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Posts posted by xaphod

  1. I'm thinking of an impromptu trip up to London on Fri 7th. I suspect that Selfridges will feature on the agenda, as they have an exhibition associated with the 'Kinky Boots' cinema release from Thurs onwards. If there is interest, I suggest the usual meeting place ..... upstairs in Starbucks cafe, opposite Centre Point at Tottenham Ct Rd tube at 1100. Xa

  2. ....... She has the latest round-toed heels on, though. UM-UM!!!


    Dawn HH

    ..... Christian Louboutin 'Clichy' style. If you go to a C-L shop though, you'll only be able to buy the 4" variety of them which are downright boring by comparison. I supect that J-Lo threw a hissy fit to get the 5" versions.

    There has been quite a lot of discussion of Clichys on www.thefashionspot.com


  3. PS where is this pub?

    The Fox and Hounds at Little Bromley, near Manningtree.

    I used to go there in the 90s when I was doing a work assignment in Essex. Surprised the hell out of them when I turned up again, best part of 10 years later.

    The place is now a 50 mile drive from me, but worth it for an occasional evening.

    A bit of news from yesterday .... I took my first shopping trip to Norwich as a break from the tedium of organising the house. The shops, as you would expect, are much the same as any UK high street. I was wearing a pinstripe long skirt, red Aldo boots (with matching Tula handbag), white t-shirt and guys leather jacket. It was expected to rain .... and did so with a vengeance later !

    OK, I got shouted at by a group of young guys in a car that was stuck in traffic .... but only after they started moving again, so I couldn't tell them they were a bunch of pillocks.

    The best incident was in River Island, where they have some pretty spectacular stiletto knee boots this Autumn .... A young girl, with her b/f, was trying on a pair of the spiky knee-highs. She struck me as a fairly shy girl for whom such a pair of boots she might think too sexy. b/f appeared as a 'good egg', not too flash .... together they made the impression of a respectable middle-aged couple 20 years down the line. Now, hell, even for potential respectable middle-aged couples, there needs to be some spice in life which might be improved by her wearing a pair of nice boots, so, in my slightly louder voice, I said 'Young lady, they're sex on legs, buy them' !

    She didn't seem to know where the voice came from, but b/f looked me straight in the eye and smiled. The sales girl cast me a filthy look as if my interjection might cost her a sale, but a couple of seconds later she was seen ringing up the sale.

    I had a chat with the girl later, saying that I had moved to the area, but she wouldn't see me in the shops until the sales .... yes you can make some profit out of me, but not at full price. She seemed a bit downhearted until I told her that my collection has now exceeded 100 pairs. Heck, there's the same profit in shifting two pairs at markdown prices than one pair at top price.


  4. I was out a couple of days ago wearing 4" stils, skirt and a white t-shirt. I don't know why, but it just felt a heck more comfortable than sticky old trouser legs in warm weather. I've been out in knee boots too when it was cooler in the evening .... wearing trousers over boots would just have been way too warm around the legs. So, I've decided that I shall go to the wardrobe in the morning and select a skirt to wear, unless there is an over-riding reason why I should not. For example, this morning I'm looking for some propagator boxes at the nursery for some fuschia cuttings from my old house. It's got to be 5" fuss courts with black pinstripe skirt and white t-shirt. Unfortunately I'm going to be reassembling a gearbox this afternoon, so boo-hoo, I'm going to have to ditch the skirt, wear mucky trousers and my workboots. I will get to play this eve, though, ..... it's tranny night at a pub I know, so the blue knee-highs will get their first outing in public. Xa

  5. ....snip.... Before hhplace, my high heel street heeling was really, really limited.

    I have to credit firefox and xaphod with being my initial primary inspiration. ......

    Aw, shucks ..... I've come shy all over :wink:


  6. Hi, Magic, I keep seeing the seeds of some good advice here. GREAT that your g/f likes heels and is happy to indulge your passion ..... BUT a relationship is a pretty poor thing if you have only one interest in common. Xa

  7. Hi, Adorn,

    Nice to have another member of the club, especially one with an enthusiastic wife. Thanks for the comment about defending to the death the right of a guy to wear what he wants, even if, by your standards, it's outrageous.

    If you do want some nice heels in size 47Eu (not the usual red plastic 6" spikes fetish stuff) then look at my perennial favourites, www.fuss-schuhe.de


  8. Mél.


    Inscrit le: 12 Jan 2004

    Messages: 695

    Localisation: 93, France

    Posté le: Ven Oct 08, 2004 6:02 pm Sujet du message:


    MI21 avait donne ce lien dans un autre topic


    ...egalement en anglais


    La vie est trop courte, profitons-en au maximum pour porter ce qui nous plait.

    Revenir en haut



    Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2002

    Messages: 248

    Localisation: hémisphère sud

    Posté le: Sam Oct 09, 2004 1:16 pm Sujet du message:


    Salut Basch,

    absolument superbe ce site !

    Desmanequins males en robe et escarpins, les mentalites ont serieusement evoluees.

    Je vais passer la reference aux amis du site hhplace (anglais).

    Encore merci pour cette trouvaille.


    Il n'est pas necessaire dire autre-chose. .... Xa

    ... the previous version was just too cumbersome (and possibly plain wrong ! )

  9. Up to about 1966, an inch was 2.539996 cm. Scientists realised that nobody was using imperial units for really accurate measurements, so the inch was re-defined in terms of centimetres as 2.54 cm exactly. OK this gave you slightly more curtain material when you bought it by the yard (36 inches), so the seller made about 1 part in a million less profit, but, hey, the material is going to stretch more than that ! Xa

  10. Sexyplatforms:-)

    I'm not a devotee to platform shoes as such, but I would still like to welcome you to the HH Place Forum. I'm very interested in hearing of your public exploits and I always enjoy looking at pics and reading great heeling stories while out and about. Welcome again. Cheers---

    Dawn HH

    Hi, SP,

    Come along to a heelmeet and show us what we are missing with your plats.

    There might be a bit of mickey take from the non-plat types, much, I guess, like the Brit-s**t, Jap-crap argument I have with the guy around the corner with a Landrover ( I run a Japanese 4wd), but hey, we're all guys into the heely thing, so we have a whole load of public out there to educate that we're fairly ordinary guys and not supposed child molesters (or worse) !


  11. I've been having a clear out, and found a whole load of flyers from my shy-mode days when I used to go to fetish clubs to do my heeling.

    Now, there's a lot of stuff which is pretty raunchy, which is not appropriate here, but the few bits I have saved typify the sort of community I think we are.

    Posted Image

    ....... and this is a printable pic (one of the mildest) of the sort of community that I think we are not.

    Posted Image

    The question I ask is, where is the dividing line between great interest in heels (eccentric), heel fetishism (somewhat unhealthy), and other interests which may be considered extreme by some.

    I don't think there is any hard and fast boundary, but it would be interesting to have your thoughts.


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