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Posts posted by xaphod

  1. Hi,

    www.jean-gaborit.com are doing higher heels now, plus custom calf sizing.

    Unfortunately they are pretty expensive .... way over £80 ..... what pisses me off is the phenomenal rate of French VAT that's slapped on top of the price.


  2. Hell im 6'6" tall and built like the side of a house,pretty much everyone figures im some sort of thug or that im gonna mug them by the way they react if i walk towards or behind them because of my size (just wanting to pass them without shoulder barging my way through them!) Me im just a 'gentle giant' but no one seems to see that...Xaph you got it easy trust me!


    Yes, I guess that can be difficult. I've had various friends built like yourself, big guys, handy for lifting out gateposts, but absolutely civilised despite appearances. OK, I suffer from everybodys primeval prejudices, but experience soon allows me to see the real person underneath

    Found this interesting article on CBSnews.com


    I especially like the last line, even being 6'4" and well put together - one glance at me and you wouldn't think I was into heels, unless I happened to be in my heels :D

    Ah, I now understand ..... my success in an Engineering career was nothing to do with the fact that I might have been reasonably good at it and more to do with the fact that I wore 3" lifts for most of the time.


  3. >> i took a closer look and saw a three quater length leather coat didnt think much of it and looked a bit higher and found the person to be male, <<

    Now, that could have been Xaphod, who occasionally frequents these forums....

    Nope, not me this time.


  4. Why are humans programmed to regard tall people as more desirable ? It pisses me off being 5'9" and being regarded as somehow less of a person. I was thinking a while back of the time I was invited to a yachting friend's wedding. Nigel knew me as this character who single hands 32 foot sailing boats, repairs leaking toilets in force 8 gales without throwing up, can hoick out anchors which bigger guys can't, a half-decent navigator, a bon viveur in some respects, can cook and likes his wine. Some of this aura had preceeded my arrival at his reception (his parents had never met me). I was introduced as 'this is Xaphod' and got the comment 'oh, I thought you would be taller !' GRRRRRR Xa

  5. .

    At Cindi's urging, I finally made it into the nail salon, and got my first manicure, with sparkly blue nail polish. I wore black leather boots with 4" heels, and three gold hoops in each ear punctuated my look.

    The gist of it was that I was not trying to pass as an average Joe.

    Yup .... bang on target. If your whole look is a bit out of the ordinary, then the heels don't stand out so much.

    .The point is, that fears of adverse reaction seem completely unwarranted.

    So I would pose the question to other heel wearing men. Does anyone actually give you any crap about wearing heels? If so, under what circumstances does that occur?

    Unfortunately so. Teenage kids are the worst. They have such a rigid dress-code that they can allow none to be different. I was at the Birmingham bullring shopping centre with Calv a while back when a couple of youths saw my heels (4" blocks, nothing mega) and shouted out 'gay boy'.

    They didn't quite expect me turning around and using my thick, rough northern accent (the one I was brought up speaking in a hard northern coal and steel town, before I left, dumped the accent and the stigma) to suggest that they might 'have their f****ing faces reprogrammed'.


  6. Hi, all, Just to add that the lady and her daughter in Qube were quite impressed. I seem to remember overhearing something like 'way to go' when I told the sales girl that she had a result after I'd tried the boots on. The guy who was rooted to the spot was less enthusiastic, the invitation to join in heel wearing prompting the reply 'f**k that !' ...... oh well I suppose it gave him something to talk about in the pub. Xa

  7. Came up with another one a couple of days ago.

    For non-UK people, our Notional Health Service has an organisation which recommends drugs for use within the service. The organisation goes by the wonderful spin name of 'National Institute for Clinical Excellence' (nice).

    IMHO, NICE should really stand for

    Notional Institute for Cheap Ersatz !


