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Posts posted by Yamyam

  1. I quite like HH for driving too. The only problem is that you tend to trash the back of the heels if you do. I've scratched the back of my fave wedgies like this, so I probably won't do that any more. Alternatively, there must be a carpet mat thing I could buy or something...

  2. Sort of gothy things? Not really goth, that look.

    Trust me, I know it all too well. Goth's look, well, dead!

    Err... I wrote 'Sort-of gothy things' as I didn't really know how else to describe them. I think I know what Goths look like, but this was a new one on me.

    There is this growing movement about youth rebellion aruond bands that take a heavy rock sound, throw in a bit of rapping, a touch of techno, and make something new. But everyone does it now.

    I know. The truly odd thing about it is that I quite like some of the music, like Linkin Park, but I tend to get odd looks when I'm in that section of the music shop, with my little boy, trying to decide if I want to buy some new CDs :smile:

    This has nothing to do with the topic, so I'll stop now.

    Why stop now when this is so much fun :grin: ?

    And as for the look FireFox described - that's a cool look, and well worth admiring!

  3. I think it's fair to say that there's a lot of bad software and a lot of good software out there. I'm running Windows XP on most of my machines now, because it just works, and at the moment I'm just trying to get stuff done. Next time I have a few hours off to play around, I might have a go at cadging Linux into working again, but only because I might have some work to do on that. I've never found Windows NT/2000/XP to be less than very stable, as with my better Linux installations. However, Linux seems to need much, much more configuration to get useful, much as I like it. My next hack, tho', will probably be trying to make FreeBSD work on one of my Alphas, as Red Hat Linux won't support the SCSI cards in them :smile:

  4. Or, based on my experiences, if a man is wearing special shoes! I think people dress in certain ways for many different reasons. But a major one is tribal identity. (Bear with me on this). At the moment, where I am, there's any number of tall looming sort-of gothy things, all wearing big urban boots and hooded sweatshirts with band names on. I've never asked, but I'm willing to bet that they all dress this way 'to be different'. Err, if you're all the same, how are you different? As for me, I dress in what I feel comfortable in. Sometimes, like now, that's jeans and tee-shirt, sometimes it's a suit and tie. It's an easy way to 'join the tribe' whereever I happen to be working. Of course, as I'm not really a corporate clone anywhere, I like to make things slightly different. Anyway, that's my theory, and I'm sticking to it.

  5. Can't say I've had to do that - but I'm sure I'd notice if someone else did it! The closest I've had is squeezing into the car and having to tuck my knees under the steering wheel because I've got heels on. Oh, and very nice picture, Stellah!

  6. I'm up for that. Can we fit in Brum city centre as well on Sat? Plus go to the pubs round those canals in the evening. Just a suggestion.

    I can only be free from about 2pm, but yeah, it'd be nice to be around the town for a change. I don't go to Brum that often, even though I live quite near it. As for an evening beer monstering, yes, most definitely.

  7. You're certainly doing well on the writing front. I think it's the continuous exercise of writing. I love writing too, in fact at one time I'd have liked to be a journalist, but other than the occasional strange e-mail, I don't have much chance to do it. Go for it! A member of your reading public.

  8. Yeah, if I could zap off somewhere that's not particularly crowded, and I didn't have to take my little one with me, then I'd think about it. Call me odd, but I don't really want a mode of transport that I can't take my little one on. Like I said earlier, motor-trike for me! Otherwise, I'm going to have to stick to my cage. But I'm one of the rare drivers who can see motorcyclists, and treat them with courtesy. It's quite astonishing how much more polite bikers are than your normal road users. One helpful signal, like "I know you're there, feel free to overtake" almost always gets a friendly wave.

  9. My EPMs have a uniform for certain members of staff, and I believe that it included 1" court shoes for a while. This has since been abolished. Mind you, it's pretty damn hard to get excited about 1" courts.

  10. Most of my pairs have nice fabric lining, which is probably my favourite. I don't like going barefoot inside my boots, so I generally wear knee-highs with them. But yeah, the lining does make a difference. As for colour - silver is great, otherwise I couldn't say I'm that bothered.

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