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Posts posted by Yamyam

  1. Easy, the male equivalent of an Imelda is a Prince or an Izzard or a Firefox or a Highluc or a Xaphod or a Joak or a YamYam or a Jeff or a Bubba or a Heelfan or .......................... need I go on?

    Cheerfully yours, Heelfan.

    Just being in the same sentence as those names is high praise indeed. My brother actually refers to me as 'Imelda' sometimes, so I guess it works for men too!

  2. Finally, I didn't try that. I wasn't prepared enough to go outside with my heels. I will try tomorrow, but this time, I'll prepare myself before and trying to be less nervous.


    It's not like to can decide to be less nervous! All you can do is not let that nervousness stop you. The first time is always hard, but it gets easier over time. Bet you won't believe it, but I once only remembered I had 4" wedges on halfway across a petrol station forecourt!

  3. A bear walks into a bar. He goes over to the barman and says "I'd like a pint... and a packet of crisps, please." The barman asks "Why the big pause?" The bear replies "Don't really know, I've always had them." ---- A woman walks into a bar and asks the barman for an innuendo. So he gives her one.

  4. thanks so far guys, but can anyone tell me if stores such as ravel, Barratts or even say debenhams sell em. I want names people, come on - give a guy a hand - please :lol:

    A foot, surely :lol:

    Littlewoods have high street stores, so you could try there. There's also Argos Additions (no, still not on commission!). Barratts tend to sell their own stuff, but are worth a try anyway. You could always try one of those small specialist shoe shops that most towns have one or two of, of course.

  5. Two things, really.

    First, I'm spending a couple of days working at a site that's casual dress, so no suit for me. I decided that I'd be brave and go with the Chelsea boots. But when I arrived, I found I'd left them at home :lol: Bother. And after I'd bravely got the courage up.

    On the other hand, as if I wasn't lucky enough (and believe me, I thought I was :lol: ) Julietta treated me to these J Lo *shoes*! How amazing is that?

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    The pictures are unretouched from my Nokia cameraphone, so that's why they're a little grainy. I'll take some better ones when I've recharged my digicam batteries. Enjoy!

  6. I just noticed something...not a word of sympathy for the man who was spike-heeled to death! What's the matter with us anyway?

    Oh, it's just jealousy, really. I mean, it's not like I want to die, but at least I'd go happy if that happened to me :lol:

    (Damn, still in silly mood)

  7. I think it's always best to confess, rather than wait until you get caught. I've told two ex-girlfriends, and they've seemed okay about it all. One even joined the board... Now, of course, I'm with Julietta, and she's quite happy about it all. I didn't have to tell her about me & heels, obviously, but we have talked about it, and we keep talking about it.

  8. 'Gaff" is also used to describe a "mistake." Duct tape is wonderful for fixing "Gaffs." :lol:

    Errr..., pedantic I know, but I believe the word that means mistake is "gaffe" in Commonwealth English. I also think that the word for the hardware that some transvestites apparently use to hold their attributes in place is "gaff". I personally wouldn't want to use gaffer tape for *that* purpose tho', as I don't fancy a free bikini wax!

  9. Do you know if there are size 9 or 10 of wedge ankleboots or kneeboots?

    I'm planning to go to London in the last week of september. I will certainly take a look at Barratts and other stores.

    I want to take 2 cases with me, one with clothes and one empty so I can fill it with shoes and/or boots when I'm there :lol:

    Cool plan, Robert.

    I have no idea what the size ranges are in the styles I've shown. They are all from UK retailers, so I guess a UK8 is probably the limit, sorry.

    If you're planning on hitting London, I'd suggest that you TK Maxx and Brantano. Brantano is especially good for heels up to an astonishing UK11 or so. Please let us know how you get on.

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