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Posts posted by xaphod

  1. Hmm .... saw it, but, except for the heels, I think it's as trivial as any other soap.

    The comment that sprung to mind was ....

    highest point, the heels ..... lowest point, everything else


    Afterwards, I fished out some tapes of 'Coupling' which also has heels PLUS one of the most deliciously convoluted storylines I've seen on the box for a long time.


  2. and less doom and gloom ....

    It seems that the Royal Automobile Club breakdown patrols have some really wierd problems to fix at times.

    It is not unknown for teething children to chew on car key fobs and swallow the immobiliser transponder chip they contain.

    The breakdown guys fix this by holding the offending infant close to the ignition while the key is operated as normal.


  3. Woah! A sign of intelligence!

    As Henry said, "Damn the torpedos!"

    I, for one, thank God that the repositories of information throughout our world is widespread, at the very least, and very well widespread, at most. It's good to know our collective wit and wisdom are being dissemenation, usually after little more than a contrary event, prior to allowing the attention of the soldiers to descend upon the probelm at hand.

    God bless, and good night.

    One scary fact about World population ....

    When my dad was born there were one and some billion people on the planet.

    When he was a young man it hit 2 billion.

    When I was a boy, we had got to 3.

    It's well on it's way to 4 now, and by the time I'm shoving up the daisies, it is projected to be 5 billion, all of whom will want to live in warm houses, be adequately fed, drive cars, absorb resources, contribute to Global Warming and the Global garbage pile. ..... sorry guys, something has got to give.


    Checked my data, hence the edit.

  4. What a good idea !

    Even if you can't buy the commercial article, ordinary clear heatshrink sleeving is available in various unshrunk diameters up to about 50mm, so any old length could be cut and shrunk on heels, not necessarily stilettos.

    If any of the UK guys want to try it, I can provide the sleeving from my electrical engineering kit. A pukka heatshrinker is not necesary as a hot-air paint stripper used carefully ! works well (sometimes too damn well ! ).


  5. It's always a thrill to go shopping for women's shoes or boots while wearing women's shoes or boots. I feel llike I'm in charge.

    Yes, walking into a shoeshop wearing women's shoes is like 'presenting your credentials' at an exclusive club. No matter your appearance, by wearing heels you have, in effect, uttered the secret password.

    Similarly, I remember appearing at the Dartmouth (as in Royal Naval College) sailing club looking like something the cat had dragged in. A well dressed gentleman sailor enquired if he 'could help'. I asked for the showers and what time dinner was being served. Having been told this, he enquired where I had come from .... St Ives. My boat? .... the 32 footer on the pontoon. My crew? .... singlehanded ! We don't get many people singlehanding boats that large .... I hope you enjoy your stay here.

    ..... credentials presented and approved !


  6. not to put anyone of but from experience i add comments to the contrary. Leeds is a git to get any sense of direction and is badly signposted. Parking is nastily expensive. My work (bank) sends us on courses there regularly. Avoid the city centre carparks as you will be forking out about 8 quid for the day,

    dispite my travel hatred for Leeds the place is thriving with many shops, and there is plenty of heely shops to wander in.

    as for my attendance, i am off that week, so we will see what plans brings


    HI, Daz,

    That's the way I heard it, as if the socially responsible beardy-wierdies on bicycles were trying very hard to give these nasty car drivers grief by designing the traffic system to be user unfriendly.

    If Calv is navigating then we might manage to sort ourselves out.


  7. I was shopping in Guildford yesterday lunch-time, browsing in a ladies shoe shop (as you do). I was wearing some very conservative ladies chelsea boots with a 1 1/2" heel, when I overheard a woman in her twenties saying to her friend ".....and he had four inch heels on!!!!" I just had to chip in, "What's wrong with that I often wear four inch heels" We had a little chat about heel wearing, she being of the opinion that 2" was high enough. I asked what did he look like? She said that he had really sexy boots, with a very pointy toe and a buckle across the vamp, but the rest of the outfit didn't match. Had he dressed up a bit, he'd have got away with it and looked good, but it looked as if he hadn't made enough effort with the rest of what he was wearing. It was interesting to get that reaction, as it was very open minded and quite honest.

    I havn't got any boots with a buckle across the vamp, so it couldn't have been me .... but I do go to Guildford fairly often.


  8. E-S,

    We try to keep the girls' forum as a relatively private place for the few girls we have on this board to talk.

    To keep in line with this aim, your post would have better been put in For everybody

    Xa (moderator mode)

  9. This is not a piss-take

    Candles undergo safety checks.

    Hampshire trading standards department (who cost me big money in local taxes) are co-ordinating a Europe-wide project to check whether candles are safe to use.

    Ten countries took part in the project and sent candles to the County Council's lab to be tested.

    All the candles brought to Hampshire for test burned safely, but many had inadequate safety instructions, trading standards found.


    .... let's just say that 'politician' is not my favourite word, and 'local government politician' is even less so.


  10. Thanks for all the warm invites. Here's a quick pic of one of my shoes. Ijust got them recently. and thanks for the hosting site Jimnj3

    Posted Image

    Yup .... you passed the initiation ..... no problem.


  11. 2. Most of the major towns around here are infested with "Chavs" and louts who mainly seem to come out at night. I am worried that they might spot me and give me a hard time - the last thing I need on my first proper outing. I have read that many of the guys on this forum have had their worst reaction from these types, so I need to research my route/location a little better - preferably somewhere I will not run into anyone I know.

    What's the definition of 'Chavs' .... I can guess that it means yobs or people looking for a bit of bovver.

    ..... anyway, it's been said before that the best time to wear heels is in daylight when these characters don't feel so emboldened with lots of other people about.


  12. Hi .... BTW has the track 'LA woman' by the Doors any significance ? I think genetics has some effect on predisposition to heely interest .... my father was always on at my mother to wear higher heels. As to wearing them himself, the 50s was waaaaay too repressed for him to even countenance this. Xa

  13. From a 'Campaign for Real Ale' publication, the Sussex Drinker.


    Did you hear about the drunken farmer who was walking back across his cowfield when a gust of wind blew off his flat cap?

    He had to try on about 15 caps before he found the right one.


    Thank you for calling the Psychiatric Helpline

    If you feel threatened, press 1 fast.

    If you are lacking in self-confidence, ask someone to press 2 for you.

    If you have a split personality, press 3, 4, 5, and 6.

    If you suffer from persecution-mania, we know who you are .... just stay on the line long enough to trace your call.

    If you are schizophrenic, listen to the voices who will tell you which number to press.

    If you are manic depressive, it does not matter which number you press ... nobody will answer you anyway.



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