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Posts posted by xaphod

  1. AHA .... it's back again. Could be due to a cat in the electric spaghetti. If you hadn't guessed, the Xaphod household has a new member, in the form of a cat called 'TC', short for Tabitha Cat, but try saying that when you've had a beer or two. Unfortunately, said cat is mostly white which tends to cover your trousers with white hairs .... but, not when you're wearing thigh boots ! Xa

  2. Mikey63:-)

    She sounds like a very level-headed, open-minded gal. When the subject comes up the next time, forget the drinks, and go slow and listen very carefully to what she says.

    Dawn HH

    I've said this one before ... silent is an anagram of listen


  3. I suspect that they are Western Ranch.

    She acquired them at the same time I bought my first pair, and I remarked to myself how similar they looked.

    Unfortunately, IMHO, Western Ranch have 'had problems', the last pairs I bought being a total foulup.

    To be honest, the last pair of kneehighs which I ordered prompted the comment in the 'Shops' section that they owed me £400 is now not true. The new incarnation of WR Boots did eventually ship them, but they were 3 sizes too big !!!

    I know that Madonna has approached Leatherworks in London to have a pair of boots made. I'm led to believe that she seemed to think that she could have a custom-made pair of boots delivered within an impossibly short timescale, so, mega-person or no, she was disappointed.


  4. In the UK, the likes of Playboy, Cosmopolitan and Penthouse are available at most newsagents who generally will sell them to minors. I'm not sure of the strict legality of that, but I believe the cops turn a blind eye. This being the case, I see no need to censure these magazines here, although I would object to people posting up pics of women sat with their legs apart for all to see. My sexual maturity is such that I regard this as juvenile titillation, not worth wasting my time on. I would hope that goes for many others here too. Xa

  5. Yes, all went well. I arranged to meet kneehighs at Waterloo station from the Paris Eurostar. Sitting on the balcony of the Reef Bar, I was surprised to see Fogborgenv and his wife joining me. Kneehighs appeared shortly afterwards and we went to Euston Novotel to book him in and drop off his luggage. Kneehighs wondered about the Harvey Nichols ad on the tube, so we Brits had to explain subtlety to him. Oh, BTW, with the characteristic British subtlety comes the reticence. .... KH, your compliment about arranging the event for the 13th especially because I said I was free was noted and much appreciated, even if I didn't show it very obviously. Lots of mobile phone calls later, the use of the expression 'where are you?' became tiresome after a while, organised the total meeting of 18 attendees outside a pub off Oxford street. After more drinking and group photos the need to feed became more pressing, especially in Fogborgenv's wife who has an impressively healthy appetite. We eventually repared to Paradiso, the Italian restaurant which we monopolised for the next couple of hours. They're normally used to me appearing there wearing heels for lunch, by myself, and were quite surprised to see a huge bunch of heelies there. Fogborgenv suggested that we have informal lunch meetings there, in the week, every now and again. Yep, I'm up for that. Various people departed to do some more shopping, but many returned to the Novotel bar for an evening relaxing. Louis needed to catch up on some sleep before some serious clubbing. OH WOW, Louis, that outfit you came back downstairs wearing, the corset, the jacket, the metal-tipped boots, you wear it well man. I hope you night birds had fun on the town, but me, a country boy had had enough of the city racket for one day, so decided to wander home. For those who want the pics, Kneehighs has plenty on his video camera, so I guess these will appear when he gets to somewhere he can download them. Best wishes, all, in the hope that there are many more meets like this. Xa

  6. Many moons ago, my father used to get in from work (he was a teacher) and everything would stop for 5 minutes while the Magic Roundabout was on the telly.


    This was a crude animation featuring: Dougal the dog, Florence the young girl, Dylan the sleepy dropout, a snail, and a guy with a spring instead of legs, called Zeberdee.

    My father was enraptured by this programme, and I, a supercilious teenager, thought it terribly childish.

    Now the boot is on the other foot (I had to get a heely pun in somewhere).

    While watching the early morning news, some of the other channels fill out the time with cheap cartoons. One of these is Pingu the penguin.


    Watching the antics of Pingu certainly is a refreshing anodyne to the present messy political intrigues in the UK and the world.


    PS .... I also do a fair byeline in the shape of the Clangers


  7. Hi, Timmy,

    A certain amount of caution is necessary when wearing heels as a guy.

    My criterion is not to be in the wrong part of town at the wrong time of day !

    That's just plain commonsense for anyone, whether or not they are wearing heels. Otherwise, if you wish, go for it.


  8. Compared to some of the nasty rubbish we have had posted here lately, this is quite innocuous. Even so, it is blatant advertising with no heely content. Mr Tourist, please explain why you think it is relevant to our board. .... If you come up with a good enough reason, the mods might not nuke it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry, I changed my mind when I saw that your ISP is in Russia. With the amount of crap we have had coming from there, I'm so pissed off with wasting my time keeping the ex-Commies out, you just got nuked. Xa

  9. Hi Meta, For UK size 8.5, a 6" heel should be OK to walk in, but not easy for all day wear unless the person is very experienced. The 7" heel will be difficult to walk in and the wearer might not even be able to stand up straight unless their ankles are very flexible. If the sizes you mention are US women's sizes, these are 2 numbers bigger than UK sizes UK 6 = US 8 UK 7 = US 9 If the sizes are US, then 6" will be difficult to walk in and 7" nearly impossible. You may be interested to look in the 'Shops' part of the board to find comments on 6"forever. Xa

  10. Yes, the can of worms is best left to other parts of the web catering for more overt sexual expression than we prefer here. A read of the guidance at the top of this forum is advised. Xa (moderator mode)

  11. Bananashoes buy from various suppliers worldwide, so the sizing is likely to be a bit variable. The Dragon boots were Chinese (regretably all man-made materials) but the sizing was spot on. I don't know if they are stocking more leather shoes/boots from the higher quality end of the spectrum nowadays, but they are reputable outfit. Xa

  12. OK .... I've had enough of housekeeping for a bit .... here's my story.

    Went up to London for a mooch around yesterday, wearing spiky Sacha kneehighs and a knee-length skirt .... nothing new in that.

    I found a nice piece of antique glassware at Liberty and was going home a little early to avoid too many people on the train (or really, for my VASE to avoid too many people).

    Disappearing into the bowels of the earth at Oxford St tube, I thought I heard a familiar voice. Yep, the audio memory circuits did not deceive .... ex girlfriend from about 15 years ago !

    She wasn't in the crowd, though, but using a loud-hailer to address the passing throng with some religious message. There she was, doing the evangelical soap-box bit, somewhat chubbier around the face, but still quite pretty. (I couldn't tell about the rest of her because she was wrapped up against the cold.) I stopped briefly to listen, but my appearance has changed quite a lot over that time, so she didn't recognise me, more regarding me as a freak. What has passed has gone, so I didn't stay to renew acquaintence.

    Gets even sillier .....

    On the underground a woman sat opposite me. I suspect that the Liberty shopping carrier said something about my not being your average type of cross-dresser and gave her confidence that I wasn't your average street-lunatic.

    'I like your hat,' said she, and I replied that is was very difficult to buy decent hats in London nowadays.

    Cue lots of flirting, which drew quite a few glances from the other passengers. The only thing I remember about her was the blonde hair, the blue eyes and the smile.

    Didn't even remember what shoes she was wearing .... it must be love !


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