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Guy N. Heels

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Posts posted by Guy N. Heels

  1. Ah lads & lassies, I'm sad to report that the price o' a decent brand of Scotch has got outrageous, hereabouts. I was jus in me fravorite spirits shoppe an I'll ha ye t' know that they's selling bilgewater fer right near $20 a quart. A wee pint was goin fer $12, an for anything fit to drink you'll be leaving yer paycheck behind! Ahrrrrr!;) Are ye certain those lads are still cooking the darlin brew up in them hills?

  2. ...they pressure themselves into it because women compete among themselves to look better and more attractive than the women around them. therefore if they know everyone else is wearing them, they have to too or they wont feel as attractive as them. celebrity rolemodels and magazines also contribute i suspect...

    One of the most shocking things I ever discovered is that women dress for other women!:o What with some women's clothes and shoes going for upwards of $500, I would have surely thought that women dress for their men. But NOPE, not so. :smile: Let just one gal in a crowd show up in heels or a particularly stunning gown or hair-do and then every gal in the room has to have one or even more: expensive, higher, whatever. So my basic question remains - who put the gun to their head(s) and made 'em wear heels against their will? ;)
  3. These are women who don't wear high heels often and the demographics of that type of article is targeted at educated women of the baby boomer's where flats were the in thing.

    The part I can't seem to get my mind around is: If any woman really doesn't like high heels - why wear them? There are plenty of non-heeled women's shoes available, and some are remarkably fashionable. So who's putting a gun to their heads and making them wear 'em? If I don't like something, I simply don't buy it.;)
  4. In this week's Parade Magazine's ask Marilyn column Marilyn vos Savant lists the 10 most unwanted inventions. Topping the list at number one is - you guessed it - High Heels. How about some discussion on this?

  5. Johnnieheel:-)

    That you??? Just kidding. Love that pic.


    As I have said times before--"Pick yourself up---dust yourself off---and just start all over again" Works for me.

    Cheers--- Dawn HH

    "...I just pick myself up and get back in the race....":sing:

    Trying to be a bit more circumspect, it might be well to remember that girls are a lot like buses - if you miss one, another will be along sooner or later.:o So just be cool.;)

  6. i love seeing a woman drive in high heels... and my lady treated me to such a viewing this year.. a short ride though. just so sexy to me.


    I can still vividly recall the last time I saw a woman climb down out of her pickup wearing purple 4" pumps. I can only imagine what she must've looked like driving if the truck was a straight stick. ;)
  7. About getting older being Hell---? Having a heart attack and two surgeries in 4 months time sure is a wake-up call for me.


    Dawn HH

    Well, your report seems to confirm the old saying that old age ain't for sissies.;) I'll add you onto my prayer list, since I'm assuming that all of this is recent? Good luck to you.
  8. I think it is up to the individual if they like ankle bracelets then wear them. As for me I found a pendent necklace that when I wrap it around my ankle makes a nice bracelet. I also wear it outside of the nylons.

    Welcome to the forum, Bobbie Jane.;):o
  9. I don't think I am trying to send any message at all... Samheel

    Au contrair! Everything you wear (and sometimes what you don't wear) sends some type of message to others - it's called image. Otherwise, guys like John Mallory would have no success at all with books like Dress For Success.

    So now the questions become: A] What kinds of circles are you associating with? and B] What kind of image (message) are you trying to project?

  10. Hi again, Designer, The topic you broach has been pretty thoroughly thrashed out by several different people before. So unless you've got something really new and spectacular to add, it's probably going to be pretty much "old shoe" around here. ;)

  11. I think they're sexy on women, but I wouldn't wear one myself.


    I have to echo Chris100575's sentiments. At some point one must ask: Just what kind of message are you trying to send?

    However, I did hear about one man who was given an anklet with a high-heeled charm by a co-worker who noticed his heels. If someone gave me such a thing, I honestly don't know what I'd think. ;)

  12. Well, for one thing, high heels do create an image and I think a very great deal revolves around that image that heels create. Some people just can't get their minds around it. So before we have paralysis from analysis, let's just accept the fact that some people are totally unable to accept avante-guard fashion and thinking.

  13. do you ever feel a bit strange and uncomfortable in wearing them in certain public circumstances and not in others?

    For clarity, I'm female, but I am very well in-touch with my masculine side, dress it occasionally, but I like to go back and forth and between to different degrees. I feel really uncomfortable with wearing heels to school - perhaps because it's mostly my masc. side that shows most there, and that's how people know me - but when I go to the mall, to my college class, or out to a place I've never been before, I have no problem at all...I wear my heels and I feel very happy and important.


    Hi Wolfie,

    I think you really are addressing image rather than your "masculine side". As you pointed-out, your schoolmates know you by a certain image that you seem to have established with them and now you're reluctant to "upset the apple cart". On the other hand, if you only present one image in certain circumstances, people might not even recognise you when you come in another guise. I would suggest that you might want to mix it up a little. Perhaps some heels and blue jeans to school once in a while. ;)

  14. Hiya all.

    Ive worn heels for about 8 years now and finally went out in public wearing them!

    I was visiting a friend in Sheffield, and she knows I wear heels. So on Saturday morning, I left my trainers at home and decided to wear my boots!

    They were almost identical to these, but I bought mine from Faith last year: http://www.alternativeoutfitters.com/ProductImages/shoes/clbylaundry/CLEpicBlkBoot.jpg

    My view on wearing heels out has changed as almost no1 notices! It gave me a right buzz and will be doing it again. Ive taken my first step. Whats next?

    Hi Richard, and welcome!;):o

    I must say, those are some nice looking boots. I've been looking for a pair like that for myself. Unfortunately, the shops around here haven't discounted them to my satisfaction yet.

  15. No way! I drove truck for over 25 years in the US and Canada and drove many miles in heels. I have driven every thing from a 2 stick 5by2 to a 2 stick 4by4, 10,12,13, and 15 speed. Loved that big old pete with a 4 and a quarter cat with a 5by4. Talk about gears. That sucker moved on down the road.Happy truckin and would be interesting to see some vids of you jammin gears in heels. Being short, 5'6" wearing heels seemed to help me reach the peddals and sit up a little higher so it had its advantage huh.

    "I'm drivin' my life away...":cowboy: ;)(I'm no C&W fan, but when I heard that one it blew me away.)
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