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Posts posted by jmc

  1. Hi all, my name is Sam

    Can I put a picture of myself on here ?


    First, Sam, welcome to the board!

    Now to answer your question, certainly! But first, please to back and re-read Nigel's post. Then go to this post to see how it's done.

    Basically, to summarize the technical minutiae:

    This board really only supports text. The text can be a link -- meaning a pointer to something else on the Internet -- but text rules the day here. So if you want to post a picture, that picture must reside somewhere else. (This is called "hosting" in Internet-ese.) So you will want to upload your picture to an image-hosting site such as imageshack, photobucket, flickr or several others. Then you insert the link to that picture into your post here. When another member reads your post, the board software will follow that link and send the picture along with the text of your post.

    The nice thig about imageshack, photobucket, flickr and the others is the pictures you place there will be kept there for an indeterminate time. This means the link you place here will continue to point to that picture for many years to come. This is called "permanence" and it is something to consider. Just suppose you find this absolutely sweet "to-die-for" little pump on Zappos -- and you post a link to a picture of it here. Next year, when styles change and Zappos no longer carries that cute little shoe, they will probably delete that picture from their site. And that means it will disappear here too. But if you had posted that picture on photobucket, it would still be there until you delete it.

    Avatars work the same way, you can get to them through "User CP" (User Control Panel). That may be the best place for your picture -- but please keep avatars small -- 100 x 150 pixels or 10 KB total file size maximum.

    Sorry if I got a little too technical here.

  2. I still buy online. (Yeah, I know that's missing out on a potentially wonderful experience -- but I have not built up confidence to that level yet. Furthermore, the only brick-and-mortar store in my area that has anything bigger than USW 11 is Payless. They are good for what they are but I definitely prefer a higher quality product.) With that in mind, I am gravitating toward online merchants that have a generous return policy. With all the inconsistency of the different sizing systems, it is just too much of a "crap-shoot" to buy footwear sight-unseen and hope it will fit. My current favorite shoe-store offers free return shipping and I have availed myself of it about half the time.

  3. I'm your basic guy -- whatever shoe or boot I buy is black. (Or it will be after a few applications of the appropriate colorant.) That way it goes with jeans or dark pants. I get the footwear first -- mostly whatever looks interesting -- and then I make the rest of the outfit work with it. Boots tend to catch my eye first and I like a pair of nice, worn jeans better than anything. I really think boots and jeans were made for each other.

  4. Welcome to HHplace, BlkKhb1! You say you have been lurking for 6 months -- I was a "lurker" for more than a year! Believe me, it's more fun once you de-lurk and start actively participating. "Partial CD" -- I like that. I'm a CD from the knees down! Have fun posting and exploring the board.

  5. Mind you, I'm a dedicated non-smoker. Never smoked a day in my life and don't intend to start. Ever. Tobacco -- I hate the stuff, it stinks and it is unhealthy. And nicotine is one of the most addictive substances known -- just ask any smoker about their first cigarette, it's never a pleasant experience. I enforce a strict smoking ban in my home and in my vehicles. But at least in the United States, these smoking bans bug me. This is supposed to be the "land of the free" and we keep ratcheting down on what people can do. My home -- that's not a public place. But a shopping mall or a restaurant -- those are public places -- and at least restaurants have had smoking and non-smoking areas for years. If tobacco is so confounded bad for us then why don't we just ban it outright? Of course all Americans know the answer to the question at the end of my last paragraph -- Washington DC and all the state governments are positively addicted to tobacco . . . revenue. In the form of taxes. If we are really all that concerned about public health then we had better ban the use of the wheel post-haste -- ever look at traffic death statistics?

  6. . . . your wearing jogging bottoms with stilettos . . .

    I do that. Check my avatar. The sweatsuit is my "schlump suit", it is very comfy when I'm just rattling around the house. And my "schlump suit" usually includes some kind of heels.

    . . .Hey guys, I'm just on my soap box hear being an amateur photographer and all so I'm just offering a point of view, not trying to cast judgement....

    Yeah, I can get into that. I've been a major shutterbug since the early 80's. I get a little crazy with digital cameras because it is so inexpensive to take a lot of pictures -- no film, no developing.

    . . . Maybe if the camera was kept still, and some more suitable attire was matched with the shoes it would look a whole lot better...

    Well, yeah there are a few photographic flaws in the picture but I will congratulate member pumpedup for working his way through the intricacies of posting pictures on a message board. It took me a while to figure it out.

    (Why do i get the feeling I'm gonna get shot down in flames for this)

    Poof-ssssshhhhhh -- Ok, that's me lighting up the propane torch. . . (well, not really :wink:)

  7. I've taken a liking to the Italian-style charm bracelets -- with the plain links (usually called "starter bracelets"). They are simple and uncluttered and their spring-loaded links fit like a Speidel watchband. I think they look just as good on a man's wrist as they do on a woman's.

  8. Here's an example of a shoe stretcher: http://cgi.ebay.com/Pair-Shoe-Stretchers-Mens-and-Womens-Shoe-Stretcher_W0QQitemZ330067537135QQihZ014QQcategoryZ108690QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item330067537135

    and there are a whole lot of different kinds available, some for boots and some for shoes. (Search for "shoe stretcher" on eBay to see what's out there.) The boot stretchers usually have a jointed handle that allows them to be tightened without the boot shaft getting in the way, while shoe stretchers often have a "heel part" that wedges against the back of the shoe to push the stretcher into the toe box. It is convenient to have your own stretchers so you don't have to keep trucking shoes back and forth to repair shops.

    Look around in this "Shoe repair and Modifications" forum right here, there are a couple of other threads on shoe stretching.

    Further, Firefox (one of the founders of this board) has a way of stretching shoes using homemade stretchers. This is a project for those of us who are handy with woodworking tools but it will create a fit that is customized to your foot. Details are available here: http://freespace.virgin.net/firey.fox/stretch.htm

  9. If someone had told me say, ten years ago that I'd stumble onto a website where men, yes, men spent considerable amounts of time gleefully talking about anything and everything revolving around women's shoes, I would've laughed and told said person that he was stone cold crazy. . . .

    Ain't that the truth! And the other day, on another thread we guys were giving a young lady advice on how to wear and walk in high heels! I took part in that thread and could not help but think "This could only happen on the Internet!"

    . . . So, as we celebrate the arrival of the new year, let's continue to make this board an enjoyable place for everyone to come to be accepted without prejudice, and share in their passion for high heels!

    Absolutely! Let's make it a high-heeled New Year!

  10. I guess I have been embarrassing myself with all the pics I posted :wink:

    Oh, I would not say that at all. First, we have only seen your legs. Second, your legs are quite shapely. You wear those pumps well.

    I am coming at this from a slightly different direction. At one point it occurred to me that spending a bunch of money on a collection of shoes that never left the confines of my house did not make a lot of sense given my situation. So I started to concentrate on styles that I could actually wear out in the real world. I am going to wear some kind of footwear anyway and this way I could get more "heel-time". I find that boots make a better fit into that plan.

    You clearly enjoy your pumps. If you leave your house in them, then more power to you (you have more courage than I do). If you only wear them at home then have fun! I rather like your pictures.

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