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Guy N. Heels

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Posts posted by Guy N. Heels

  1. I'm in the middle of watching Superman Returns, and I couldn't help but notice the height of Lois Lane's heels. In one scene (at 1:19:56 into the movie), she's playing with them, and the camera pans her heels in a close-up while she's doing so.

    In nearly all of the other scenes, she's wearing high heels, as well, and in many of them, they provide close-ups!

    Call it the "success formula". After a few decades of tinkering around, Hollywood now knows that sexy young starlets in racy costumes, aided and abetted by flashy heels is just about guarenteed to pull 'em in at the box office.

    I really hate the Batman flicks because of their generally negative undertones, but almost all of the women wear racy costumes and high heels in them.

    For that matter, I can remember some of the old Sinbad movies of the late '40s and '50s that depicted some really racy Arabian Nights themes with the females (Lilly St. Cyre?) wearing some very provocative outfits and heels.

    And for that matter, how about Elizabeth Taylor in Cleopatra wearing heels? Don't believe me? You really have to look for it :wink:, but in a couple of scenes in the second half with Marc Anthony you can slow down her walking scenes and if you look carefully for the tell-tale gait, sure enough, under her long flowing gowns you can see her heels or their shadows!

    Like I said earlier, Hollywood knows what sells at the box office and so they usually play the sex card whenever they can.

  2. Well, I happen to like plats. In fact, my most comfortable heels are plats with at least 1" platforms. Not only do the plats get me "up there were I belong", but the cushioning in the plats where the balls of my feet carry all the weight (I really need to lose some) make for a much more comfortable shoe. My favorite shoes are a pair of black slides by White Mountain with 4" heels and 1" plats. They're actually more comfortable than my sneakers. :wink:

  3. Has anyone here tried Parker's? I was just in my wine shop and spotted a bottle of the stuff, but I've never had a wee dram of it.

    Well, it's been o'er a month and none of you lot have had so much as a gill of Parker's to report on, so I'll just ha to stop by me package store an bring home a wee bottle. What'er it is, it ought to at least be good fer fight'n this artic chill that's upon us.:wink:
  4. GNH –

    There is another reason that a women going from a 4” heel to a 5” heel is a big deal. Most women don’t wear a size 14 like I do. The smaller size has even less distance from the heel to the front of the shoe. That means there is even less area over which they have to keep their center of gravity. Add to that the more severe angle the ankle has to contend with and I’m amazed that manufacturers can sell a shoe with a 5” heel in smaller sizes.

    I was reminded in a previous post that not everyone that wears a heel that tall wears them for walking (and don’t ask what they do with them on).

    Okay, I won't ask. But apart from standing or sitting with them, that don't leave much.:wink:
  5. Don't forget that Marylin and her contemporaries made many memorable films before about 1958 when I agree that stilettos were generally thicker. In the UK at least, the thinner heel was the norm in the shops after that, and stayed the fashion until stilettos went off the menu around 1965.

    As to aircrew, there may have been an initial stiletto ban before the problem was engineered-out, as this thread has indicated. They remained the norm for some years until changing fashion (and perhaps comfort/safety) made stilettos less popular for aircrew dress.

    Actually, your points are well taken. Just because a film was released after 1958 doesn't mean that it was actually shot in that time-frame. It may, in fact, have been shot prior to the fashion change when the heels were thicker. Also, upon further reflection, the aircrews may have, as a matter of convenience or practicality, been wearing shoes with much lower heels but still having those damaging stiletto tips that could penetrate the floors. If pressurization was the issue, then it wouldn't have to be much of a puncture to really cause some problems. Such damage could easily be inflicted from a shoe with, say, a 3" stiletto heel with a very small profile for the tip. Your commentary has been most helpful.:wink:
  6. Strangely enough, I never really got much of a thrill out of the knowlege I was wearing someone else's shoes. However, my mother did have one particularly sexy pair of heels that I would have loved to have gotten my feet into. Unfortunately, by the time I first noticed them I was already well into my late teenage years and my feet were so big that it would have been quite impossible to get them on. The other downside is that I've never seen another pair quite like them.:wink:

  7. Those are nice boots!

    I know what you mean about balance -- a half-inch of increased height makes a lot more difference as the heel gets higher. Go from a 2" to a 2.5" and the difference is barely noticeable. Go from a 4" to a 4.5" and there is a lot more difference. Go from a 5" to a 5.5" and the difference is huge!

    If 5" to 5.5" is huge, then 5.5" to 6" is enormous! Someone on another thread was wondering why a woman used to wearing 4" heels every day was having trouble with 5" heels. There's the answer! Anything above 4" requires considerable skill to master.
  8. Actually, according to the news, he was just swimming overhead and probably didn't even know it was there.

