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Posts posted by xaphod

  1. Yes, funny that, I'm going through a 'can't be bothered' patch too. When there's lots of guy stuff to do which seems to involve getting dirty and sweaty, then the heels tend to take second place. If I have to go out for provisions in the morning, I can't be bothered to put on a pair of heels and maybe a skirt, if I know I'm going to be welding my other 4wd when I get back home. Xa

  2. SG, Yes, I haven't looked all that thoroughly, but I think it can give more insight into the female take on life/sexuality, and, of course, heels, than we see here. About the spam, its pretty awful. Thankfully we mods are keeping on top of it on here for now, but it's instructive to see how crummy a board can become when the spam gets out of control. Xa

  3. ......

    the woman news reader with the stupid style glasses does not do heels, I have even seen her wearing trainers under the desk.

    huh, what does she know,


    AHA, so you too watch breakfast telly to see what heels the women are wearing. It's a pity that the BBC are so prissy about footwear so as to seem to be actively worried about showing shoes.


  4. Hi, Vanity, I've lost both my parents now. My father died when I was 17 and about to leave home. As a young man eager to make my own way in life, I didn't miss him much then. He was a funny old cuss, and wouldn't have approved of some of the things I got up to! Actually, I think he would be hellish jealous of the things I have achieved in my life now ... as I said, he was a funny old cuss. Mum died in '01, due to, I believe, a foulup in our Notional Health Service (which I can't get the info to prove, of course). A boy's relationship with his mum is always different, and to lose her like this cut me up pretty badly for a time. We always used to have fun parking in the 'parent and child' places in the supermarket which are a shorter walk (mum wasn't quite so quick on her feet any more). People used to comment sometimes, and I would introduce the lady as 'meet my mother, and despite the fact I'm 40, I'm still her child !'. As a language teacher, the inability of the supermarkets to recognise the difference in 'parent and child', and, what they should have written, 'parent and infant', in her opinion was worthy of exploitation for fun in the politically correct world. Xa

  5. Yes, I suppose that they are a bit used to eccentric old men. More likely they quite like eccentric old men's platinum credit cards ..... heh heh. IMHO your boots are a bit too baggy for that look, Fog. They would be fine over jeans, with which the colour contrasts .... jeans and tan boots always go well. Yes, a very enjoyable day. I think that board members should arrange more impromptu events like this where there is a reasonable concentration of heelies. OK, in the overcrowded UK we're lucky that the population density is so high that the probability is that there are some heelies within reasonable distance to make this possible. In this respect, after being squashed against some pretty awful-smelling city-type armpit on the tube in the rush-hour, I was pretty glad to get home where the nearest human being is 1/4 mile away ! Xa

  6. The venue is the Paradiso Italian restauraunt. I believe it's on Titchfield Street, off the north side of Oxford St. To get there from Oxford Circus (ie the tube station) go east along Oxford St. Walk along the north side until you get to Ravel shoes on the corner. Turn left, heading north up what I believe is Titchfield St. You will pass a small square on the left, but continue heading north. Paradiso is just past the small square on the left, next door to an up-market shoe shop. Xa PS the only problem with doing a search on Paradiso is that it returns lots of hits ...... seems that this name is popular !

  7. This is from The Independent yesterday.


    The idea of putting 200 examples of footwear on display, from a Roman soldier's hobnail boot to a pair of Manolo Blahniks with killer heels, was the idea of Caroline Whitehead, keeper of historic fashion at Tyne and Wear Museums.

    Among the items on display are a pair of elaborate, beaded men's mules from the 1670s that would have been worn in the presence of royalty; 1820s geranium-pink, silk taffeta evening slippers that resemble ballet shoes; white kid-leather baby's ankle boots from 1900; red leather men's winkle-picker shoes circa 1963. There's also a 'rather squashed' single Victorian Ladies' boot. "It was found in the foundations of a building and used as a lucky charm to ward off evil," says Whitehead.

    The Obsession section of the exhibition affords members of the public the opportunity to bring to the museum shoes that hold special significance for them, while 'Pain and Pleasure' explores the link between high-heels and sexuality. " We have a pair of 16th century leather-and-wood platform slippers that were worn by Venetian prostitutes," says Whitehead. "While the men's cream-leather fetish boots from the 1930s are very weird, with stacked platforms that are 10.25 inches high. They lace up at front with two buckles. Not your average shoe."

    Some footwear has been commissioned for the exhibition, including shoemaker Ellen Sampson's design which imprints a map of the capillaries of the foot on to the leather. For Children's Tales, which examines the role of shoes in fairy stories, Rachael Benton, a student at the London College of Fashion, has developed a huge wedge shoe, representing Rapunzel's tower, with straps made of human hair.

    Charlotte Cripps.



    ..... and people say that guys into fetish heels is something new !


  8. Posted: 12 Jun 2006 08:20 Post subject: Little Jimmy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello Mum & Dad decided that the only way to pull off a Sunday afternoon "quickie" with their 8 year old son in the apartment was to send him out on the balcony with an ice cream and tell him to report on all the neighborhood activities. He began his commentary as his parents put their plan into operation: "There's a car being towed from the parking lot" he shouted. A few moments passed. "An ambulance just drove by" A few moments later, "Looks like the Anderson's have company" he called out. "Matt's riding a new bike....." "The Coopers are having sex!!" Startled, Mother and Dad shot up in bed!!! Dad cautiously asked, "How do you know they are having sex??" "Jimmy Cooper is standing out on his balcony with an ice cream too." Xa

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