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Posts posted by xaphod

  1. Yup .... me too. BTW, Manus, that's a very good look you have. It shows how keeping slim makes all the difference to being well turned out in heels. Some time back the local 'cash and carry' was selling women's leather trousers for about £35 a pair. They are a lot lighter material than guys trousers and are cut better. I normally take UK size 16(W), or possibly size 14. I bought 4 pairs over a couple of years and I'm getting round to modifying a pair to be 'plus four' style that stop just below the knee. I will be able to wear these with knee high boots without my lower legs getting too warm (two layers of material). Xa

  2. A ned is so called because NED stands for :




    and they are the reason i dont want to go out in my heels

    firefox says the dont bother (theres proof they do firefox;) )


    Quite right .... there's the correct time and place for everything. Being at the 'wrong part of town' late in the evening is NOT the time for anyone to wear sexy heels.


  3. Amazingly, I was also engaged and had a similar experience to Dawn HH where the girl got more and more demanding. She even asked me to buy her family a full set of furniture and called me selfish when I said I was saving the money for our wedding/ house purchase. She stopped me seeing friends, and even talking to any females I knew. Then dumped me, kept the engagement ring, and I found out she had been keeping in touch with her ex the whole time. He moved in with her and her family a week after we split.

    I also turned to cars, couldn't afford a Corvette (not so common in the UK) so settled for its sister the Firebird which received a lot of attention, and took a lot of the pain I had to dish out while I hurt inside.


    Like all 'deals' in life, there are a few good ones and some you should walk away from. Women fall into that category too.

    I had an enthusiastic crew member who would go far out of his way to do some sailing. We had many enjoyable voyages together .... (and a few wet and miserable workouts ! ). Regretably he hooked up with quite a pleasant woman who disapproved of all this sailing stuff, gradually imposed 'responsibilities' on him, and arranged more and more things to occupy him to the detriment of his sailing. He's now 200 lbs (was a fit 140) and can only now converse about children and schools.


  4. This thought came to mind.

    Could it be that wearing stiletto thigh boots in public is so "out there" as a fashion choice that it goes unchallenged?

    I think that is a pretty good assessment of the human psyche. In WW2, battleships were painted in 'razzle dazzle' .... bizarre patterns and colours which was intended to confuse observers as to what they were seeing. In effect their brains just edited out what they saw.

    A personal example was some crew failing to see Gribbin Head daymark http://website.lineone.net/~swwcorn/polkgrib/polkgrib.html despite the visibility being perfect. They just didn't expect to see a huge candy-striped tower sticking out of the hill.

    I try to project an image which isn't quite in line with male attire, so the effect with heels cannot be regarded as an ordinary guy wearing a kinky pair of heels.


  5. A bit of a rant on behalf of the girls.

    Why is it that some guys keep trying to hit on girls who are just out there minding their own business?

    There is the girls' forum for the girls, but what do we find, lots of the guys on the board trying to engage them in conversation there .... post us a picture and do you wear 6" heels seem to feature fairly early in the chat. What I think the girls' forum should be is the sort of chats women have in the powder room away from the guys.

    There were a couple of Italian girls who posted on the board a while back, but they soon stopped posting when they started a private email conversation, no doubt due to the tedious hassle they got from the guys here, like two girls having a drink at a bar trying to repel the local 'Don Juan'.

    Why can't the guys enjoy the company of the few women who post here without there being a covert sexual agenda ????

    Vanity, I'm sorry to hear of your loss .... been there a couple of years ago. I'm trying to do my bit to keep the 'dribbling little perverts' at bay, so try to stay with us.


  6. Hi, this is my first message here. I must say this is a truly nice site and a great idea.

    Today I am wearing a white skirt (almost kneelength) and a pink strapless halter top.

    I have 4 inch white strappy sandals on my feet.

    Welcome V,

    We have quite a few women who 'push the envelope', but you're doing fine where you are. Glad to have you with us.


