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Guy N. Heels

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Posts posted by Guy N. Heels

  1. Man, does this bring back memories! Like the time about five years ago while visiting a bar with friends. The ladies' room was caput, so they just nailed the sign next to the sign on the guy's room.

    The problem is, the guy's room didn't have doors on the stalls.

    About nine guys, and in walked a lady, who was wriggling because she just absolutely had to go, and before she got a third of her request to use the bathroom, the guys were all yelling, "yes, of course - go! We don't care!" so she made herself at quite at home and took care of business, as did the several gals behind her.

    Interesting night, as I probably revisted this restroom another four times before the night was over, and the ratio over the evening rapidly approached 50%...

    Well, er, :biggrin: uh, :irked: what can I say?:rocker:
  2. Here in England, Christmas seems to start just after the August bank holiday. You begin seeing christmas stuff in the shops then. At least in the US it can wait until Thanksgiving...

    OKAY, It's now official! I was in a thrift store yesterday (looking for skirts) and they were playing Christmas music continuously. So forget about the Thanksgiving Day parades, the Christmas season has begun! :irked::rocker: (Maybe I can hibernate through it. :biggrin:)
  3. Indeed. Say anything remotely anti-government and you're a terrorist, criticise the immigration policy and you're a racist.

    This was sent as an Email to me today and as far as I can tell it's all totally true.

    Can you imagine working for (or investing your hard earned cash in)

    a company that has a little over 500 employees and has the following


    29 have been accused of spouse abuse;

    7 have been arrested for fraud;

    19 have been accused of writing bad cheques;

    117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses;

    3 have done time for assault;

    71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit;

    14 have been arrested on drug-related charges;

    8 have been arrested for shoplifting;

    21 are currently defendants in lawsuits;

    84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year;

    So, can you guess which organization this is?

    That's right. It's the 535 members of the Houses of Parliament. The same group that cranks out hundreds of new laws each year designed to keep the rest of us in line. Democracy eh?

    AHEM! Actually, I think those stats refer to the 535 jerks we Americans have up on Capitol Hill. But I can't ever seem to find out just who is responsible for all that mischief. When you talk to them they'll all tell you that they're a bunch of nice guys.

    At any rate, 468 have to get the lease on their office renewed every 2 years, so we at least get a chance to show 'em the door every once in a while - as Kaiser Bush just found out!

  4. I can see why the Scots fought so fiercely, most of those battle fields are crotch deep in heather and thistles, and there's you lot running through them wearing skirts and no knickers! :rocker:

    I've not tried the Tesco one, although I do like the Islay and Speyside malts. £13 is only a cough and a spit from a bottle of Jameson though. The Irish do whiskey very well too.


    AYE! See what kind of fightin mood yer in after ye had yer backside wiped with about 100 yds of thistle.:biggrin:

    And to be sure, them Irish do make some good whisky too.

  5. Aye William Wallace and his lads really gave us English something to think about. We thought about it for 200 years, and then walloped the living daylights out of you at Flodden. :biggrin:... Chris

    A mere 200 years, ye say? And wi the highlanders only outnumbered about 10 to 1, it was a jolly good row at that! :rocker: Wi just a few more lads we coulda showed 'em how real men fight - even if we did show up in kilts!
  6. Hi micha,

    I did a profile on Albert Einstein in a school composition class many years ago. He was an interesting character with a lot of inconsistencies.

    From my research he was Jewish and that is the primary reason he left Europe. In his early years he was a patent examiner (for the Swiss patent office if I remember correctly) and he found that to be less than stimulating. I forget what led him into physics.

    ...He was married in the 30's, back in his patent-examiner days and when that marriage ended nis ex-wife commented that he needed a mother more than a wife!

    ...Well, that makes sense but I have no idea how you get lasers, E=mc^2 and nuclear power out of that.

    ...Start with the telegraph. The telegraph is like a really long cat. Somebody is pulling his tail in New York and his head is meowing in Los Angeles. Radio works the same way except there is no cat.

    Gee, thanks Al! That clears it up!

    As I tried to point out in one of my posts, Einstein was really quite an oddball. But, believe it or not, his first wife was also an accomplished mathematician and a fellow student he met at university.:academic: In fact, she often checked-up behind Al for mistakes in his theories. And while they got married while he was in his thirties, they were already divorced by the 1930's. In fact, he was already well into middle age and having to flee Germany at that time because of the political climate.

