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Posts posted by xaphod

  1. We still get Coupling in Canada, on BBC Canada :-) It's quite funny but more than a little odd. I think every guy in the show has had sex with every woman in the show. And by inference, one of the women maybe with another of the women. Ah, well, it's a good show. We don't get it too often but try to watch when it comes on. That and WRC.

    As for why things bomb in the US, the theory aomgst some of the people I know is that with Briitish telly you need to know stuff (history, science, geography, etc.) whereas with American TV you need to laugh when the soundtrack tells you to (Pavlovian conditioning).

    Yes, I'm a 'Coupling' fan. I think the Patrick and Sally trilogy (starts with Patrick dreaming that Sally phoned him at 3am for help in removing a spider from her bedroom) is 'sweet' on a simplistic level, but has so many undercurrents that multiple replays on a vcr are necessary to be aware of them all.


  2. That was an interesting series calv (boy meets girl) and brought up some interesting points.

    The Gender Swap programs have also been interesting (2 so far) but the choice of celebrities to do the swapping has been kind of strange, obviously done just to increase the difficulty factor.

    Also did anyone see the "Transgender Teenagers" program in the UK ?

    Chris, you didn't miss much ..... just the usual Channel 4 trying to use purient curiosity to sell something that was pretty third-rate.


  3. Um, I wouldn't have said 'limp-wristed poofter' myself. You look masculine to me, even in the skirt and boots. I think it's the skinhead look...

    Yeah, image is important. But it can be all too deceptive.

    The skinhead look does create confusion at times. It's more due to the fact that I have b.....er-all hair which looks pretty untidy if I grow it. This is the neatest it has ever been in my life !!!


  4. Hi, MPB, Whatever floats your boat .... if it's heels then you will find a sympathetic audience here. Do you wear your heels in public, I wonder. The whole glam-rock image would wreck people's heads, so the boots would be part of the overall effect. I also find that the idea of the whole image being offbeat is a better way to wear heels as opposed to standard male clothes with a kinky pair of shoes. Xa

  5. .

    ...... but what a pity that is all that the proles perceive. eg.

    'Regular guy' doing serious work on his 4wd

    Posted Image

    Limp-wristed poofter posing with his 4wd

    Posted Image

    What a pity that I don't fit in any of the 'pigeonholes' above. Actually, all I am is me.

    There are times that I don't mind if people, to feel comfortable, put me in some sort of social category, but there are other times when I find people's lack of imagination or breadth-of-mind intensely frustrating.


  6. Hi, Jim,

    Here's a pic of the gearbox on its way back to the rightful place. To the left of the blue connector you will see something that looks suspiciously like the mainsheet tackle for a sailing boat. Funnily enough, it is!

    The mainsheet is run throught the hole in the body where the gearstick normally lives, to a wooden A-frame that I built in the passenger compartment. The blue scissors affair is the transmission jack.

    Posted Image


  7. Aldo ... Hello, Aldo shoes, Fred speaking. xaph ... Oh, Hi. I bought a pair of boots from you on Friday, and I like them so much, I would like to buy another pair. Aldo ... Oh good, do you have the details? xaph ... Yes, I have the number on the sales ticket, will that do? Aldo ... Yes, fine. xaph ... 13------ Aldo ... hang on, they're ladies boots. xaph ... Quite right, I'm the guy who wears heels. The item number is 13-04-06-122_240 in size 39. Are they still on sale for £89.95 ? Aldo ... WOW --- sorry I'll check, sir. (keyboard noises). Yes, we have them. xaph ... OK, I'll be in on Thursday or Friday .... do you want a credit card number? Aldo ... No, Sir, that's not needed. We will put them aside until Friday for you. xaph ... OK, see you by Friday. Bye bye. Aldo ... (confused silence) Xa

  8. Yes, Jim, I'm pushing the envelope a bit, but if you are going to get laughed at when the proles see you have a pair of heels with normal male clothes, then you might as well go the whole hog and dress as you like. You might be interested in something I tried out, a variation on the 'all black look. Black T shirt, black leather trousers, but with the red Aldo boots from the above pic. Instead of hiding the boots, the colour was the thing that screamed 'look here'. I'm working out whether this 'works' or not still. Xa

  9. An even more burning question is does Kate Moss have a right nipple?

    Was it airbrushed out, or is her right shoulder that much lower, that even some of the aureole, or whatever you call it, is not exposed.

    Airbrushes and floating flowers. Single nippled deities of the fashion tabloids. This is looking more like art by the second.

    There's a hint of areola on her other breast showing on the original.


  10. Here's another pair of the 'bonkers' Harvey Nicks adverts.

    Posted ImagePosted Image

    and a couple of large-size versions (this time, hopefully the right ones !) if anyone wishes to try to stitch them together.

    .... for the foodies

    Posted ImagePosted Image

    and the large-size versions again (both around 450KB)

    have fun.


  11. I thought someone might lose the lettering for us. If you are adept with picture editors, you might lose the staple holes and the centre fold too. The subject was something like 'Paradise for £150 ?'. The reporter went of various 'spa' establishments in London where you are generally pampered, aroma therapied and made a fuss of. Such places are frequented by women who have lots of money to spend and the time to spend it. OK, the bare nipple is a bit naughty, but not excessively so. I will recount the comment of the Rylestone and District Women's Institute calendar .... lots of middle-aged Yorkshire country women who posed nude (tastfully) for a Christmas calandar. In one picture, some areola was visible. This was airbrushed out for the US calendar. Upon seeing the airbrushed version, the lady (of about 50 years) commented "it's awful, it makes me look deformed." Xa

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