  8. Shafted is quite correct. Radio waves in the hf band ( 3 MHz to 30 MHz ) do propagate all the way around the earth by repeated reflections between the ionosphere and the earth's surface. Critical to the propagation is the state of ionisation of the ionosphere. At present the number of sunspots is pretty low in the 11 year sunspot cycle, so the ionisation of the F-layer is somewhat reduced, due to the reduction in solar activity. This reduces the maximum useable frequency (MUF) to somewhere around 15 MHz. This is further complicated by diurnal variations and disturbances due to solar flares. The upshot of this is that a commercial shortwave set is still quite adequate for listening to broadcasts, but you will find that the broadcasters will shift their operating frequencies to the lower end of 3 to 30 MHz. Listening on 7.2 to 7.4 MHz in the evening is a good bet. Commercial Shortwave receivers normally come with a whip antenna which is generally adequate to receive most high power broadcasters (they use powers of the order of 500KW ..... funnily enough, I used to design chunks of the transmitters). By comparison, amateur radio guys can 'get round the world' on 100 Watts. If the receiver has an aerial and earth connection, then 20 metres of wire high in the air and a good earth connection will improve the receive signal strength, if desired.

  9. The reason I have been off is as some of you may remember my folks found my boots, block ankle boots of about 3inches and asked me about them. I froze and of course denied it all but my mum said that it was ok if you dont wear them she would, but I still left it...

    anyway time passed and the other week my mum and I were getting ready to go out christmas shopping when she goes to put on a pair of shoes which she hadnt remebered buying...

    so she asked "are these mine or yours" to which I just said yours.

    so she asked "are these mine or yours" to which I just said yours :Didiot

    There was the perfect entree that your mum provided and you blew it !

    I think you need to fish out your blocks and tell your mum, stand up, be a man, and say 'mum, there's something I need to tell you ..... OK, you obviously know already, but I have this thing about high heels.' Make sure it's just your mum and you.

    I'm pretty sure she will be OK about your heels and, if necessary, get around to breaking it to your dad.

    Best wishes


  10. Shopping will be somewhat difficult in Belgium. As heels are considered 'women only' the available sizes are mostly limited to EUR36 to EUR41.

    And i'm currently wearing EUR42 or 43 (that's a UK8 or 9 i think) so :D .

    The only heels i found in lager sizes are more the fetish type shoes, and that's not what i was planning to wear.


    Yes, EUR42 is about UK size 8.25. EUR43 is UK size 9.

    American sizes for women are UK sizes plus 2.

    American sizes for men are the same as UK sizes (work that one out !)

    In ordinary UK shops, women's sizes stop at UK8 or Euro 42. I would think that you would be able to buy shoes with wider toes in UK8 without too many problems, but if you want pointed toes it might be better to buy UK9.

    Hope this helps


  11. Yes, Fuss are reliable. Many of their latest offerings I don't particularly like. I ordered a pair of overknee boots a while back. The description was leather, which the uppers were, but the lining was plastic .... and smelt like half of the Rhur chemical industry. My fave heels are their 5" courts, but, having been using them for the last 4 years or so, I havn't found anything else they do anything remotely as pleasing. Xa

  12. I don't think that foot trainers (like you see on Heike's site, for example) will shorten the length of the foot because they don't give any compression in length. Even if you tried to arrange some mechanism to do this, it would be very dangerous risking all sorts of 'I don't know what'. The only thing that wearing hhs does is to give a greater curve to the instep, stretching the top of the foot and compressing the sole ..... I don't even need to think of the wrinkles on my soles when my feet are in 5 inchers. This shape allows your feet to fit better into hhs, so you may find that after a fair while of wearing 4.5" upwards, you can take a smaller size in hhs (but not flats which are still size 39). For example, I have some size 38s in a style that I used to take in size 39. This is a reduction in size of about 3/4 in US shoe size. If you were hoping for a huge reduction in shoe size by wearing foot trainers, I'm afraid that you will be disappointed and stand a fair risk of irreparably damaging your feet. Xa

  13. I'm sorry I wasn't able to meet any of you in person, but am looking forward to the next time when I can make it, probably (need to confirm this, though) either 22 or 29 of April 06.


    I'll put a mental postit in the back of my head for those dates.

    Oh, forgot to say about Waterloo station ....

    .... Saturday was the rugby match (football for US) between England and the All-Blacks (New Zealand). Waterloo was full of rugby fans catching the train to Twickenham and the bar had quite a few beefy guys drinking beer when Calv and I stopped off for a pint in the evening. There were a few nudges and glances at my skirt and heels, but not a single stupid comment. Compare that reaction with what would be expcected from a bar full of football (soccer) fans.


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