    E=mc 2 is but one small portion of his Special Theory of Relativity. The theory really had nothing to do with nuclear physics, but rather, was an explanation of how matter and energy are conserved at the speed of light. Einstein often spoke of himself riding a beam of light.

    It was actually another Jewish female scientist named Misner who used Einstein's equation to explain what she observed happening with some radioactive experiments that ultimately led to the discovery of nuclear energy.

    As for why Einstein always wore his hair in disarray, it may be that he simply never could find a barber he could trust. :biggrin::rocker:

  7. Ah, it warms my heart to still be getting feedback on this poll that was supposed to have closed a month ago. Do I know how to get 'em stirred-up or what?

    Now the sooner we can get some lessons in basic English, the better off we'll all be. Fer instance, the word minimum has meanings like: least of; the smallest value; smallest amount; least; lowest; etc. So for anyone to say they voted for a minimum height for a heel while openly admiting that smaller heels also constituted high heels is, to my mind, a total perversion of the language. When I ask someone for the minimum amount of an item (such as cloth, which is sold by the yard, and the minimum most dealers will sell is a yard) I'm asking for the absolute smallest amount we can deal with. Why anyone would want to say any given height of a heel is the minimum height for a high heel and then admit that smaller heels are also high heels is, to my mind, a total contradiction of terms.:rocker::biggrin:

  8. Ok, so I've been thinking back to our trip to Scotland last year.... and since we can't get decent Scotch in this province (Ontario, Canada) because of the grip the liquor control board (LCBO here) has on the alcohol supply, I've been wondering what we're missing. So, what are people's favourite Scotches? What's available out there?

    ...We had some cask strength (60%) single malt from Benromach near-ish Glen Fiddich (the Microsoft of Scotches) and it was very nice though you had to be careful, it being 60%. It would cure the common cold with one shot. Atholl Brose was elixer from heaven though. It's a Scotch liquor, kinda like Drambuie, but if you've had Atholl Brose, Dram is crude.

    ... And is it required to wear a kilt while drinking Scotch?

    Well laddie, let me bring ye upt speed on the national drink o Scotland. First of all, whil ye do na ha to be in kilt for a wee drink, it is preferred. However, ye must leave ye Claymore and broadsword at the door. (we would na want to see ye hurt yerself if the floor should become wobbly or slippry an ye fall. Moreover, after 3 wee drinks ye should pull ye other blades outta yer socks & shoes and check those wi ye server, lest some other accident befall ye an ye hurt yerself.

    Now any decent barley Scotch will do fer clearing out the sinusus & colds an whatnot, but my lassie much prefered J&B Scotch because she said it was smoother. Many lads like Johnny Walker, but ye must remember that the reason Johnny walked wuz because he could na get on his horse after a wee bit too much one night. I cannot er remember having tried Chevias, probably 'cauz the price wuz too regal for me blood.

    Now the lads up in the highlands 'll ha me drawn & quarterd fer sayin this, but when I was a much younger lad travlin in them there Japans, they had a whiskey there, they did, that wuz as good as any likker er to come down from the highlands. It wuz called San Torri Golden, as I recall, and it wuz sure to warm a highlander's heart, it wuz. Not quite as smooth as J&B, but a whole lot better 'n most of the bilge water they's been talkin' here a bouts.

    As fer them likker board poms, ye'll be wantin' to read up on William Wallace and find out how he & his ladds sorted out them English on just such tripe as yer speakin.

  9. Exactly!! I never thought of that - but you are 100% right!

    I'm so glad to hear that somebody showed-up in heels to give the jerks the boot! The only problem is that we don't do either one often enough!
  10. I was never cought in heels, but I've had a couple pairs found by my mom. I was eventually brought in to a couple psycologists/psyciatrists to see what was going on, I was guilted into taking medication that removed my odd sexual interests, as well as any sexual interests. I knew that being 17/18 years old with zero sex drive was not normal either.

    I still don't wear heels around the family, but thats just me.

    AHhh, the shrinks! They're those dysfunctional guys who diagnose everything through the lens of their own dysfunction, right? I love that Tony Curtis line from Captain Newman, MD. "You mean you actually spent 4 years in school learning this stuff? I knew all about this stuff before I ever got out of high school!"

