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Posts posted by Yamyam

  1. Yamyam,

    Am I right, or am I right, when believing that you are not old enough to normally having been exposed to things like Unix System III or V? Your other post in another thread about fsck... made me begin to wonder.



    :rofl: Me - not old enough?!? I'm 33 this year, you know. And I have three - no, four - Linux machines plus a FreeBSD Alpha-based server out here in my office. I used UNIX before MacOS or Windows 3 :wink:

    As SH says, I'm quite a UNIX enthusiast. I have a Windows machine around here somewhere, tho'. I have been known to get it out when I need to play movies and stuff like that.

    ObShoe: I'd quite like to see some more sport in heels - how about a 100 yard 'drag race'. Perhaps if we ever do a HHPlace Comic Relief charity event :D

  2. Is that why the aliens won't come here? :wink:

    Actually, we're just better hidden than you thought! Oh, wait, there goes my cover :D

    I get what you're saying, I really do. I usually don't care about the opinions of other, except when it comes to my new heels :D , so I wouldn't care what my less tolerant friends think. It's the opinions of the ones I care for that matter to me. I don't know what I'd do if one of them "lashed out".

    I do care about what people think of me, even people I don't know. My pet insecurity, perhaps. But I do know that people who care, will pretty much care whatever. I don't know what I'd have done if one of the people I'd told had 'lashed out' - reacted badly or something. It would have been really hard. But at least I could console myself with the fact that I told them about it!

  3. Yamyam, you have not seen the light then! (That's the stuff that comes from CRTs! :wink:) Personally I can only vouch for Jackass, as I have not seen the others... I don't have any interest in seeing the Osbournes though.


    Ah, well thanks to a deal with Francis, I don't have a CRT any more, I've got another LCD monitor. It's in as-new condition, apart from what looks like a heel mark in one corner :D

    I'd like to have seen the Osbornes, but people doing pointless, stupid and self-desctructive things just reminds me of work :D

  4. I've found that a few expensive pairs is worth lots more than lots of cheap pairs. Even so, tho', I try and stay sane. My favourite pair, that I've clocked up lots of miles in, cost me 59 pounds from Schuh, but they're so comfortable that I could (and do) wear them all day! So I can understand expensive shoes, but I'd have some severe pause for thought before paying much over fifty quid for a pair. That's why you'll often find me scouring sales and designer outlets :wink:

  5. My dearly beloved Grandmother had senile dementia, and it was very painful. I remember being very relieved when she died, as this person who looked a bit like someone I had loved from birth wasn't suffering any more, and I could go back to remembering my Gran when she was herself and fully alive. She didn't leave behind any secrets... that I found. I plan to tell everyone before I die, because I don't want to leave a surprise, and leave my loved ones alone to try and cope with a broken image of me. But if someone's left you a surprise like that - does it change how you felt about them? Personally, I'd just feel sorry that they felt they couldn't tell you about it when they were alive. After all - we all have each other, and we have our community here, but some other people aren't so lucky. This is the 21st century, but our parents didn't live here, and things were different then. Only fifty years ago in the UK, doctors tried to 'cure' homosexuality. Against this background, I can see how people wouldn't dare tell. It makes me angry and sad in equal parts, but that's how it was. And I guess some older people won't see that it's changed. Badger - I'm sorry about your father. As I've written many times, I'd be lost without my father. I hope your discovery doesn't damage your feelings about him. And yeah - life's too short. Don't be angry!

  6. Perhaps not, but it's a giggle, so what the heck. I remember my beloved Dad telling me that he'd been to a petrol station which had three toilets (restrooms), labelled 'Men', 'Ladies', and 'Others'. He claims that the 'Others' door led into the Gents, but seemed a little secretive as to how he knew that :wink:

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