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Posts posted by jmc

  1. Moderation is the key. This passion, like so many others, has the capacity to consume us if we let it. We all struggle to find that "perfect balance" in life -- perhaps in futility because we have no proof that it even exists. In my own case I know that if I purged all my heels I would certainly cut my heeling to zero, but only temporarily. I cannot purge it from my mind and since "absence makes the heart grow fonder" the desire will intensify. Eventually my willpower will snap and Zappos is only a mouse-click away. Yes, we tread a narrow path here. Our passion adds spice to our lives but we must guard against it becoming our lives.

  2. There is really only one way to find out -- and that is to have her try them on. There is a lot of variation in sizing between different manufacturers and different styles, if this particular boot runs a bit large she may be OK with them. But only she can know and she must try them to know. If the boots are available from an online shop, make certain that they have a generous return policy before ordering. Cramming one's feet into shoes that are too small is a certain formula for misery, and potential debilitating foot problems later. No matter how beautiful the style, no matter how much you want to see her in them, it just is not worthwhile to wear shoes that do not fit.

  3. Hi dressboots, and welcome back.

    Reading your post I come to the conclusion that there are a couple of other members going through some of the same soul-searching as you are. Have a look at this thread:


    this post and the dialog afterward:


    this thread:


    and this post with some of the dialog around it:


    You are not alone.

  4. johnieheel is essentially correct on posting images. You cannot embed an image directly in your post, rather you must place the image somewhere else that is accessible via the Internet. Photobucket is a good choice, there's also Imageshack and flickr. You will have to set up an account with one of these -- I can personally attest that signing up with Photobucket is easy.

    When you have an image hosting service, you can upload your pictures to their server. Each service has a help page telling you how.

    Then you insert the link to your picture inside ',' tags. These are really easy to generate using the "insert image" button above the editor.

    You really want to host images from an account that is under your control so you have control over your content, rather than having someone else do it for you.

  5. . . .

    Not true. Follow the link above.

    I guess I did not underscore the word "Theoretically" with enough emphasis. The "biologically inert" idea comes from the manufacturers of silicones and they seem to have backed off from it since the breast implant lawsuits. Your links illustrate quite graphically that the theory does not hold. This stuff is dangerous.

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