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Posts posted by Yamyam

  1. I want my best friend, who is a woman, to be my best "man". I believe this has been done before, but is it common? Kathy is okay with the idea, but she says her mom might not be.

    I have male friends, but none I trust and respect as much as Dottie.

    I've been to a wedding where this happened. My personal take on the whole wedding thing is that it's your one day which is just for you and your partner, so you should be able to do as you please.

    A couple of friends and I also offered to be a bridesmaids at another friend's wedding (we all know each other from Poly)... he was okay with it but his fiancee was a little reluctant :lol:

  2. Yamyam and Julietta,

    I wish the best for you both:

    Thank you!

    Tahira, I wish and truly believe, that you too soon will find someone special just for YOU!

    I hope so too. It's a tough world out there, and having someone to face it with makes it much better.

  3. Yes, that's about right in my experience, but I think you should add 1) Youngsters and giggling schoolgirls, and 2) Beered-up yobbos spoiling for some aggression.

    The answer is to avoid both of these catagories (although I really don't mind being giggled-at; in the end it's educating the younger generation) and maybe hope there might be some interest from the high-heel fraternity, plus a bit of attention from the odd mildly interested member of the general public.

    Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

    Well, I've been severely giggled at, and while it was a bit crap at the time, I don't think it'd bother me again. As for beered-up yobbos, I've been lucky enough to escape that one so far, despite being in a few pubs in heels. I guess I've been lucky there!

    If it is luck, long may it continue!

  4. Well, Julietta likes watching people, and she's commented on a few of the reactions I've had to my heels. We did a city centre pub with me in my 3.5" J Lo's, and she spotted one woman giving me a right staring-at! But no obvious comments. It'd be nice to have a photo, but Julietta's description was quite funny. To be honest, I think FFox is right (I *so* need a macro to type that phrase for me!) in that most people are too busy going about their daily business that they don't notice. Plus, adults don't really see what's there, so you have to be pretty damn strange to stand out. I reckon that almost the only people who notice are the people who have the same feeling about it as we do!

  5. A life sentence in prison, or the death penalty, which one is humane? I don’t think either one is. Your thoughts?

    But what else to do? Let people carry on committing crimes until they die of natural causes?

    I agree, I'm not happy about treating people like that, but then again I want my loved ones to be safe. Overall, I'm happier with prison, as we can let people go if there's been a mistake, but there are some crimes that really make me think that the death penalty is the only appropriate sanction.

    However, I agree with Dr. Shoe (or at least with what I think he meant) in that if there must be a death penalty, then it should be carried out as humanely as possible, respecting as far as possible the human rights of the person concerned.

  6. I think your double Y makes you genetically unique. In fact since the Y Chromosone is supposd to be unstable (hence theories about increasing male infertility etc) you may well disappear up your own arse at any time.

    Enjoy life while you can :lol:

    (Sorry to be off-topic again. You may continue with pertinent discussion of the test and ignore my stupidity :lol: )

    Wow! A mention from Firefox - I'm a celeb now :cry: !

    And what's wrong with my YamYam chromosome? I quite like it... it's a lovely shade of purple and elegantly shod, too :lol:

  7. 1 - The death penalty does not act as a deterrent to most criminals.

    Well, it does in the sense that if a criminal is dead, then they are not going to commit more crimes. In that sense it's the ultimate deterrent. In the same way, whilst someone is in prison, then they cannot commit more offences against the public. This again is a deterrent.

    don't know if facing the *possibility* of a death sentence is a deterrent - we've just had a case reported where someone committed a terrorist outrage knowing that their offences would attract the death penalty, because then they'd be a martyr.

    As for locking people up for life - well, if a mistake has been made, then amends can be made. If they've been executed, then that's really it. On that basis alone, I think life imprisonment is a better course.

    I agree that repeat sex offenders ought to be jailed for life. It just distresses me deeply that they have to be caught, punished, treated, counselled, and then let out to do it again before we can do something else to them.

    Oh, and PJ's point - if you are going to kill someone, then do it without unnecessary suffering. A lethal injection, perhaps, but not burning at the stake. I'm not really very secure on this point, so I'm going to handwave a bit, but I don't feel that society is entitled to stoop to torture, even if the criminal did. If we do, then who are we to call ourselves responsible?

  8. Congratulations to everyone on their achievements! As for the non-heels parts of the board - I honestly think that a big part of the fun of the board is the non-heel stuff. After all, that's how I feel that I'm getting to know the people here as people, rather than just as one-dimensional things with a shoe fixation. I'm quite enjoying participating in those parts of the forum, and I'd recommend a visit to anyone!

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