  7. I dont really like the human race as a whole, who would, looking at our track record!

    Xa' you seem to be a clever kind of Guy, why dont you build a jet engine or something in you garage over the winter, then when you think he is watching you, start it up, 110db of rip roaring air, that should piss him off.

    beter still get an AM CB and distrupt his veiwing of points of view :roll:


    I regret to have to agree with you on the human race. I came up with this in a cynical moment ....

    Individually, man may be a noble beast, but collectively his behaviour is indistinguishable from the scurrying and squabbling of rats in a sewer.

    .... nice idea about the jet engine, but less than subtle. The one I favour at present is to take out his TV with a 70cm (432 MHz) amateur radio transmitter. The plan is to let him see me take a walk down to the pub while the Tx is set to come on using a timer while I am out.


  8. New one .....

    The London Evening Standard came up with this one in winter 1991/2.

    A jumbo jet flying across the Atlantic produces more carbon dioxide than the Amazon rainforest can absorb.

    .... I remember this one because it produced a huge row between me and the g/f of the time .... she might have had 8 grade A 'A' levels, but she couldn't think out of the box.


    Exercise for the student ....

    Given that the exo-atmospheric solar power flux is about 1380 Watts per square metre (from when Xa worked on space satellites) and that the last track on Vangelis 'Heaven and Hell' album is 'Albedo 0.39', show that the Amazon Rain Forest can support the energy requirements of around 10^4 to 10^5 jumbo jets.


    PS, talking about solar flux, we had a huge solar event at 0800 UTC today.

  9. Here's a quote from Teletext which I saw this morning....


    Concern is growing over the damage to wetlands as the expansion of tourism in the Mediterranean takes its toll on the surrounding wildlife.

    In Cyprus, where water is limited, eight golf courses are being built.

    Each course will require about one million cubic metres of water per hectare per year, which is the equivalent of the water consumption of a city of 12000 inhabitants.


    Now, a hectare is 10000 square metres, so 1 million cubic metres will cover a hectare to a depth of 100 metres. This corresponds to an annual rainfall of 100 metres, 328 feet, or 3936 inches. Someone is bullshitting me !

    To make matters worse, the next fact, based on this false premise is reasonably correct regarding the water consumption of each person per year, but who is fooling whom when we are told that a CITY has a mere 12000 inhabitants.

    The way I read this is that some booze-fuelled hack typed this press release from an ecological activist verbatim, without bothering to think, even if he/she could assess the truth of the scientific statements.

    What really pisses me off is that there are fewer and fewer people out there who are aware of any basic science, and even less of these have any access to media to rubbish this blatant political huckstering of a beardy-wierdy crank group.

    Xa .... with steam pressure partly dissipated.

  10. Bubba .... Yes, I do talk to the guy, but I always get the feeling he has a hidden agenda in his conversations in his search for more information about me.

    What prompts this apparent paranoia is the fact that his conversation tends to be tittle-tattle about other neighbours' business, very little of it complimentary. So, having heard this, I just wonder what the guy says about me behind my back.

    Chris .... I have a Daihatsu 4-trak which sees most of its off-road use when I'm driving up to the top of the highest hill I can find when I'm messing about with amateur radio. Other times it is used as a support vehicle at various military vehicle rallies. I took it up to Chelsea a couple of years back after a rally which we called 'the Somme re-enactment' (it rained like hell and we had to use Saracen 6wds to shift the stuck 4wds) .... a muddy 4wd driven by a lunatic certainly scared the c..p out of the Arabellas taking the Tarquins to school in bigger vehicles than mine.

    The reason I chose a 4-trak is that it has no electronics in it, so when I need to fix it, I don't have to wheel up a logic analyser to psychoanalyse its poor little brain .... all I need is a mallet and a screwdriver (and some damn big spanners)

    BTW, I bounced the pic of me driving my 4wd in Western Ranch 5 inchers to the top of the Ultra hh and fetish forum. The pic is on sheet 1.

