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Posts posted by xaphod

  1. Time to say a few words about our heelmeet. Seven of us appeared at Starbucks, dr1819 phoning heelfan with woes of disasterous service by Ryan Air. I know of seven of us who will now think twice about using this bunch of ******s. Daz and Si rendezvous worked out fine (a week after Si's dry run !). Calv got here on the train. Heelfan appeared in flats ! ..... he had dropped a lump of concrete on his foot, so was hobbling. Firefox and Dr Shoe made it too. We set off down Oxford St, the pace dictated by hobbling Heelfan and Dr S who had lots of money burning a hole in his pocket ..... how many pairs did you buy in the end ???? By late lunch we had acquired another two (J & L visiting from Canada), but not yet reached half-way. It was quite a shock, we hadn't seen J for a couple of years, or his wife, L, for whom this was a first. Ironically, I remembered the conversation we had in Birmingham the last time we met which allowed me to get the face into context. L made a pleasant addition to the crew, 'leavening the bread' and telling of their exploits in Canada. We had most of our conversations in shop foyers while Dr S negotiated for shoes. As a change we did a quick hike down South Molton St to Kurt Geiger (from where I had bought my boots the previous year). L was like a kid in an expensive candy store with the likes of Hobbs, LK Bennet and Browns all within a few yards, but J didn't have to get his wallet out beyond more coffee at yet another Starbucks. Time was becoming late, so various people went their separate ways, leaving me and Calv to wander around Selfridges and then repare to the Reef Bar on Waterloo Station. (Calv had a fixed-time rail ticket at 2130). a

  2. In this modern day and age where spin (advertising) counts more than substance, I think that a northern expression is appropriate for Ryan Air

    Looks good, does nowt

    With the bad publicity that Ryan Air gets in the media, I wasn't too surprised when they seemed to take any excuse to bounce dr from his flight (and try to keep his money).

    I suspect there is a hate website for this lot. IMHO the best way to hurt them is a class action which I would think the web would be good at co-ordinating.


  3. Here's a more successful foray onto


    Some of the guys on hhplace post occasionally on their 'Men in Heels' slot in their 'Shoes Shoes Shoes' forum. We get a fair share of eeeews, but also a goodly proportion of genuine, if passing, interest.




    Gender: femme

    Posts: 2

    My nephew (Need advice pls!)


    I've never posted here but I love all forums I think they're great. Anyways my names Joey (yes I'm a girl!) and I have a question.

    I have a 14 year old nephew.(I'm 19) He borrowed some of my manalos for a project and then returned them and then I thought nothing of it. But now he keeps asking me if he can borrow more of my shoes. What would you do? I don't know if hes got some weird fetish or hes really doing stuff with them. Could someone please help!!!!!




    2 Days Ago #2


    tfs star


    Location: Beachwood, Ohio

    Gender: femme

    Posts: 1,554

    I wouldn't let him borrow them. They're expenisve, and theres nothing a 14 year old boy should need manolos for



    2 Days Ago #3


    Adorable illusion


    Location: London

    Gender: femme

    Posts: 4,382

    Status: Online

    Dont jump to conclusion just yet..maybe he really does just want them for project work. Ask him what sort of project it is and casually whoever looks after him if hes acting unusual or not.


    "...jus flip up ur collar, pull up ur sleeves and wear it loose... done less FOB like"


    2 Days Ago #4




    Location: SoCal

    Gender: femme

    Posts: 2,965

    ^ Yea I agree with vintage.

    If he does well in this project or subsquently in that subject you can always ask your uncle to get you new Manolos for your effort


    *StYlE iS tHe peRfeCTion oF a pOint Of ViEw*



    2 Days Ago #5


    rising star


    Posts: 164

    It's not that unusual for some boys/men to develop a foot fetish or shoe fetish. He's at the age for sexual "discovery" and may be shy around girls, too. Personally, I'd tell him he could no longer borrow my shoes in a way that does not embarrass him---just say "no" with a smile. He can find other more social ways to pursue his interest and there won't be any unspoken "issues" between you and him in the future.


    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Days Ago #6




    Posts: 23

    It's been discussed here ..... look at 'heels for men' which I've bounced to the top for you.

    For more detail




    Last edited by xaphod : 2 Days Ago at 04:51 AM.



    1 Day Ago #7




    Gender: femme

    Posts: 2

    Thanks so much! You guys are awesome. I'll just find out nicely whats up.

    One up to the awsome crew, I think.


