem.

    Geocities limits the amount that each site is allowed to send out to so much an hour. It's not unusual for popular Geocities sites to be unavailable quite often as the maximum transfer has been exceeded. It's part of their marketing to push their users onto plans with higher limits, but with price tags affixed. If you find a Geocities site unavailable, then try it again after an hour or two, and it should work again.

    ObIQ: I have no idea what mine is, and no great desire to find out. I can't really explain why, other than I'm good at some things, not so good at others, and I don't want all that squashed into one meaningless number.

  12. I agree. The first time was a total blast. It was scary but I felt so good when it was done. I was in a motorway service station in 2" wedge boots (hey, it's YY, wedge boots, what else :lol: ?) Since then, lots of times, including times where I've forgotten I've got them on. I honestly think that you can get away with almost anything under trousers. I've never had any trouble, and I've done all sorts of things in heels. I even did a beer festival in 3" wedge boots and never had a comment, even from the ladies who were there. Having said that, I've stuck to either the inside of my car, or relatively crowded places so that I was safe - but then I tend to do that anyway. I've even been to crowded pubs, out all night in my heels and never had a comment (and the added height means I get served quicker, too :lol: ) Long jeans - a life-saver. I have several pairs. In fact, a couple of people want to know why all my jeans have turn-ups now. It's because I didn't buy them to wear with trainers, but I don't always feel like explaining!

  13. Dimpantyhose:

    Thank you for your support and everybody here who said beautiful things. I'm very sure they are but how to find out, that is the question , I have lost 3 relationships, because I tell them the truth what I do. However, I dont give up. :-)

    Well, Tahira, I admire your honesty. But three relationships isn't the world. There are also ways to meet people which are about attracting more open-minded people. For instance, if you know any other girls like yourself, you might be able to go out socialising, and meet people there. There are also contact agencies for less conventional people out there, they might be worth a try. And, of course, there's the people on here, who are pretty much guaranteed to be open-minded.

    Go for it. I wish you happiness like that that we've found.

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