    Xa (disappearing to change the cambelt on the second 4wd)

    edited oops, got my comple/imentaries mixed up

  11. Fox didn't believe me when I told him how nosey my next-door neighbour was until he came round one day to go up to the January sales in London.

    No sooner had Fox arrived and next-door was peering over the wall round the side of his house.

    You think that's pretty bad, but one cold (2 deg C), drizzly, dark ( 5.30 am ) January, Monday morning, I was loading up my 4wd for a work assignment 100 miles away, and yes, super-prat is round the side of his house moving his dustbin around and peering at me over the wall. No sane person is around at that time unless he has to, and super-prat is retired, so you would think he would prefer a nice warm bed !

    A couple of days ago, I acquired a second nearly-identical 4wd in good condition, the idea being to maintain one while using the other on the road, and should the road vehicle need a spare part, I can pinch it from the out-of-use vehicle without having to wait for spares from Japan.

    Although I say it myself, having 2 identical vehicles on the drive looks pretty cool, especially as I treated the locals to leather trousers and Fuss 5" courts getting into one of them yesterday. So, this morning I find, not to be upstaged, next-door leaves his 4wd (of inferior make, IMHO) overnight outside his garage for the first time ever !

    AAAGH ! .... what a moron !


  12. Got you now Xaph.

    ..... who is intensely interested in what is happening at the front of the class (and it has nothing to do with what is on the blackboard)

    .... who makes himself the center of attention by writing down incorrect equations.

    Have I got it right? :roll:


    You have to remember this was in the time of the miniskirt, so when Babs reached up to write at the top of the board, the sight made one's eyes sore. Funnily enough, I used to sit in the front of the class for maths.

    The bit about attention grabbing .... could be .... however I remember one St David's day, the Welshman in the class wore a leek (sortof onion) in his top pocket, so I wore my dad's old wartime gas-mask !


  13. Hi, JeffM, A plonker in UK-speak is a particular variety of idiot. It's very embarassing when a gorgeous blonde .... with brains .... puts down a fairly bright lad who can't be bothered to learn his trigonometrical identities. Auntie Babs must have been a good teacher, though. She helped me get an A grade .... who says sex only sells ! Perhaps it's time I started a mathematical thread ???? Xa

  14. There's actually sometimes a reason for this. I have a beautiful pair of Aldo boots, but the manufacturers fouled up the heel attachment which is a bit off-centre. I always feel as I'm walking on the edge of the heel, so when I'm standing I give the boots an inward lean to attempt to get the heel in the right place. It wasn't a fault on the particular pair of boots I bought. I took them back and tried on a couple more pairs, but they were all the same. In the end, I kept the first pair, but, much to my regret, I won't be wearing them for long outings. Xa

  15. Oh, BTW, lose the comma at the end of the URL, or some browsers won't find the link. I know it's a bit pompous, but I suspect the IQ of the 'lux group' is on a par with Victoria Beckham, and, as I have said before, I find her synonymous with 'irrelevant'. We are bombarded with images of 'beautiful people' and I suspect the 'lux group' aspire to this false Hollywood ideal. All the ordinary people out there just have to make the best of what they have got. Like me, I'm 5'8" and bald .... no doubt the 'lux group' would say something like 'eeeew eew ewww .... that's soooo gross'. Well, tough shit, that's the way I am. I'm quite happy with the way some others regard me, especially the g/f of the guy who keeps his boat next to mine in the marina. As I was backing out of my berth, she says 'you're looking good Xa' .... and she wasn't looking at my boat ! Xa

  16. I was working on an airfield once, many moons ago, when all the computing power was a VAX mainframe. We had a lightning strike in the middle of the field .... HUGE great bang which caused simultaneous soiling of many trousers in some of the huts at the edge of the field. The problem was 'ground bounce' where the earth potential is no longer constant due to the huge insertion of current into the ground where the lightning struck. Boy, did that make a real black mess of the back of the VAX where all the terminal connections came in from the VT100s spread around the site. Xa

  17. It's a bit off topic, but I remember a comment I made to an ex g/f.

    Instead of the usual 'there's method in my madness', I reversed the phrase as a bit of a joke, to

    'There's madness in my method'. To which her reply was 'there's truth in jest'.

