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Posts posted by xaphod

  1. Ouch, I have some tidying up to do.

    I'll repair the links soon, but to be getting on with ....

    Sometime before the hack, one of the board members remarked on my 1980 'tube' pull-on boots which I bought in a thrift shop in 1992 .... well, a couple of days ago, in another thrift shop, I FOUND AN IDENTICAL PAIR !

    Posted Image

    They havn't been worn that much, but I think that the woman who had them wasn't very good with heels, because the tips were pretty bad.

    I replaced them, but the old tips were glued directly to the nylon heel moulding with some special glue. After a short time the polyurethane glue I used came adrift from the nylon. Any ideas for a decent glue ????

    Once I get this sorted, I'll be on cloud nine.


  2. Yes, Autumn would be nice. If all goes well (ha ha) I should have moved into the Mk n domicile near Norwich by then. Now, it's a relatively short hop from Norwich airport to Amsterdam, or we could take a car on the ferry from Harwich. Xa

  3. The rule of thumb, if I remember Laurie saying so, is:- The stockings should be lighter colour than the shoes. Some time ago, I was at Heelfan's new place with Firefox, and I demonstrated a pair of turquoise Missoni courts with a black stocking on one leg, and a 'grey smoke' stocking on the other. The effect with the lighter stocking was much more pleasing. Xa

  4. Anglian Water told us that they believed that the issues surrounding the disposal of sewage sludge to land "are as much about public perception as they are about scientific opinion".[337] Investigations they had commissioned showed "recycling to land is the best practicable environmental option" and they called upon the Government to help them promote the advantages to potential users and interest groups.[338] Public acceptance is not helped, they said, by using terms such as "sewage sludge" which have negative connotations of smell and dirt; using the technical term "biosolids" would go some way to allay public anxiety.

    ..... so I wonder what the politically correct word for 'horseshit' is ?


    PS ....

    The above was found during my searches for info regarding sewage disposal at the proposed Xaphod Mk4 residence. OK, you lot, if we have a heely weekend here, you can't create more than 2 m^3 of sewage per day, or the Environment Agency will take your heels away.

  5. Gene I suggest that we make it the 3rd weekend in September. The Winter boot styles will be in the shops and Summer styles should be on sale. Oh, BTW, this should really go in the 'Meetings' section. Xa

  6. Xaphod:-)

    I agree that it is good to see a lot of new members joining us lately. See what happens when you are away for a spell. Welcome back.


    Dawn HH

    ..... hmmm I hope that this doesn't mean something ominous.

    Funny thing, it always happens this way with me. A few years ago, I bummed around Italy for a month. When I got back to the UK, I found that 3 of my long-term batchelor friends had all got steady girlfriends.


  7. Hi Dude,

    Whilst I am not looking to make this into a Euro Heel Meet, as you started this thread, you are the only one that can change the title of it, I wonder if any other folk might come out of the woodwork if you changed the name of the thread to 'Amsterdam Heel Meet April 2005'

    Guys, I have booked the time off know and I am starting to look for hotels and flights, I am going to see if I can use some of my air miles to reduce the cost.

    Let me know if you can do the 11th, 12th, 13th of April.



    OK, I agree, that's committed dates for me.

    Xa ..... back from hols

  8. There are lots of books out there on heels. I thought a new topic, reviewing them would be a good idea.

    I saw a brief review in The Independent a while back and ordered this book through interlibrary loan (cost me £1.85).

    Stiletto by Caroline Cox Mitchell Beasley. ISBN 1 84000 906 3

    The Independent described this book as ideal for heel addicts, a review of the stiletto heel from it's inception to the present day. At a price of £30 I wasn't going to buy it on the basis of this description alone. Yes, as a 'Coffee Table' volume it has a place, but, for the price IMHO, it aint worth it.

    As I half expected, there was a load of psychobabble regurgitated from previous authors (the bibliography is impressive), together with a good selection of quality heely pictures. I think the research might have been carried out a little more carefully, for example 'Paula Sanchez' from 'John Willie's Bizarre' is quoted as an authoritative source. It's a pity that Ms Cox failed to notice that Paula Sanchez has a mighty strange writing style for a woman, but a remarkably similar style to, funnily enough, John Willie's editorial spot !

    OK, guys in the UK, if you want to borrow the copy from the library, I know of at least one in the UK ..... if your librarian hums and hahs, tell them that Larkhill library, Queen's Drive, Liverpool, has one.


  9. Hi Xa,

    It would have to be mon-fri for us, is that okay with you? It would be great to see you again.

    Three for a dutch heel meet is a good start.

    I will keep an eye open on this thread and see if we can tempt any others!



    Yes, as a Gentleman of Leisure, any time is convenient for me. There are various commitments, like Feb 3 thro Feb 17. Feb 19th, and sometime early March which I forget for the time being. Otherwise, suggest a date.

    I think it is a good time for me to present a short discourse on why Belgian beer is the best.

    The Brits brew beer that is drunk warm (about 12 deg C) so that doesn't count.

    The Germans make a lot of noise about how their beer has laws to say how pure it is, and these laws have been around since about 1550. The beer isn't bad, but it gives me gassy gut, big time.

    The French brew something which is only appreciated by the French.

    (Much like their own Colour TV system, SECAM .... known to British engineers as Something Extremely Complicated and Mysterious, or, my preference, Something Essentially Contrary to the American Method)

    Amongst all this hype, the Belgian monks have quietly been brewing fearsome brews in their monasteries since the 12th Century. I say fearsome brews, because the weediest is 5%, rising to 9% and more.

    The efffect on the Belgians is much like the digitail dyslexia on my typing, rendering them incapable of engaging in any coherent form of National promotion, spin, media presence or any modern cynical self-promotion. They are merely content to know their beer is the best, and see no point in making too much fuss about it !


  10. Bubba,

    I couldn't have said that better myself.


    Your answer is typical of most of the males here. You don't understand that the actions you are doing are putting us off from posting. I'll read all the new posts but sometimes I can't be bothered to post because you dominate and hijack our posts or "gals area" and then say "What are we doing wrong"?

    We've told you until we're blue in the face, so until you find that out for yourselves then I'm sorry to say that the real women will slowly go away.


    Becks, please look at the number of my posts in 'For the Gals' before sounding off !

    I believe I have averaged 1 to 2 posts PER YEAR there.


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