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Posts posted by Yamyam

  1. I'd say the kids were more likely to say something than the adults were. Well judging by people's reactions to shoes anyway!

    Almost none of the kids had seen my legs before, so they'd have had no idea what they normally look like. The more I think about this, the more i think i missed a chance here :lol:

  2. I seem to have opened a can of worms here. I don't want to go into a lot of detail here, but the problem wasn't the kids, the problem was the other adults. The kids wouldn't have said anything... but the adults might have, and I wasn't willing to have to deal with that. It was a while ago now, too. I personally quite liked the feeling, but I haven't got around to doing it again since.

  3. To some people, there is no justice. Here are two examples.

    A man owned a vacation cottage. [...]

    Here in the UK, a man who was regularly threatened in his own home and burgled - has just got out of prison. He fired a shotgun at the latest burglars to attack his place, killing one and wounding another. While I don't agree with the use of deadly force, I think this counts as provocation. Naturally, the youth who was wounded has announced plans to sue for damages...

    A man was about to be executed in a prison. [...]

    I can see this. If you've decided to execute someone humanely, then do so. Otherwise you might just as well push them off a cliff and leave them. If society decides that what is required is the removal of someone's life, then it should be done with as much consideration for their human rights as possible. Otherwise, it's basically just brutality in a suit.

    I also agree with Julietta's point. Child molesters should be helped, counselled, and then kept away from children. My emotional response to this one is at best life imprisonment, I'm afraid. Sometimes I think I should think something else - but I can't, I'm a parent.

  4. For me, this is one of those really split things.

    Intellectually, I agree that the death penalty doesn't seem to work. And I wonder about the immense cruelty of dragging people between death row and some means of execution, several times, whilst lawyers bicker over technicalities. Plus, of course, I have a problem with one person deciding to have someone else killed - a judge passing a death sentence. I also find the whole mechanism of avoidance disturbing - the row of switches when only one is 'live', the blank cartridges, and so on. Can we ever justify taking a life, even if someone else has? Really? Even if the person concerned is a criminal? Even if they've simply not been born yet?

    Emotionally, as you all know, I'm a parent. And if I ever caught someone molesting our children, then I honestly think I'd kill them. And if they were convicted in a court of law, I'd want them executed. I'd pull the trigger, I'd push the button, I'd flick the switch. Why are we keeping child molesters alive? More to the point, why are we moving them to safe little houses that back on to school playgrounds? How come a trainee teacher who was trying to buy a 9-year old for sex gets three years in prison? How can this be right? 'Child molester' isn't like 'car radio thief'. Thieves can give up stealing radios. I don't think child molesters can give it up.

    I know these two attitudes contradict. But I honestly think that most parents would agree with me. I'd be sorry about it, but I can't be. That's how I am.

  5. Personally, I'd always take the photo to preserve the subject's anonymity, or at the least, crop it before I ship it. I've posted some street heels shots, and I must admit to going thru a bit of an internal debate before I did it, but since there were no faces in the picture, I managed to wrestle the battered remains of my conscience to the ground and proceed.

    This whole debate reminds me of a story I was once told when I lived in Oxford. Apparently, there's a location, somewhere along the river Isis, known as 'Parson's Pleasure'. It was the custom of the Dons (important University types) to sunbathe in the nude at this spot. Of course, being Oxford, this was well known, and impressionable young ladies were supposed to avoid it. One day, a punt full of young ladies drifted into the area, by accident, surprising the assembled dons. All but one immediately covered their crotch areas with whatever came to hand. The remaining don pulled a towel over his head. After the ladies had passed, he removed the towel, and looked around. On seeing his colleages astounded faces, he replied 'I'm not sure about you lot, but around the town, I am recognised by my face!"

  6. ... and the only people that seemed to notice were friends and family. They were asking me questions about why I did it.

    I shaved my legs once. I must admit, I quite liked the feeling, but then I was invited to a kids' swimming pool party, and had smooth legs :lol: . I went but I didn't swim, and I rather cursed myself for my rotten timing. Just my luck.

    I might have another go one of these days, tho'.

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