    Thanks for that complete report, Scotty. It would, indeed, seem to be a freak accident. While it is ironic that Irwin was not actually antagonizing the ray at the time, the plain and simple fact is that he had tempted fate more than once. My most profound sympathies are for the widow and children he leaves behind.:wink:
  9. What are you saying? That my sports car is not a toy? JK :D

    Unless you are using it strictly for recreational purposes on your own property, NO! Your sports car is NOT a TOY! Neither are firearms. In both cases, the only thing necessary for someone to be killed or seriously injured is to lose respect for it!:wink::fine:
  10. There are a number of factors involved...

    Designer shoes tend to be very distinctive and differ from each other so of course they tend to use very expensive materials and every shoe is lovingly handcrafted...

    It's common knowledge that it costs far more to produce one of something than 100. But if you really want the price to drop you need to produce 10,000 or more.

    More often than not, designer shoes are for those who really don't look at the price tag. They tend to inhabit that rare category where if you have to ask the price, you can't afford it.

  11. I dated a school teacher, once. She was cool with me wearing heels, and dating others, but said if I did the nasty with anyone else she'd drop me like a rock. She wasn't into no two-timer. Miz desperate eventually spotted some suit and bam, hopped on board as a wife, with kids, whatever.

    That story sure has a familiar ring to it!:wink:
  12. Dammit! There was a dominatrix in an episode of Star Trek? I'd have watched it if I'd known! I had quite a thing for Tasha Yar too until she was killed by a big black yuk one episode. Worf was no substitute.

    There was just something about Tasha, she came across as quite authoritative. :wink::fine:


    It was on VOYAGER. :D Kess gets possessed by some guy that refuses to die like he's supposed to. So he takes over Kess' body and, being the tyrant that he is, pretty soon Kess is stomping around in high-heeled boots and talking surly and the whole 10 yards - except for the whips. But believe me, everything else is there.
  13. The episode you are talking about has the Binars repairing the computer ie upgrading it . One of the upgrades id an enhansed holodeck program to distract Will Ricker . The program is a very sexy girl named Melody, if I'm not misteaken. The Binar wanted the ship to transfer thier database for some reason.

    "Live long and prosper"

    THAT'S IT! That's the one! Those Binars get everyone off the ship and hijack it. But before Riker can figure out what's going on Melody has him wrapped around her finger.

    I forget who played Melody, but she was, beyond question, one of the sexiest gals ever to appear on Star Trek.

    Live long and prosper, and thanks a bunch.

  14. Sorry to say, but that is the whole picture. It was not easy balancing and leaning over to take that picture, and at the same time get the best effect. I have doctored the image by deleting some pixels between my ankles, but the shadow at the bottom gives you a clue. muddypaws:spin2:

    Actually, when I said the whole picture, I meant the full sized pic. Surely the actual picture is much bigger than the avatar.
  15. ...I thought, What if my daughter saw me now, which was perfectly possible as I travelled through Clapham Junction today in my blue J-Los.

    You present an interesting question. Since my daughter (21) doesn't wear heels but seems to prefer bib-overalls and work boots, I really don't concern myself about what she thinks. I try to tell her not to be scruffy, but youngsters these days don't listen anyway. So occasionally I'll ask her what she thinks about a kilt or a skirt I have on, but it's no big deal.:wink:
  16. Well oddly enough, one of the cutest and sexiest gals was a elfen pixie on Voyager named Kess. In at least one episode she was playing the part of a booted high-heeled dominatrix with a really bad attitude. Apart from one episode on TNG where Riker had an affair with a hollogram, nothing in the whole Star Trek series compared with it.

    I guess I scared everybody off with my blurb about Kess as a dominatrix.:D

    But I got to wondering if anyone has any info about the episode on TNG where Riker gets all involved with a hologram? It seems to me that some repair crew took over the ship and reprogrammed everything, for some reason. So which one of you Trekies can help me fill in the blanks?:wink:

  17. That certainly helps, as does a tripod.

    But if you're moving around, a good 3-axis stabilization system is indespensible.

    Maybe you should have held off on that 3 axis stabilizer suggestion.:D Apparently JohnnieHeel is having trouble finding one.:wink:
  18. I think the media promotion of hiphop has a lot to do with it. The attire is gayer than Rob Halford, but the media conviently ignores that fact. Try telling them that women like men to wear heels as a style, and they will ignore you. As for the styles and how they come up with them, they pilfer past eras. The long point stiletto was around in the 1980s previously, for example.

    I learned some time ago that I have to ignore the media and simply be me. You know, there is a difference between those who buy news and those who make news.

    Let others run yer life and you won't have one of yer own. Me, I rather lead my own life and let others do the worrying.

    Ancient proverb: To thine own self be true.

  19. Yes! mine is.

    The shadows make the heel seem so much higher, they are a lovely 4" and so comfortable. I can wear them all day-given the opportunity.

    This was taken in my caravan one weekend when I was away and the sun was good and quite low to give that effect.


    That is a stunning pic! I would encourage you to post the full pic in the forum.
  20. Congratulations FreeMannWorld! :wink:

    Happy to hear you were able to wear you heels at work. Your experience confirms what most people have been saying here for years.

    Thanks for the pics too!

    Ditto! And don't worry about the spelling. You're doing fine.:D

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