  11. Wow. That clip was pretty impressive.

    I must say that ive never heard of something like that before.

    I'd love to go and see one happen in person sometime.

    I know exactly what you mean by it being somewhat amazing DIHeels.

    I have a friend who can like run along side me when we are racing to get the bus. Sandals, Pump's, Stiletto's. You name it, she's like a master at it.

    The most amazing one that ive ever seen I have to say is when I was waiting for my train, and this lady wearing 4" Stilleto's came bolting down the stairs cause her train was about to pull out.

    I was stunned when I saw what she was wearing and even more so that she was taking two steps at a time. It was crazy but amazing.

    Something I wont forget.

    Here's the pic by the way. Found it only recently.

    Posted Image

    TWO steps at a time? I don't think I could forget that either! :biggrin::rocker:
  12. I wasn't caught wearing them.... I was caught receiving them, and I put them on for good measure. From then on, I wouldn't say I was ever "caught." Prior to that, never - the two women preceding her (my aunt and grandmother) were enablers, to an extent.

    Enablers - now there's a term I've not heard for a long time. That's someone who encourages you to do something or other, and even assists in the enterprise, right? Well, we guys could use some more female enablers, in my estimation. Nothing like a good enabler to get a guy off the ground - so to speak. :rocker:
  13. Yesterday while in downtown Chicago, I saw a woman break out into a full-fledged track style sprint for a cab. Her shoes? Red and tan, 3.5 inch heels. It was one of the most amazing things I have ever seen.

    YUP! Never fails to amaze me. Maybe some variant of this will be the next circus act.
  14. What I'm saddened by is all the macho attitudes coming to the fore on this forum. Perhaps it isn't the place for me.

    Well, I could go totally American macho and point out the fact that this nation won it's independence through guns and violence. This would, of course, be totally in character for me and my Scottish ancestery. (I'm wearing a kilt at the moment.)

    On the other hand, it is written: "He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword." The modern translation is: "he who lives by the AK47 (substitute whatever weapon of choice you prefer) dies by the AK47.

    In my experience, there was never a good war or a bad peace. I think a little forebareance can go a long ways towards avoiding situations of violence and self-defence. But the plain and simple fact is that we live in a very violence-prone world. Even Gen. Charles Gordon, who carried only a cane, was killed in a violent death. The world is a very dangerous place.

  15. You guys obviously live in a different world from me. What is this all about? I'm an adult, I don't get into fights.

    Please let us know the name and address of the planet yer on? The one I'm on has a very long history of wars and aggressions and is generally a very dangerous place to live. Just last month someone was shot to death less than 300 yards from my front door.

  16. 5" for me.

    Well, maybe you're all wearing heels 5" or higher in Kansas City (I guess it helps to get a little better look at the river), but the poll sez 3.5" constitutes a High Heel!

    However, I did want to mention that when I set-up the poll I made no distinction between low, medium, and high heels. To my mind, the question was simply ordinary heels vs high heels. Today most shoe manufacturers would consider shoes with heels up to 2" as ordinary, and I certainly have no problem with that. So then the question becomes: "At what point does a shoe become a high heeled shoe; or, What is the minimum height for a high heel?"

    So all you ultra high heeled lovers can join Asdf174 in Kansas City where their minimum is 5". (Did the Indians wear 'em that tall to get a better look around out there on the plains, or is that strictly the white man's notion?)

  17. I can never approach this subject without terribly conflicted feelings, rather like running with sissors. I very much doubt that I can ever hope to run in heels of any height without doing some terrible damage to myself.:biggrin: On the other hand, I still remember a girl I met in San Francisco running with me to catch a cable car while wearing heels, and downhill at that! (I think she had on about 3" ers.) So I know that it is possible, but I have 'til yet to figure out the mechanics involved.:rocker: To my mind, the key would be running on the toes and balls of the feet without allowing the heels to actually contact the ground, much like a sprinter. But I'm much too old for such nonsense these days.:irked:

  18. Having an 'equalizer' no mater if it is a weapon or martial art, is not a substitute for common sense. The most dangerous of fools to himself and to others is a smart person without common sense.

    It is written: "Let a man meet a bear robbed of her cubs rather than a fool in his folly." Good advice anytime.
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