  4. My parents were two opposites. Father .... Maths and Science ..... very practical Mother .... French, History and Latin .... very ethereal Just before she died, mum told me that although they were very much different they complemented each other, each allowing for the other's strength and weakness. With wistful eye, my mum said how much she admired the man, strong in body and daily practicalities, who had the breadth of personality to appreciate her skills and intelligence, to listen to what she had to say and attempt to understand what motivated her. She must have been lonely .... my dad died 28 years earlier and she never had another lover afterwards. Xa

  5. .

    Unbridled Enthusiasm

    Xaphod is chatting on Amateur Radio this morning with the military vehicle crew on the south coast.

    Telephone rings,

    Hi, X, it's Si. Have you heard from Daz? I can't get hold of him and I've decided to make my own way.

    OK Si ..... funny, Daz is pretty reliable. I'm a bit busy at present, could you ring me back in an hour when I've finished with the radio net.


    Xaphod rings Si. Car noises, choppy signal.

    Hi, Si. Where are you?

    I'm on the M1 (big north/south motorway/traffic jam in the UK). I can't get in touch with Daz. We agreed to meet up at Meadowhall, but it's a big place ....

    Hang on Si, where are you going?

    We were going to meet up, share a car and drive down to London of course.

    But Si, the heelmeet is NEXT Saturday !!!!

    Xaphod takes time out for uncontrollable laughter.

  6. Today was a skirt day. I tried one of my new skirts just to see how it would go. I started with a black turtleneck and planned on wearing the long off white skirt with my granny boots. JeffB and I both thought this would be a winning combination.

    My ten-pennorth, TBG and Jeff, is that the lighter colour should be on top. I find a white top goes well with a light brown suede skirt and tan boots. If I've been working outside and I have a suntanned face, that goes well too.

    On a totally different point, I got to judge the fancy dress competition on 'All Hallows Eve (29th)' at a pub I frequent. I went there in black knee-high boots and over-knee black satin skirt. The top half all matched in deep red-purple (sortof appropriate for this ghoulish time of year), a roll-neck jumper, long leather coat (they called it 'plum' colour in the shop) and, to top it all, matching purple nail varnish.

    There was method in this madness (or should it be madness in the method ? !! ), since the pub was offering a free drink to anyone in fancy dress. Outside there were quite a few kids who saw me walking up to the pub in this attire ... 'you wearing a skirt?' one asked.

    'Yep, and I'll get a free pint because of it,' I replied.

    Since most of the clientele had made an effort to dress up, this seemed quite a reasonable response to the kids' enquiry, in the circucumstances.

    I consider the landlord and landlady nascent friends, my having spent an afternoon as the sole client in their pub soon after they had taken over the place, it being run to rack and ruin by the previous owners. They have both downshifted, she being an A&E nurse, he a surgeon (with a bad back, which put the mockers on leaning over the operating table for any extended period). As intelligent and urbane characters, I find them stimulating and worldly-wise. OK, when I first appeared in a skirt, they did a double-take, but they found the same person underneath my new appearance, so, if anything, my welcome is now more enthusiastic.

    The idea of coming to the fancy dress do was to ease my new appearance into the mindset of some of the locals, the landlady suggesting I judge the assorted ghouls for the first prize. In the end, we split the prize between two, Fester and Morticia receiving one half, and the green wood-nymph the other. Actually, there was a bit of politics in this, the wood-nymph's family all having made a good effort, mum had to have a prize.

    One of the guys later noted that I must have spent quite an amount on my outfit, just for one event, so I said 'well actually I don't necessarily need a fancy-dress event to wear it.'

    'Thought so,' said he.


  7. I have more high heel boots and shoes in my collection than I could ever wear on a daily rotation. And yet, I continue to search the catalogs, discount stores and web sites for new and unusual styles to add to my collection.

    ..... yep, you're a lost soul

    .... you breathed the air

    ..... there's no cure

    .... you are destined to buy hh boots forever



  8. Another visit to my favourite shop, Tallgirls (was 9to11). It is so nice to be treated like any other customer, not some raving freak. I do enjoy having a civilised discussion about different shoe styles in such a relaxed atmosphere.

    Yes, they're quite a good bunch there. Pity my feet are too small for their range, but I've been there on a recce for Euroheel 2001 and again with heelfan. Both times I was treated with courtesy and respect, although I wasn't buying anything.


  9. I thought I would give you a bit of an update.

    OK, I've not been wearing a skirt every day .... there are some days when I just have had enough of the negativity which I sometimes sense.