    Yes, she was great at put-downs, but later I had the last laugh by putting her down, ie dumping her.


  18. The following is a paraphrased version of the Johann Hari editorial in 'The Independent' of 28th May 2004.


    In the Television programme Queer Eye for a Straight Guy, a group of five gay men enter the life of a badly-dressed straight guy. They gasp and tut their way around his flat and wardrobe, gaping at the ways of the mysterious heterosexual. He is then taken into hand: they ensure he is plucked, deodorised, and re-dressed, before being presented to a cheering girlfriend and mother. the show is a cult hit in the US, and a British version launched last week.

    The show is straightforward peddling of prejudice. It is all the more aggravating that the producers no doubt consider themselves terribly radical and 'right on'. Queer Eye is based on a myth: the idea that gay men are somehow more stylish.

    I am tragic and irrefutable proof athat this is untrue. I realised that something was wrong with the way I dress when my friends started buying clothes and throwing them in the washing basket, in the hope that I would unwittingly wear something decent. Even my grandmother asked "Oh Johann, why can't you dress like those nice gay boys on television?"

    Some people might imagine that camp behaviour is and inherent part of being a gay man. Aren't we somehow - perhaps genetically - more feminine? Aren't camp and gay basically the same thing? It's only if you look at the history of camp that you understand how flawed this belief is. Camp behaviour evolved in the 18th and 19th centuries for a good reason. Gay men couldn't be open about their sexuality, so they developed a shared way of behaving. Only by acting in a certain way could they send signals to each other and find sexual partners.

    So camp behaviour represents the values of the 19th century closet. To survive and retain any sense of self-esteem, the gay men of that generation developed a camp outlook on life. Its main features were irony, theatrical frivolity, an aristocratic detachment from the worries of straight people, parody, and an emphasis on style over substance. It made sense then. But, I've got news for you, the closet is broken and wer're never going back - yet too many gay people are still trapped on an out-moded camp-site.

    The persistence of camp has also led to a dysfunctional gay culture. In a camp world, it doesn't matter what you do, so longer as you do it with style. This explains the camp man's admiration (and staggering willingness to vote for) Margaret Thatcher. Sure, she introduced the most explicitly homophobic piece of legislation in decades with Section 28 (*), but, darling, did you see her boots?

    The truth about gay people - as we finally shuffle past the twitching, ball-gowned corpse of camp - must be dull, dull, dull. In reality, we are not gifted stylists and geniuses with eye-liner. We are just as likely to be mediocre - or brilliant - as our straight brothers.

    Being welcomed as performing chimps for the straight folks does not mean we've won the battle for cultural accepatance. No, it will come when we are (rightly) seen to be as boring and lacking in style as anybody else.


    (*) Section 28 was a piece of legislation that forbade the teaching of positive images of homosexuality over heterosexuality. Not wishing to be authoritative, my interpretation was that school children were to be taught that heterosexual relationships were the norm. Homosexual relationships were mentioned, but that was all.


    Spot the slip where Mr Hari is not as quite as 'right on' as

    he might wish ! This part is verbatim from the newspaper.

    This aside, I thought I would post the article for people to comment on .... it raises a few questions, other than mine.

    The bit about Margaret Thatcher's boots. I remember she wore some straight-leg cossack boots with perhaps a 3" medium-thickness stacked heel, in the mid 80s when they were popular. My question, is, just what is it about boots that sets guy's all-a-tizzy?


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