    For example, in the supermarket, the checkout woman laid particular emphasis on 'that will be £10.25 sir'. When I received my change, I said 'thank you madam'. OK, there are some days when I can just do without this.

    On the other hand, I find humour helpful in breaking the ice. One guy in a newsagents seemed a bit embarassed as he said 'thank you sir', so I replied 'even though I'm wearing skirt and heels, sir works fine'. This sortof relieved the tension.

    I was at the 'Fox and Hounds' TV group last evening and I met a 'girl' who was more outgoing than me. In real life he works as a fire alarm engineer and has just changed jobs. There was some introduction meeting for new employees, so he sat in the front row, with handbag, pink pencil and girly shoes, in addition to his normal work attire. He works on the idea that the way to ease people's mindset into the idea that he dresses as a girl when he gets the chance, is to give them not-so-subtle clues that he has a different dress sense than most. Nail varnish, a girly-ish hairstyle (I don't have problems with that one ! ) and plucked eyebrows drop the hint.

    About nail varnish. Putting the stuff on neatly is a real pain .... the only way I've found is to do as good a job as you can, but there will be inevitably some go onto your cuticles and finger ends. The only way to remove this is to allow it to wear off the skin (which it does fairly rapidly), while remaining on the nails. This means that you have to wear polished nails at the times when you might have to do heavy-duty masculine stuff. When I stopped hedgetrimming yesterday to talk to the tractor driver working in the field next door, I kept my work gloves on. He looked at my hands a couple of times while we talked, but bright purple fingernails would have clashed somewhat with this rural scenario.

    Having done the skirt thing, I suppose every other day for a month or so, I think I would sum up the reaction of the general public to me as 'begrudging tolerance'


  10. This is a cut-and-paste from the old board. --------------------------------------------------------- Posted by xaphod on October 22, 2005, 10:37:39 Now, Doc S was talking about a heelmeet in London in November. Just because the hhplace is playing silly b.s doesn't mean that we can't keep the idea active here. Time is getting closer and to avoid a last-minute rush (and people not being able to organise holiday at short notice ... see I havn't forgotten you Daz), it might be an idea to start the ball rolling here. I suggest we make it a Saturday this time. -------------------------------------------------------------- Posted by Calv on October 25, 2005, 17:45:42, in reply to "London heelmeet in November ?" Hi Xaphod Great idea, would be able to do November 19 or 26. Whats happened to hhplace? Calv ------------------------------------------------------------ Posted by Heelfan on October 25, 2005, 20:02:39, in reply to "Re: London heelmeet in November ?" Count me in on either date - the sooner the better! Regarding HH Place, in the longish thread below, I've asked Firefox if he can find out from Jeff what's happening. Cheers, Heelfan ------------------------------------------------------------------ Posted by xaphod on October 26, 2005, 8:07:18, in reply to "Re: London heelmeet in November ?" OK, guys. Usual place usual time, 1100. Starbucks opposite Centre Point, Tottenham Ct Rd. I'll send Daz a text to say what we're up to. Xa --------------------------------------------------------------- Unfortunately the Garbage System for Mobiles bounced Daz's text back, but hopefully he finds this here. Xa

  11. I'm impressed, a3 .... you're a true fetish afficianado and, IMHO, have rocketed to the premier rank at the fetish end of the board. Yes, I have a few fetishy shoes (about 4 pairs), but these are only a small fraction of my collection. Welcome, and best wishes, Xa

  12. .....

    Nevertheless, I'm not ready to present me as canon-fodder for commercial tv stations. Not that I'm afraid to present me frankly on heels in public. I'm doing it daily. It's my deep distrust to commercial tv stations and the fear to be pulled down on their low intellectual level. My fear to be confrontated with the stupidest turkish guy of Germany, who has never learned how to discuss. Insulting me as faggot, pansey etc. It's sufficient to make this experience sometimes on the street. I'm not interested in such exchanges of blows. Even if I'm sure that I would win the fight by far in spite of my crazy outfit. But that's exactly the style of "Oliver Geissen's Talkshow" in RTL and that's not my thing.

    micha (*now editing the third time*)

    When I was a child, my father and I were walking along the bank of a fast, deep river with lots of swirls and eddies. At the time I was learning to swim and I asked my dad, a good swimmer, if he could swim in that river. He said it was too dangerous and added, 'water is a good servant, but a bad master'.

    He also said that fire is the same, it can heat the room and cook your food, but if you let it get out of control it can burn your house down.

    I would also add, in modern context, 'the media are a good servant, but a bad master'.


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